
Is Booker ready to move in the direction of a two-way guard now?

author:Pippi Article

Is Booker ready to move in the direction of a two-way guard now?

Organize the whole team to attack, and you have to attack, scoring 25+ assists and 10+ per game, but it is impossible for a player to score, assist, defend, and develop in an all-round way, and at most two of them can be considered a star. The two who have done it to the extreme are superstars, from the top, Jordan, Kobe, scoring and defense, James, scoring, assisting

Look closely, Rocket's scoring and assists, Clippers Paul's assists and defense, Kawaii's scoring and defense, Booker is generally scoring and assisting, and then you ask him to defend and lift up, there is really no way, it would be good to keep it, after all, it is too difficult to score, to connect the whole team to attack, and to defend the opponent's arrows.

In fact, the biggest problem of the Suns is not defense, but offense, and the two wins over the Nuggets in the playoffs last season proved that there is no Paul is actually not a big problem, and the focus is on whether Booker can maintain super high efficiency, and this season each team will play the Suns after that wave of seven consecutive wins, and it will target Booker

Is Booker ready to move in the direction of a two-way guard now?

And Booker has not improved a little, and the efficiency is not as good as the supergod performance at that time, Vogel is indeed very unsuitable for coaching the current lineup, what the Suns need more is a coach who can pull the offense to the extreme, use offense to drive defensive enthusiasm, increase fast offense, reduce positional battles, in order to reduce mistakes, not to mention entering the championship ranks, at least not so bad now, the defense can't be prevented, the offense is all based on singles, the efficiency of singles declines and then crazy mistakes

To put it bluntly, the Suns lack an offensive playmaker, and 4 of the Suns' five starters are all scoring endpoints and are not very good at defense (Durant, Booker, Beal, Gordon), and no one can organize the offense and distribute the ball. The Clippers had the same problem before Harden came, and after Harden came, he took off directly after a few run-in pains - partly because the young master gave up the starter, partly because Harden made a transformation from a ball-holding core to a playmaking core, and the Clippers forward twins are both offensive and defensive on the premise of staying healthy. In terms of book lineup rationality alone, the Clippers are much better than the Suns.

Is Booker ready to move in the direction of a two-way guard now?

Durant really doesn't owe the Suns anything! I don't know which second-class guy will match Bill with Durant, will he deserve it? Can it be good to find such a little brother for Durant? Durant's little brother will say this, the assistant defense must be thick eyebrows, such an assist must be Haliburton, such an assist must be a three-point attacker like Curry, and a forward like Curry must be healthy, and Leon will be like this, if there are these people, are they still worried that Durant will not be able to lead them multiple championships? If Durant is not equipped with the right person, this is what the Suns owe Durant

The Suns are basically hopeless, I have seen a lot of Suns this season, not only the Big Three, but other role players are also outrageous, the Big Three have no connection at all, they are all working alone, there is no one who can pass the ball, and to be honest, these three are not as good as the three single-handedly of the Clippers

Is Booker ready to move in the direction of a two-way guard now?