
The "president of the European Union" resigned ahead of schedule, von der Leyen will also leave in December, and the "pro-Russian faction" is expected to come to power

author:Traveler Claire 9P1b

Exposing Michel's selfishness and irresponsibility: the EU faces the problem of temporary vacancies in the presidency

Today, there are waves of political changes around the world, and there is also political turmoil in Europe, which has an important position, that cannot be ignored. Recently, European Council President Charles Michel announced his early resignation, a decision that immediately attracted great attention from public opinion. At the same time, the term of office of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will also come to an end, and this series of changes will bring greater uncertainty to the political situation in Europe.

Whether Michelle's decision is justified behind it requires a comprehensive analysis. First, his early resignation could lead to a period of vacancies in the presidency within the EU, disrupting the process of resolving important issues. Given the complexity of the current international situation, the lack of a leader in the EU, which is morally regarded as the dominant power, is clearly undesirable. The decision to resign at such an important moment raises doubts about Michel's concern and commitment to the overall stability of the European Union.

The "president of the European Union" resigned ahead of schedule, von der Leyen will also leave in December, and the "pro-Russian faction" is expected to come to power

On the question of a candidate for a successor, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is seen as the most likely candidate for interim acting chairman. However, Orban has sparked controversy over his foreign policy stance. He has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and expressed opposition to the aid package for Ukraine. This stance highlights Orban's pro-Russian tendencies and inevitably raises concerns and questions from some member states, as well as in the European media.

Looking back at Michelle's decision to leave, it is not difficult to find the selfish element in it. Michel decided to run for the European Parliament and insisted on ignoring the importance of his presidency in advancing European affairs. This exposes his excessive pursuit of personal political status and interests, which erodes his loyalty and responsibility to the EU as a whole.

The "president of the European Union" resigned ahead of schedule, von der Leyen will also leave in December, and the "pro-Russian faction" is expected to come to power

In view of this, there are even more expectations for von der Leyen's successor. As President of the European Commission, von der Leyen plays a key role in upholding European leadership, rights and development. The election of a new president will have far-reaching implications for the overall European political landscape. Therefore, the selection of a candidate who has sufficient political skills and can uphold the core values of the EU has become a concern for many countries.

At a time when the crisis of temporary vacancies in the presidency has not yet been resolved, von der Leyen is facing the issue of resignation, and the uncertainty of the European political situation has further increased. Michelle's selfishness and irresponsibility have been criticized by many international public opinions, and people have questioned the decision-making ability and responsibility of the European leadership.

The "president of the European Union" resigned ahead of schedule, von der Leyen will also leave in December, and the "pro-Russian faction" is expected to come to power

Among the candidates for interim acting presidency, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is seen as the most likely candidate. However, Orban has sparked controversy because of his pro-Russian stance. In the past, he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and expressed his dissupport for the Ukrainian aid package. This suggests that he has a relatively close relationship with Russia, which has caused many EU member states and European media to worry about his suitability. Against the backdrop of the current international tensions, Orban's pro-Russian position as interim presidency of the European Union could trigger more checks and balances and controversy.

The personnel changes in the two core positions have caused a lot of shock and uncertainty in European politics as a whole. European governments urgently need to elect the right successor to ensure policy coherence and a smooth transition. In particular, von der Leyen's successor will take on the responsibility of upholding European cooperation, promoting development and upholding multilateralism. Therefore, it is important to select a candidate who has political talent and shares the core values of the European Union.

The "president of the European Union" resigned ahead of schedule, von der Leyen will also leave in December, and the "pro-Russian faction" is expected to come to power

It is hoped that the European leadership will speak in a unified way and promote cooperation, so that Europe can better adapt to the current challenges and lay a stronger foundation for the prosperity and stability of the continent.

Electing a suitable successor to the presidency will be critical to upholding fairness and justice and promoting cooperation, both in Europe and globally. It is hoped that future policymakers will learn from this experience and always regard the promotion of peaceful reunification of Europe and the maintenance of the general trend of global development as a collection of responsibilities and responsibilities. Resignation is only one point in the road leading Europe to the future, and the cause will always go on, and how can we break the latent dilemma if we cannot rest on our laurels?