
[Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity front-line visit] Born to the sun, use science and technology to light up the world

author:People's Daily Network Hebei

With the help of scientific and technological innovation, the photovoltaic industry has added bright colors to China's manufacturing and brought new impetus to green development. The series of reports "Front-line Exploration of Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity", today looks at how Hebei's photovoltaic enterprises rely on scientific and technological strength to "turn the tables against the wind" in international competition and cultivate new advantages for development.

From the Gobi to the mountains, rows of photovoltaic panels "sparkle" in the sun, from the port to the other side, cargo ships full of containers of photovoltaic products are moving leisurely, from the city to the countryside, the sun's light energy is constantly converted into electricity, and the power of light is becoming known to us.

[Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity front-line visit] Born to the sun, use science and technology to light up the world

Xu Zhiwei, senior manager of Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.:

Looking up at these panels, we have installed more than 33,000 panels in this project, which can generate 20 million kWh of electricity per year, and at the same time meet the annual electricity consumption of 20,000 households. The annual carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by 15,000 tons, which is equivalent to 860,000 trees planted every year, where is the power of light? What is photovoltaics? I think this is the best answer.

Nowadays, clean energy represented by photovoltaics is promoting global sustainable development. However, at that time, due to the early start and high demand in Europe and the United States, the global photovoltaic industry was under the rules of the Western context.

[Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity front-line visit] Born to the sun, use science and technology to light up the world

Guo Shengchao, assistant general manager of Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.:

We buy foreign equipment, buy foreign materials, process and manufacture on our side, and then sell the products abroad. In this way, our supply side or our market side are both outside the world, subject to some foreign restrictions.

Having endured the hardships of raw materials and key equipment, Chinese photovoltaic companies represented by JA Solar Technology know better the need to cultivate internal skills.

If there is a gap in talent and technology, then recruit technical experts on a global scale, and cooperate with Hebei University of Technology and other universities and institutes to carry out joint research, so that innovation achievements can be accumulated; Innovation leads to the emergence of Chinese enterprises at the forefront of the world's photovoltaic industry.

[Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity front-line visit] Born to the sun, use science and technology to light up the world

Zheng Wei, Equipment Manager of Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.:

We have made great breakthroughs in equipment, technology, talents, and materials. For example, if the world's top ten photovoltaic companies are in the world, China can account for eighty percent or even more than eighty percent.

The "headwinds" of international competition are just the beginning, and JA Solar, which is now the world's leading solar cell manufacturer, is using its independent research and development to make a good move to cultivate new competitive advantages.

In this newly put into operation intelligent production line, the n-type Beixiu solar cells developed by JA Solar are rolling off the production line one after another.

[Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity front-line visit] Born to the sun, use science and technology to light up the world

Guo Shengchao, assistant general manager of Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.:

After being made into photovoltaic panels, it has a higher double-sided power generation gain, and its mass production efficiency has reached more than 26%, reaching the leading level in China.

The new technology brings new results, so that this product has the industry-leading photoelectric conversion efficiency at birth, the new transformation of new kinetic energy, and the high growth rate of n-type Beixiu solar cells, which makes JA Solar firmly in the leading position in the industry.

[Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity front-line visit] Born to the sun, use science and technology to light up the world

Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. Process Expert Engineer Zhu Shaojie:

Taking our original product as an example, our photoelectric conversion efficiency has increased by 0.3% per year, which is already very good. However, when it comes to our n-type Beixiu product, it can increase the speed by 1.4%, which will make our overall LCOE more than 4% room for improvement.

The agglomeration of innovative elements is accelerating the transformation of the photovoltaic industry into a new quality of productivity. With the high-efficiency and low-cost n-type Beixiu battery as the fist product, in 2023, a photovoltaic "giant" with an investment of 10 billion yuan and a factory covering an area of nearly 17 football fields will be quickly implemented in eight months.

[Accelerate the formation of new quality productivity front-line visit] Born to the sun, use science and technology to light up the world

Xu Zhiwei, senior manager of Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.:

In eight months, more than 2,000 experiments have been conducted, and up to now, all 20 of our battery production lines have reached a state of full production.

The annual output value of Shijiazhuang alone can reach nearly 10 billion yuan. The cumulative shipment of JA Solar's photovoltaic products has exceeded 166GW, covering 165 countries and regions, ranking among the top three solar photovoltaic manufacturers in the world in terms of sales volume for many years.

Photovoltaic has become a new business card made in Hebei, taking light as the guide to light up the lights of thousands of homes.

Source: Hebei Radio and Television Jishi client

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