
In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

author:Discussion of History


In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

When the silent night envelops Washington, the computer screen stands out in the dim light.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

It was May 2001, and the White House cybersecurity experts were completely unaware that an attack was about to change the course of history.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Capture the White House

Thousands of miles away in China, a mysterious organization called the "Red Guest Alliance" is hatching a bold and dangerous plan.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

The White House's network system, once considered impregnable, was now breached by the "Red Guest Alliance", which cleverly bypassed layers of firewalls and infiltrated the very core of the system.

By the time the White House cybersecurity team noticed something was wrong, the Redman had already quietly infiltrated the interior of the White House network, and soon, the Redke's logo appeared on the homepage of the White House website.

A large number of external service requests instantly cut off the connection between the White House and the outside network, and the network system of the White House was instantly paralyzed, almost unable to display normally, and everyone looked at the screen in surprise and immediately fell into chaos.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

When everyone reacted, everyone saw a striking red flag displayed on the screen of each computer - it was China's five-star red flag.

After the red flag, the flashed image was a picture of him smiling in the Air Force, but they found out that the Air Force had died.

The five-star red flag stayed on the front page of the White House website for nearly half an hour, and no matter what efforts and hacking methods the White House staff did, they could not delete it.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

They could only watch the hacking take place, and what they didn't know was that behind this sensational act was the joint operation of nearly 1 percent of China's computer network.

It is equivalent to 80,000 Chinese jointly launching an attack on the White House's network, and at this time, no matter how great the ability and technology of the White House is, it cannot defeat all the 80,000 hackers behind it.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

"Chinese Red Guest deeply remembers and mourns, commemorates the martyrs! Salute all the martyrs!" The operation lasted for four full days before it ended, and finally, the "China Red Guest Alliance," the group that had infiltrated the White House network, posted a statement on its website in the United States, announcing that the attack was over.

The cause of this incident was the South China Sea aviation incident that caused public outrage 22 years ago.

Wang Wei is a pilot of the South China Sea Fleet Aviation Regiment, and his dream since childhood was to be a pilot to win glory for the motherland, and he was admitted to the military academy as he wished, realizing his dream.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

At the prime of life, Wang Wei chose to go to the South China Sea to become an air force soldier and protect the southern gate of the motherland.

In 2001, a tragedy struck, when a US military reconnaissance plane sailed into the mainland's airspace over the South China Sea.

However, the US reconnaissance plane did not heed Wang Wei's warning message and sailed deeper into the South China Sea.

It is a matter of national security, and if the purpose of this reconnaissance plane is not pure, is it not possible to leak state secrets? Wang Wei chased after him alone while calling for help.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

What he did not expect was that after seeing Wang Wei's plane catching up, the US military reconnaissance plane suddenly made a turn, and this operation caught Wang Wei off guard, and before he could change course, it collided violently with him.

When the rescue plane arrived, everyone only found the wreckage of the US military plane, and there was no trace of Wang Wei at all, and everyone immediately launched a search and rescue operation in the sea, which lasted 14 days and nights.

However, it is regrettable that the public still failed to find Wang Wei's body, and what makes the Chinese people even more angry is that the US military not only blames our army for a rake, but even claims that it was because of our army's sudden pursuit that the US plane's plane was completely damaged, but China needs to compensate for it.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Such a move caused dissatisfaction and protests among the masses, and the "Chinese Red Ke" was one of them.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Chinese Reds

Traditionally, Chinese hackers may be used to carry out intelligence-gathering missions to obtain political, military, and economic sensitive information about other countries, and may also participate in a cyber arms race through hacker groups, including the development of attack and defense technologies to ensure the country's security in cyberspace.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

The number of hackers on the U.S. network is also huge, and the advanced persistent threat group supported by the U.S. government may have carried out a series of cyberattacks on Chinese networks.

Some of the remaining attacks may involve economic intelligence gathering, i.e., the acquisition of trade secrets or economic information through cyber means, or the acquisition of critical information to interfere with the Chinese government or related organizations.

It is important to note that the sophistication and insidious nature of cyberattacks make it difficult to know exactly where they are coming from, and beyond that, cyberattacks are often covert military and intelligence activities that countries may not openly acknowledge to be involved in.

But for Lin Yong, hackers have a different view of him.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

In his view, only those who destroy other people's networks, invade other people's privacy or constitute crimes are called hackers, and Lin Yong's enthusiasm for network technology is not only at the level of exploring knowledge, but also wants to contribute to the country's network security.

In that era of talents, there are opportunities everywhere, Lin Yong believes that if you want to realize your dreams, you need everyone's help, and now the international situation is tense, but we often do not use the traditional war attack, and most of them are solved through the Internet age.

Therefore, if China wants to strengthen its cyber defense capabilities, it needs a team that can meet international cyber challenges.

As a result, he began to invite some well-known network technology experts and young people who are keen on network security to form the "Red Customer Alliance".

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Lin Yong has set limits on this alliance - although the nature of this alliance is hacking, the purpose is different, it is different from the general hacker groups for the purpose of attack and destruction, but the interests of the country first.

In order to make a distinction, they changed the hackers' black to the red of the five-star red flag, and they called themselves "red guests", representing their patriotism.

Lin Yong told everyone that joining the Red Guest Alliance is to make a commitment to the motherland - to use network technology to win glory for the country and protect the country's network security.

The "Red Guest Alliance" is realized through the formation of the network, and the members are not all from the computer industry, but almost all of them have a certain understanding and technology of the network, Lin Yong convened the members, including network security experts, programmers, and some other professional personnel.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Under their leadership, the members of the alliance have helped state institutions strengthen cyber defenses and improve the security of information systems through legal means, and they have worked hard to build a strong and secure cyberspace for China through technological innovation and research.

They are also actively involved in cyber security training and awareness campaigns to raise public awareness of cyber security.

The "Red Guest Alliance" has gradually won the respect of the society because of its positive dedication to the country, and Lin Yong and others have become role models in the field of cyber security, inspiring more young people to devote themselves to the cause of cyber security.

The "China Red Guest Alliance" is getting bigger and bigger, and they are codenamed H.U.C in society.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

As its fame grew, the alliance also attracted many hacker masters from all over the country, and their mission was very special and simple, mainly to counter the constant attacks on the Chinese network by some foreign hackers.

The South China Sea incident was written by them, and before that, the Red Guest Alliance had already done many earth-shattering feats.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Six feats

In May 1999, at the beginning of the Kosovo War, the eyes of the world were focused on the war-torn Balkan Peninsula.

While bombing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the United States fired a number of missiles at the embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the mainland, killing three journalists on the spot, injuring more than 20 embassy staff members and causing varying degrees of damage to the embassy.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Such an act caused anger among the domestic population, and at this tense moment, the United States did not pay attention to it, despite the fact that the Chinese government expressed strong dissatisfaction with NATO's actions during the Kosovo war.

As a result, the Chinese Red Guest Alliance has become part of the cyber warfare, and through sophisticated reconnaissance, they have identified a number of key targets, mainly concentrated on some strategic websites of the United States and NATO countries, and then the Red Guest Alliance has quietly infiltrated the defense lines of these websites through technology.

In the process, they have demonstrated superior network technology, evading the monitoring of network security systems, and some of the lines of defense that were once considered like iron barrels have become as fragile as paper in front of them.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

For the first time, the U.S. network has been paralyzed, and the China Red Guest Alliance has demonstrated its strength in the field of cybersecurity in a low-key way, and it has defended China's dignity.

On 9 July 1999, Lee Teng-hui, leader of the Taiwan region, made a series of inappropriate remarks in an exclusive interview with "Deutsche Welle" that aroused China's strong disgust.

During the interview, the moderator asked Lee Teng-hui about Taiwan's future development, and Lee Teng-hui openly declared that Taiwan should be regarded as "a country that already exists" and expressed support for Taiwan's independence, which aroused great indignation among the Chinese Government and the public.

In the face of Lee Teng-hui's inappropriate remarks, the Chinese Red Guest struck out again and launched an online counterattack in August 1999.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Similarly, the Reds infiltrated the Taiwan government's network system in a highly skilled way, and instead of sabotaging the system, they chose to publish some information on the Taiwan government's website, expressing the Chinese people's dissatisfaction and opposition to Lee Teng-hui's inappropriate remarks.

The cyber counterattack did not trigger a serious cyber disaster, but it did cause a stir on the international stage.

In this way, in an unconventional but highly technical way, the Chinese Red Ke conveys the strong attitude of the Chinese people towards inappropriate remarks involving the dignity of the country.

The Lee Teng-hui government was forced to face the concerns of the international community and the protests of the Chinese people, and this online counterattack became a high-profile protest action in the Internet era.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

In 2000, the Japanese Supreme Court proposed that the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre had been denied in the verdict trial, and the Chinese Red Guest League immediately used the same method to encroach on the Japanese army's network system, expressing the Chinese people's dissatisfaction with the Japanese government's ruling, hoping that they would face up to history and have the courage to assume their own responsibilities.

The last astonishing move of the Chinese Red Guest was the South China Sea Incident in April 2001, which was not the backbone of the Red Guest Alliance, but tens of thousands of patriotic people, and the American hackers and the Chinese Red Guest launched a very fierce offensive and defensive battle, and finally, the five-star red flag was successfully fluttered on the White House website.

Behind the Chinese red guests are countless patriotic and patriotic Chinese, who are all contributing their modest strength to express their deep love for the motherland and firm protection.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

However, it was such a patriotic organization that announced its dissolution in 2004.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

The Red Guest League is dissolved

On December 31, 2004, the China Red Guest Alliance ushered in its fourth anniversary.

And it was at this moment that they released a jaw-dropping open letter, in which it was clear that the Red Guest Alliance was about to announce its dissolution and even the website was shut down.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

This decision caused an uproar on the Internet, and people speculated why such a huge organization as China Hongke was disbanded at once?

Lin Yong said in the open letter that the development of the China Red Guest Alliance was actually only two or three people struggling to support, with the change of the years, the passion and blood of the impulse for the country have faded, and it is time to say goodbye to the Red Guest Alliance.

After many reconstructions and many failures, on September 22, 2011, the China Red Guest Alliance reappeared in everyone's field of vision and announced its re-formation.

On November 1, 2011, China Redke's website was officially reopened, a move that sparked heated discussions and discussions across the country.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Shortly after its formation, on July 6, 2022, the China Red Guest Alliance suddenly announced its dissolution and changed its name to Hongke Alliance. This sudden decision surprised the industry, why did it end up like this after reconstruction and restructuring?

On December 13, 2016, Shao Tong, the current head of the China Red Guest Alliance, was interviewed by reporters, in the process, he told the reporter's lawyer all about the black industry chain.

At the beginning, Lin Yong and Wang Lin had a dispute over interests, and finally had a very unpleasant quarrel.

What's even more surprising is that when Lin Yong announced the dissolution of the Red Guest Alliance, many so-called "Chinese Red Guest Alliances" emerged on the Internet.

In order to avenge the plane collision in the South China Sea, Lin Yong led 80,000 Chinese hackers to plant the five-star red flag in the White House of the United States

Perhaps, everyone is a "Chinese red guest", but at this time, the Chinese red guest is no longer the red guest who launched 6 large-scale online counterattacks.

In any case, Lin Yong's contribution to the mainland is indelible and can be called a hero, and the hacker story he led will also be handed down.

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Chronicle of the Alliance. China Red Guest Alliance.

The official announcement of the China Red Guest Alliance: It will be announced to be disbanded from now on and renamed Hongke Alliance. China Red Guest Alliance

In May 1998, the Chinese Red Guest Alliance counterattacked the Indonesian network. China Red Guest Alliance

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