
The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

author:Lee chops wood
The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

In the live streaming industry, the three-legged pattern of head anchors has been decided.

According to the year-end data released by an e-commerce forum yesterday, after the entire 2023 year, the number of anchors with a net income of more than 100 million yuan has reached 19, an increase from the previous year, which shows that the market share of live broadcast e-commerce has also further expanded.

The top three on the list that has attracted much attention, this year's results in bringing goods are even more shocking, and there is a huge fault line with other anchors.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

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Due to the impact of the "Huaxizi Incident" in the second half of the year, the veteran anchor Li Jiaqi ranked third with a net income of 2.27 billion, but still far surpassed Dong Yuhui, who ranked fourth with 520 million;

Simba, which has been deeply involved in a single platform for a long time, still performed steadily last year, with a net income of more than 3 billion yuan, ranking second on the list;

And the crazy little brother Yang, who initially became popular with his funny short videos, as a rising star in the goods industry, has achieved "latecomers on top" this year.

The net income of 3.21 billion yuan per person is not only proud of the industry, but can even crush a large number of small and medium-sized listed companies.

To give you a more intuitive comparison, GAC Group, which sold 1.16 million passenger cars in the first half of this year, has a semi-annual net profit of less than 3 billion.

A live broadcast room with goods, the net profit is enough to compete with half of the leading car companies, and the profit margin of the live broadcast e-commerce industry is huge, which is terrifying.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

Just last week, when netizens made good wishes for "getting rich in the New Year" on major social platforms, Brother Yang, who has more than 100 million fans, stood up and poured cold water on everyone:

"I hope that everyone will not make a fortune, and only a small fortune with a small stream of water will be the most lively and comfortable, and only contentment can be happy. ”

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately exploded on the whole network, and netizens from all walks of life angrily sprayed its "Versailles", but it was just stepping on the wind of the times that he changed his fate, and he was cheap and obedient.

Netizens also said that if they can earn billions a year like Brother Xiao Yang and pay 450 million in taxes, they will be willing even if they are shackled by wealth.

But if we look back and carefully look at the rise of Brother Xiaoyang's account in recent years, we may be relieved that not everyone can borrow this east wind, and not everyone can afford this shackle.

In front of the Three Sheep Headquarters Building in Shushan District, Hefei, there is always a group of "station brothers and sisters" holding various shooting tools waiting at the main entrance, waiting for the owner of the building to show up and capture a short video to "rub traffic".

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

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If you happen to be able to record a conversation or two, or capture a few interesting shots, then the data of this video will not be bad, and you can help your account "earn more rice".

For these squatting and waiting photographers, Brother Xiao Yang seems to have become commonplace, and sometimes even takes the initiative to do some simple interactions, cooperate with the other party's shooting, and also take the initiative to take a group photo.

In the eyes of Anhui people, Brother Xiao Yang is already a more well-known existence than film and television stars.

Compared with the unattainable handsome guys and beautiful girls on TV, Brother Xiao Yang, who came out of the ordinary crowd, seems to be more like a "mixed up" fellow, and his counterattack may have the possibility of replicating success.

Because initially, the twin brothers who were born in rural Lu'an, Anhui Province, had the opportunity to change their fate just a short video released in 2016.

At that time, the term "earthy video" had not yet been invented, and all kinds of spoof videos with the shooting style of "chicken, flying and dog" were classified as funny.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

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That year, Brother Yang, who was still studying in Hefei, filmed a dormitory routine with his roommate, and he threw a lit firecracker into an inkwell.

I wanted to spoof my roommate, but my roommate escaped first, and Brother Xiao Yang finally suffered the consequences of his own evil and was covered in ink.

A video with no technical content brought the most brainless but extreme happiness to platform users, and the "Crazy Brother Yang" account rose by 600,000 fans overnight, becoming a well-known "Internet celebrity senior" on campus.

Not long after, Brother Xiao Yang received the first advertisement ever, and the offer was 500 yuan.

After leaving school, Brother Yang's video creation topic began to revolve around his family.

The twin brothers have very different personalities, one is naughty and the other is sensible, and then they pull the strong tiger mother and the cat father who is "strict with his wife";

A family of four put the sitcom on the short video platform, not only did the account quickly attract fans, but also the cooperative orders were endless, and the quotation was even higher.

In just a few years, those two rural youths who were mediocre in terms of background, education and appearance really changed their fate by playing the Internet.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

After 2020, live streaming has begun to become a new outlet in the self-media industry, and Brother Yang, who is well versed in the laws of communication, is naturally also involved in it.

However, due to the long-term funny plot content of the account "Crazy Brother Yang", the vast majority of fans attracted are "fun fans" who love to join in the fun.

This part of the fans, they can help you like and leave messages for your video works, but they are unlikely to pay for things in your live broadcast room, and the commercial value is generally not high.

Because of this, the initial sales of Xiao Yang's live broadcast room products have been very average, far from other millions of bloggers with the same number of fans.

It wasn't until one day that the model of "reverse delivery" was born, and the funny talent that helped Brother Xiao Yang start his business was finally displayed in the live broadcast room.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

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When it comes to "reverse delivery", there are two iconic characters:

The first one is the "Northeast Black Garlic Sister" who retchs when she smells black garlic, and the emoji of spitting out gold stars in her eyes is widely circulated;

The other is the "Black Brin Big Plum" that was popular all over the Internet a few years ago, the eldest brother still did not change his face after eating the sour plums, and he forced himself to praise the "sweet", and the comedy effect was full.

Because the anchor's expression was too painful when tasting the sample, it stimulated the curiosity of netizens, and the sales of related products also skyrocketed, and the black garlic in northern Jiangsu and black brin in South China were even sold out for a time.

After shooting funny short videos for five or six years, what Brother Xiao Yang is best at is doing comedy effects, which makes the audience in the live broadcast room laugh constantly when bringing goods, and the product sales have finally broken through the bottleneck, and the GMV continues to rise.

It is worth mentioning that Brother Xiao Yang is also the pioneer of the "live slicing with goods" communication model.

Initially, due to Xiao Yang's vivid and humorous live broadcast style, many small account bloggers also intercepted his live broadcast clips by screen recording, and hung the corresponding products on the small yellow car, so as to make money for themselves.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

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And because the video slice is commercially used, strictly speaking, it has infringed on Xiao Yang's portrait rights, and he himself has the right to pursue responsibility and claim compensation.

But Brother Xiao Yang did not choose to do this, but granted the right to publish to these netizens, allowing them to continue to publish their own live slices with goods to make money, and they can also claim to be Xiao Yang's account, as long as they share a part of the profits with themselves.

In 2022 alone, this unique slice authorization model has brought nearly 200 million yuan in revenue to Brother Yang, and the rise of a large number of matrix accounts has further expanded Brother Yang's brand influence.

In order to continue to stabilize this model, Brother Xiao Yang also launched an app called "Zhong Xiaoer", which is specially used to recruit part-time filmers, complete training and authorization through formal methods, and train editors for their own use.

According to Brother Xiao Yang himself, there are currently nearly 10,000 slice editors under the three sheep, and 50 million yuan is needed to pay wages every month, which is full of pride.

This year, Brother Xiao Yang also threw several bombshells to the entire Internet world:

In November of that year, Brother Xiaoyang's circle of friends revealed a blockbuster news that the three sheep headquarters building he spent 103 million yuan to buy was about to be put into use, with a total construction area of up to 50,000 square meters, which will become an important base for Hefei's content e-commerce industry.

At the end of the year, Brother Xiao Yang was exposed to pay 200 million in taxes, equivalent to 1/10 of the total tax amount of the entire ByteDance Group, and 1/6 of Kuaishou that helped him start a business.

How many billions should his income be? Paying 450 million yuan in taxes this year means that his income has also doubled?

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

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The specific data has not yet been officially disclosed by Three Sheep, and the only thing that can be determined is that the account of "Crazy Brother Yang" has become the first account on the whole platform of Douyin to exceed 100 million fans, and the turnover of a single live broadcast can easily exceed 10 million.

From the initial short video of the hit to the current chairman of the 10 billion group, in just a few years, two 27-year-old young people from ordinary backgrounds have reached heights that most people cannot reach in their lifetimes, which is really enviable and admirable.

However, judging from the current form, the goals of the Xiao Yang brothers seem to be not limited to this.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

In November last year, an unprecedented [Free Stars Concert] hosted by e-commerce people started at the Hefei Olympic Stadium, and many well-known singers such as Pu Shu, Zhang Xinzhe, and Wang Sulong brought golden songs one after another, pushing the atmosphere to a climax again and again.

There is no charge for tickets for this concert, but if fans want to get this ticket, they must first follow the account of "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan" and complete any consumption in the live broadcast room before they have the opportunity to draw tickets.

And the exclusive title sponsor of "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan" is the project that Xiao Yang plans to focus on in the next step.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

Network diagram

This 3-hour concert has accumulated more than 60 million viewers, and the highest number of people online at the same time has exceeded 2 million, which has brought great exposure to Xiao Yang Zhenxuan.

On the night of the concert, Xiao Yang Zhenxuan's account gathered more than 4 million fans, and by the time of the deadline of this article, it was close to 7 million, and the 30 million funds burned by this concert were not in vain.

Obviously, at this time, Brother Xiao Yang is no longer satisfied with being a middleman who extracts commissions, but will focus on launching his own brand.

Up to now, Xiaoyang Zhenxuan's IP has an independent live broadcast account with millions of fans, a mini program with tens of millions of users, and offline physical franchise stores, and a retail giant born under a new business model is about to emerge.

The top anchor can still make more money than the listed company? Brother Yang, who persuades people not to make a fortune, made a net profit of 3.2 billion last year

"Being prepared for danger in times of peace" and "preparing for a rainy day" are the most precious fine traditions of the Chinese, which are reflected in Brother Yang.

As the head of the live broadcast e-commerce industry, the current Xiao Yang is still sober.

At present, it seems that live streaming does make money, but after all, it is still backed by platform traffic, and no one can predict future trends and changes, and it is unknown when the bonus period will end.

In contrast, making a self-operated brand may have a huge investment in the early stage, but once the seed survives, the future life cycle will be greatly extended, and the initiative will always be in your own hands.

Brother Yang, who is only 27 years old, may be able to go further in the future.



China News Weekly: "Crazy Brother Yang: Anhui People Selected by "Times Dividend"?

New retail reference: "In 23 years, the net income of major anchors was exposed, and Brother Xiao Yang's 3.2 billion was the first in the country!"

The most character: "Crazy Brother Yang: Paying 200 million in taxes, playing hard to make money"

Author: Lu Yao

Editor: Ichiyigi