
The Chinese Olympic champion lost the edge of Paris again, and another Tokyo 2 gold medalist after Sun Yang said goodbye!

author:Chivalry European Event Viewpoint 5860

The preliminary list of the Chinese shooting team for the Paris Olympics has finally been announced, but this time the official announcement is with a touch of sadness. 23-year-old Olympic champion Yang Qian, a legendary female shooter who won two gold medals in Tokyo, regretfully missed the upcoming Paris Olympics due to the decline in competitive form and the rise of a new generation. This news is really sad, especially when we look back on the glorious moments she created in Tokyo, and we can't suppress the sense of loss in our hearts for a while.

Looking back on her glorious moments in Tokyo, I can't help but feel emotional. In the final of the shooting women's 10-meter gas step event, Yang Qian won the gold medal with an astonishing 251.8 rings, becoming the first gold medal won by the Chinese team and making history. At this moment, she is not only writing a brilliant light for herself, but also for the entire Chinese shooting team and the people of the whole country. Immediately afterwards, she and her partner Yang Haoran won the gold medal in the shooting mixed team, becoming the first athlete in the history of the Chinese shooting team to win two gold medals at the same Olympics. Such brilliant achievements made Yang Qian a double gold medalist in the Tokyo Olympics, and also wrote a strong stroke for Chinese sports.

With the announcement of the preliminary list for the Paris Olympics, Yang Qian's name was unfortunately absent. It reminds me of another Olympic champion, Sun Yang. Sun Yang and Yang Qian became the regret of the Chinese team at the Paris Olympics, and they failed to continue to write new glories in the Olympic arena. The two Olympic champions, one a swimming legend and the other a shooting superstar, both embarked on new careers and goals after retiring. Perhaps, their Olympic journey is over, but the stage of life continues.

The reason for this is that Yang Qian's declining competitive form and the rise of the new generation of the Chinese shooting team are the main reasons why she was not selected for the Paris list. In the arena of competitive sports, no matter how glorious the past was, today's results and competitive pressure are the key to everything. The Chinese shooting team is welcoming a group of young and talented athletes, which makes the veterans face a greater test in maintaining their competitive form. Although Yang Qian has achieved brilliant achievements, she will inevitably have highs and lows in her sports career.

Perhaps, this is the inevitable law of the development of the sports cycle. Just as Yang Qian rose to prominence at the Tokyo Olympics and became a rising star in the shooting world, a new generation of shooting athletes is now taking center stage. This kind of alternation and inheritance is an indispensable part of the development of sports. Although Yang Qian failed to participate in the Paris Olympics, her light and contribution will always be fixed in the picture scroll of that history.

Compared with Sun Yang and Yang Qian, they were both the pride of Chinese sports, and both won glory for the country on the Olympic stage, but now, due to injuries and competitive conditions, they can no longer compete in Paris. This makes people lament the brevity and cruelty of a sports career. But perhaps, it is such twists and turns and ups and downs that make their light shine more brightly, and also let us understand more deeply the hardships behind sports.

In the face of such regrets, we cannot just dwell on loss and regret. After retiring, Sun Yang chose to devote himself to business and public welfare, and his figure still shines in all corners of society. And Yang Qian will definitely have new goals and pursuits. Perhaps, this is a new light in their lives, and the loss on the stadium does not mean the end of life, on the contrary, it is the beginning of a new life.

As fans, of course, we feel sorry for the regret of the Paris Olympics, but we should face it with an open-minded mind. The world of sports, like life, is full of uncertainties and uncertainties. Every athlete is fighting for their dreams, and the results are often not perfect. This is the beauty of sports, and it is something that we as fans need to understand and accept.

The Chinese shooting team has always been a strong player on the Olympic stage, and the rise of a new generation of athletes has attracted widespread attention. What are the qualities and potentials of these young shooters that could make their mark at the Paris Olympics and become the new focus and highlight?

In past competitions, a new generation of shooters has emerged to the top, winning events with incredible consistency and accuracy. They have shown great quality, and some have even won gold medals on the world stage. This begs the question, who will be the new darling of the next Paris Olympics, and who are the favourite candidates?1. Zhang Yi: The rise of young geniuses

Zhang Yi is a high-profile member of the Chinese shooting team, and he has repeatedly won championships in junior competitions, showing amazing strength and calm mentality. Will he be able to make a mark at the senior level and become a dark horse at the Paris Olympics?2. Wang Jing: A new hope for women's shooting

Chinese women's shooting has always been a strong point, and Wang Jing's rise is eye-catching. She has frequently stood on the podium in domestic competitions, and her skills are superb, can she continue to write a legend on the Olympic stage?3. Liu Yang: A new force that has been played steadily

Liu Yang has been outstanding in recent matches and his consistency has been impressive. Will he be able to keep his cool at the Paris Olympics and win the gold medal in one fell swoop? Yang Qian's new life: What kind of life will she usher in after retiring? Yang Qian's new life

Yang Qian is a legend of the Chinese shooting team, but as time goes on, she has to face the end of her athletic career. After retiring, what kind of life will Yang Qian usher in? Will she get involved in a new career and have new goals? Will she get involved in a new career after retiring?

As a successful athlete, Yang Qian may move to coaching after retiring to pass on her experience and train a new generation of shooters. She may also pursue a career in sports management or the media industry, contributing to the development of the sport of shooting. She in a new role

In society, Yang Qian may play more roles, such as public welfare ambassador, sports promotion spokesperson, etc. Her influence and popularity will allow her to play a greater role in the field of social and public welfare, and make more positive contributions to society. Looking forward to a new stage of development

Yang Qian may usher in a more colorful and rich life after retiring. She will have more time and energy to try new things, pursue her hobbies, and maybe even achieve more in business. People are looking forward to her future development. Alternate Inheritance in Shooting: How a New Generation of Athletes Inherits the Glorious History?

The world of shooting is going through a generational shift, and a new generation of athletes needs to take on the responsibility of carrying on and carrying forward the glorious traditions of their predecessors. How can they inherit the glorious history and become the mainstay of the Chinese shooting team in the future?

The new generation of athletes needs to learn from the experience and skills of their predecessors and inherit their spirit. During the training, they need to continue to carry forward the rigorous style and spirit of unity and cooperation of the shooting team, and maintain their desire for victory. Innovative breakthroughs

A new generation of athletes also needs to innovate on the basis of tradition. The rules and techniques of shooting sports are constantly evolving, and they need to have keen insight and innovation to adapt to changes in the arena and maintain the competitiveness of the Chinese shooting team. A vision for the future

The new generation of athletes is the hope for the future of the Chinese shooting team. Their growth and development will determine the shooting team's status on the international stage. It is expected that they will be able to achieve better results in future competitions and continue to add luster to China's shooting career. Variables and uncertainties at the Paris Olympics: who will be the surprise star?

The Paris Olympics are destined to be full of high-profile competitions, but the uncertainties and uncertainties of the sporting scene also make the competition even more suspenseful. In this context, who will be the unexpected star and become the focus?

In the sports arena, there will always be some unexpected dark horses. These athletes may be overlooked in normal times, but they are able to burst into the game with great potential and give their opponents unexpected blows. At the Paris Olympics, there may be a dark horse in shooting sports who will emerge and become the focus of attention. Create surprises and breakthroughs

The emergence of unexpected stars is often accompanied by surprises and breakthroughs. They may play well at key moments, exceed expectations, and surprise audiences. This breakthrough not only benefits the individual athletes, but also brings new life to the sport of shooting as a whole. The focus of the audience's anticipation

Sporting careers are full of twists and turns, and this is also true in the sport of shooting. Based on the examples of Yang Qian and Sun Yang, we delve into the setbacks and difficulties of a sports career and the impact of such experiences on an athlete's life. Yang Qian's persistence and dedication

As an excellent shooter, Yang Qian's success has not been smooth sailing. Behind the brilliant results, she has put in great effort and perseverance. The rigors of training and the pressure of competition are challenges that every athlete faces. Sun Yang's ups and downs and challenges

Similarly, Sun Yang, as a legend in the swimming world, has also experienced many ups and downs and challenges. Overcoming injuries and dealing with skepticism, his athletic career has not been easy. It is these twists and turns and difficulties that have tempered his perseverance. The path of growth for athletes

These setbacks and difficulties are not the end, but part of the athlete's growth path. It is by overcoming these difficulties that they can be stronger and more competitive. This growth is not only reflected on the field, but also affects the trajectory of their lives.

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