
The man divorced as soon as he got married, and the man: The wife drank a bottle of good wine every day, and she couldn't afford it

author:The top of the cloud is pointed


Marriage is about getting by.

One dating expert pointed out that when we talk about couples getting married, we often think of a kind of romance, passion and endless commitment. Actually, the purpose of marriage is not like this, the real purpose of marriage is to live.

The marriage expert went on to point out that the life of a husband and wife is a state of life that is both plain and real. This state encompasses the challenges of life together, which include both family responsibilities and financial pressures.

The marriage expert went on to point out that marriage is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new life. In this new beginning, couples need to learn how to get along with each other, how to deal with conflicts and conflicts in life, and how to grow together together. Husbands and wives need to learn not only how to maintain respect and love for each other in ordinary days, but also how to support and encourage each other in the face of difficulties.

The marriage expert finally pointed out that marriage is to live, but couples should understand: life needs to be carefully calculated, not extravagant and wasteful, after all, it is not easy to make money!

A senior netizen said that both men and women in marriage plan to grow old together, and I am afraid that no couple is ready to divorce at will. But in real life, there will always be some couples who will divorce!

In fact, this senior netizen's statement is still very reasonable. No, Jiangxi man Zhong is planning to divorce his new wife Liu!

So, what's going on here?

Next, let's talk about it.

The man divorced as soon as he got married, and the man: The wife drank a bottle of good wine every day, and she couldn't afford it


On October 1, 2023, Jiangxi man Zhong and his wife Liu got married. It should be said that the couple is still a newlywed, but on January 9, 2024, Zhong officially filed for divorce with his wife Liu!

So, could it be that there is some special contradiction between Zhong and his wife Liu?

Zhong said: "Liu is from the Northeast, he is very beautiful, and he works in KTV. We were introduced to each other, and soon after we met, we started to fall in love, and after more than a year of dating, we got married on National Day last year. ”

Zhong went on to say: " During my relationship with Liu, although I knew that Liu liked to drink, I didn't know how much Liu would drink every day and what kind of wine she would drink, but after I got married, I knew that she had to drink at least one bottle of liquor every day, and she never drank liquor less than 80 yuan, and the cost of drinking alone required at least 2,400 yuan per month, plus the cost of her cosmetics and clothes, she alone needed at least 4,500 yuan per month, and my monthly salary was only about 5,500 yuanBased on this, I had to file for divorce from her. Actually, that's the fundamental reason why I want to divorce her. ”

But according to Zhong, when he filed for divorce from his wife Liu, Liu said: You can lower the level of drinking, but it is not okay not to drink. If he resolutely prevents Liu from drinking, there will be only divorce.

The above is a general process of this event.

When many netizens learned about this incident, netizens started a heated discussion.

The man divorced as soon as he got married, and the man: The wife drank a bottle of good wine every day, and she couldn't afford it

Netizen voices

Netizen gentleman loves money: You need to be careful in your life, Liu is right to drink, but he can't be too extravagant, otherwise, men with low incomes can't afford to support them.

Netizen years are like a song: Drinking a bottle of liquor a day is really a lot for a woman!

In short, netizens have a lot to talk about.

The man divorced as soon as he got married, and the man: The wife drank a bottle of good wine every day, and she couldn't afford it

According to an expert who studies family life, thrift is a beautiful virtue in our daily lives. After all, ordinary people's incomes are limited, and if you don't know how to be thrifty, it's hard to get by.

Being thrifty allows us to better plan and manage our finances, and if we don't pay attention to saving in our lives and waste them at will, it will lead to problems in our financial situation. And once there is a problem with your financial situation, your life will be unsustainable.

There is nothing wrong with the woman Liu liking to drink, but she should lower the amount and grade of alcohol so that she can save some money for other living expenses. After all, it is not easy to live at home, if you don't know how to be diligent and thrifty, and pursue a luxurious life everywhere, your life will be in trouble sooner or later!

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