
Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Wang Jianchao

I always feel tired, how to sleep, I can't make up for it, this is the body is sending an alarm signal!

Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Wang, a young netizen who said that he always feels that he can't rest every day, and even if he wakes up, he feels tired. The emotional state also becomes depressed, and he is often depressed and lacks energy. Besides, he's got a bloated stomach, what's going on? Let's take a look at his tongue.

Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!

By looking at his tongue, one striking feature can be revealed:

  • The tip of his tongue is missing a piece, which usually indicates a lack of energy.
Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!

In traditional Chinese medicine, the mind is the main mind, and the heart qi is the key to maintaining the normal functioning of the mind. When the heart qi is insufficient, the blood of the heart is not enough to support the mind, which in turn leads to mental disorders. The specific manifestations are: depressed mood, lack of energy, sullenness, and even palpitations, palpitations, chest tightness and other symptoms.

Moreover, this netizen often feels physically tired, always lazy, and no matter how much he rests, he can't seem to recover. At the same time, he also sweats a lot, sweating at the slightest movement. These symptoms may be related to a deficiency of qi in the body, which causes the body to be unable to support activities and feel fatigued.

Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!
  • Then, there is a deep groove on the tongue, which indicates a deficit of yin fluid in the middle focus.

The depletion of yin fluid in the middle of the focus leads to the inability of the body to be fully nourished, and then the symptoms of hypothermia appear. Because yin fluid is an important substance to maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body, insufficient yin fluid will lead to a decline in body functions and produce hypothermia.

Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!

It makes the body feel hot and dry, sweating, thirsty and other discomforts. These symptoms can lead to issues such as emotional instability, insomnia, fatigue, etc. in the individual. Therefore, the balance of yin and yang within the body is crucial. When the yin fluid is insufficient, the yang energy cannot be fully nourished, and the body will have various uncomfortable symptoms. For example, when yin fluid is not enough to moisten the intestines, it can lead to dry stools and constipation. At the same time, it can also cause symptoms such as heat, sweating, and thirst.

Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!
  • Next, we look at both sides of the tongue, which is slightly swollen, which may be a sign of liver qi stagnation.

The liver and stomach are interrelated. The liver is responsible for excretion and regulates emotions, while the stomach is responsible for accepting and digesting food. When the liver qi is stagnant, it will affect the function of the stomach, resulting in stomach bloating, stomach pain and other stomach discomfort symptoms.

Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!
  • Finally, his tongue coating is yellow and greasy, indicating that the lower scorching dampness is heavier.

Dampness in the lower scorch may cause symptoms such as scrotal dampness and itching, affecting quality of life. At the same time, the patient likes to lose his temper and is emotionally unstable, which may be related to his liver qi stagnation. Combined with symptoms such as heart qi deficiency and weakness of the spleen and stomach, his entire condition was a mixture of reality and deficiency.

Always feeling tired and not sleeping enough? are mostly these reasons, and you must pay attention to them!

Therefore, when conditioning, we need to remove the dampness and heat stasis in the body, which is the so-called "de-realization". Only when the body returns to a state of relative balance can it be effectively replenished. For the treatment of chronic diseases, the strategy of combining laxative therapy is very necessary.