
What signal does the baby's hot head and cold hands and feet imply?

author:The end of the baby's story

Written by Yo Ming-jin

After the baby is born, it has become the object of attention of the family, but there are many mothers who are prone to misjudgment about the hot and cold problems of the baby, especially the grandmother who participates in bringing the baby.

In the eyes of many elderly people, the baby does not need to be covered, worried that the baby will be cold, before I saw a news report, a newborn was covered with heat syndrome, shocked on the spot, but fortunately timely medical treatment saved the baby's life.

The baby's development is fast, the body metabolism is vigorous, and it is more afraid of heat than we adults, so mothers should not misjudge whether it is cold or hot, and should judge whether the baby is cold or hot by the temperature of the baby's chest and back, which is still very critical, and mothers must not be negligent.

What signal does the baby's hot head and cold hands and feet imply?

Just yesterday, there was a mother in the circle who said that the baby is always hot and the hands and feet are cold, what is the reason for this? The baby's head fever is actually related to the fast development of the baby's brain, and the baby's brain develops quickly and the head heat dissipation will be relatively fast, at this time mothers should pay attention to wiping the baby's sweat more.

In addition, mothers should also pay attention to the bedding and pillow that the baby sleeps on, and should pay attention to ventilation, if it is not breathable, it is easy to have a heat rash, and covering the back of the baby's head for a long time will also affect the growth of hair, especially the growth rate of the baby with pillow baldness will be slower.

What signal does the baby's hot head and cold hands and feet imply?

In addition, the baby's cold hands and feet are not enough to show that the baby is cold, there are many mothers in the summer to wear socks for the baby, in fact, the impact on the baby still exists, after all, the baby's foot tactile nerve development is still very fast, if you often wear socks, it will also affect the baby's tactile nerve development, which mothers need to be paid attention to.

Babies at a young age develop quickly, and mothers should also develop good habits, and do not affect the baby because of their rough behavior, which needs to be paid attention to.

What signal does the baby's hot head and cold hands and feet imply?

The development of the baby's central nervous system itself is immature, and this time will also lead to cold hands and feet of the baby, which mothers need to pay more attention to and not be negligent.

When the baby is learning to crawl and walk, mothers can wear socks for the baby, which can effectively protect the baby's feet, and wearing socks outdoors can also protect the baby's feet from mosquito bites, but there is no need to wear socks for the baby when lying on the bed.

Mothers should not misjudge whether the baby is cold or hot, so as not to affect the baby, the appearance of heat cover syndrome, will also affect the baby's mood, mothers should pay attention.

Head fever is generally affected by rapid growth and vigorous metabolism, and cold hands and feet are generally caused by immature central nervous system and uneven distribution of blood in the limbs, so mothers do not need to worry too much.