
The United States led 47 countries to threaten Russia and the DPRK, and the Chinese side was forced to express its position? The missile vehicle behind Kim Jong-un could not be seen

author:Dr. Yi Zhang

As the two Koreas shell each other, the situation on the peninsula is becoming increasingly tense, and a misfire could trigger a new war on the peninsula. At this moment, all parties should maintain reason and restraint, but the United States and other 47 countries are eager for chaos on the peninsula, once again coerce Russia and North Korea, and force China to express its position, and the sky over the peninsula is filled with a strong smell of gunpowder!

Relations between the DPRK and South Korea have changed abruptly, 47 countries have put pressure on Russia and North Korea, and China has been forced to express its position

Beginning on 1 January, the DPRK fired 200 artillery shells at Yeonpyeong Island and other two islands in the ROK, and the ROK was not to be outdone and quickly conducted live-fire training at sea.

The United States led 47 countries to threaten Russia and the DPRK, and the Chinese side was forced to express its position? The missile vehicle behind Kim Jong-un could not be seen

Seeing the sabre-rattling between the DPRK and the ROK, the United States not only did not mediate, but instead led the 47 countries to exert pressure. On January 9, local time, 47 foreign ministers including the United States and Ukraine issued a joint statement saying that Russia used missiles provided by North Korea to attack Ukraine.

The arms cooperation between Russia and North Korea has brought security concerns to Europe, the Korean Peninsula and the entire Indo-Pacific region, and the transfer of these weapons has increased the suffering of the Ukrainian people, supported Russia's "war of aggression" and undermined the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, according to the 47-nation joint statement. The United States and other countries have demanded that Russia and the DPRK immediately stop all activities that violate UN Security Council resolutions.

The United States led 47 countries to threaten Russia and the DPRK, and the Chinese side was forced to express its position? The missile vehicle behind Kim Jong-un could not be seen

Last year, the US special envoy to the UN, Linda Thomas Greenfield, said that Moscow was negotiating "a potential deal for a large number and several types of ammunition." Since then, Kim Jong-un has visited Russia and held a summit with Putin at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome, and the United States and Europe have speculated that Russia and North Korea may engage in arms deals.

When asked about the alleged arms transfer, the press spokesman of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment. In this regard, Chinese spokesperson Mao Ning said that with regard to the Ukraine crisis, we always believe that dialogue and negotiation are the only feasible way out to resolve the crisis, and we hope that all parties will work together to ease the situation.

The United States led 47 countries to threaten Russia and the DPRK, and the Chinese side was forced to express its position? The missile vehicle behind Kim Jong-un could not be seen

The United States and other countries are coercing Russia and the DPRK to stop military cooperation and forcing China to express its position, but in fact they intend to shift their strategic attention from Eastern Europe to the peninsula, and they plan to exert greater pressure to force China, Russia and the DPRK to make concessions.

Kim Jong-un inspected the military factory and made an important statement, and behind him was a missile vehicle that could not be seen

In the face of pressure from the United States, South Korea, and 47 other countries, will the DPRK change its plan? According to a report by the Korean Central News Agency, Kim Jong-un recently visited a military factory and stressed "the strategic importance of producing major weapons." During the inspection, Kim Jong-un said that South Korea is the "most hostile" country, that Seoul is inciting confrontation and military build-up, and that North Korea wants to strengthen its military capabilities for self-defense and nuclear war deterrence. Previously, Kim Jong-un repeatedly asked the North Korean army to prepare militarily and deliver a devastating blow to the enemy in the event of an attack.

The United States led 47 countries to threaten Russia and the DPRK, and the Chinese side was forced to express its position? The missile vehicle behind Kim Jong-un could not be seen

It is worth noting that Kim Jong-un inspected the military factory this time, and the workshop was full of military weapons, and the missile launcher behind him could not be seen at a glance. North Korea's self-made Hwasong-11 missile, known as the "Russian version of Iskander," appears behind him, and the West believes that it appeared on the battlefield in Ukraine. If this weapon is really put into the battlefield in Ukraine, then the level of North Korea's military manufacturing will be raised to a new level, and the strategic cooperation between Russia and North Korea will be further advanced.

The United States led 47 countries to threaten Russia and the DPRK, and the Chinese side was forced to express its position? The missile vehicle behind Kim Jong-un could not be seen

Judging from Kim Jong-un's statement and his inspection of military factories, the DPRK no longer trusts the United States and South Korea, and has begun to actively make military preparations and be ready to "burn jade" with the United States and South Korea at any time. If the United States and South Korea do launch a war provocation, North Korea will inevitably launch a strong counterattack. While North Korean missiles cannot attack the continental United States, they can carry out devastating attacks on Seoul, U.S. military bases in South Korea, and important cities in Japan, including Tokyo. This is where North Korea's confidence lies.

China's statement shows two great wisdoms, and the United States, Japan and South Korea must not mess around

At a time when a war on the Korean Peninsula is on the verge of breaking out, China calls on all parties to engage in dialogue and negotiation to promote stability, demonstrating China's strategic wisdom.

First, China is not a spectator, and has been stressing that the peninsula should maintain peace and stability, and it absolutely does not want to see war and chaos on the peninsula.

The United States led 47 countries to threaten Russia and the DPRK, and the Chinese side was forced to express its position? The missile vehicle behind Kim Jong-un could not be seen

Second, dialogue is the only way to resolve conflicts. If all parties take the risk of provocation and use force to confront each other, the peninsula will inevitably lead to war, and the entire Northeast Asia and even Indo-Pacific countries may be implicated. China's call for dialogue is the only wise move to resolve the contradictions on the peninsula.

China's peaceful dialogue is timely, and it is reminding the United States, Japan, and South Korea not to mess around, and the reason why the peninsula is tense is that the United States, Japan, and South Korea are constantly stimulating and persecuting North Korea. If the DPRK is involved in a war, China and Russia will not sit idly by and take measures to safeguard strategic security and avoid war and chaos on the peninsula. The United States wants to provoke a large-scale war in the peninsula region, and China and Russia will not be spectators!

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