
China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

author:Ziya children's funny characters
China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now


Editor丨Ziya Children's Funny Characters

The 2008 Olympic Wufuwa is as popular all over the country as Bingdundun today, but few people know that Wufuwa actually has a realistic prototype, that is, the first quintuplets in the mainland.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

At the time of the Beijing Olympics, the quintuplets had just turned 6 years old, and their names all had the word "Fu", and the staff invited them to attend the Olympic torch relay, and since then they have attracted attention from all walks of life.

But no one expected that many years later, when the reporter interviewed their mother, she asked, "If you could do it all over again, would you still choose to give birth to them?"

But the mother said, "No." ”

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

What kind of experience made the children's mother have this idea, and how are the five children doing now?

This issue of Ziya Children's Characters takes you into the life of Wufuwa.

One child and five sons

Wang Cuiying is a villager in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, although she does not have much education, but when she was young, she was also a beautiful flower in the village, and she married her husband and gave birth to a daughter.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Until an accident in 2001 broke the family's stable life, Wang Cuiying was pregnant this year, and her belly was very bulging in the early days.

But after going to the hospital for examination, she was dumbfounded, she was pregnant with quintuplets this time, and even the doctor had never seen the pregnant women with quintuplets.

You must know that the chance of quintuplets in the mainland at that time was only 1 in 60 million, and there were no cases of all survival so far, and the doctor had only heard about it in his peers or newspapers, so he was a little nervous when he really encountered it.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

However, according to the doctor's experience, it is best for Wang Cuiying to reduce the fetus, and it will be better to remove two or three, otherwise the pregnant woman and the fetus are prone to danger.

In fact, Wang Cuiying was relieved when the doctor said this plan, it's not that she doesn't love children, it's just that she already has a daughter at home, if she just has one or two more years of tiredness and hardship for herself and her husband, she can still afford to work two more jobs, but if she has five more mouths in one breath, it will be really difficult.

So Wang Cuiying discussed with her husband and decided to leave only one fetus, but the local hospital doctor said that this kind of fetal reduction surgery could not be done in the county, and it was better to go to a big city to do it.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

So the couple came to Beijing Gynecology Hospital, where the doctor checked the condition of the fetus and the mother again, but the conclusion was that the current situation is not suitable for fetal reduction, because the fetal development is relatively complete, if you want to do fetal reduction, the process can be imagined, Wang Cuiying can't bear to see this scene.

So the doctor said that it was possible to wait five months and then depending on the situation, because many quintuplets will squeeze their siblings because of the problem of living space, and if it causes problems with other fetuses, they can reduce the fetus.

Unexpectedly, when she came to the hospital again five months later, she found that the five fetuses were very normal and had been formed.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

No one knows how she survived these six months, compared to the pain of ordinary pregnant women, what she has endured is more of a torture, because too many children will squeeze the stomach, Wang Cuiying can't eat at all, she wants to vomit when she eats a little, but for the sake of the children's nutrition, she can only vomit and eat.

At night, it is a kind of torture, lying down to sleep will compress the spine, when the child is not born, he may be paralyzed first, but sleeping on the side will compress the fetus, and finally there is no way for the husband to transform the bed, dig two holes in the middle and fill in the cotton wool, let her kneel to rest.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

And other common symptoms of pregnancy, such as cramps and dizziness, she has experienced it all, which is completely different from when she was pregnant with her first daughter.

Difficult parenting

Now that I have suffered so much, I also have feelings for the children in my belly, and I can't bear to let her go to reduce the fetus.

So far, she only hopes that all five children will be born safely.

Since this is also the first time that the hospital has delivered such healthy quintaplets, the hospital attaches great importance to this, and experts alone called more than 30 and divided them into five groups to take turns to study.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Due to the complexity of the operation of the quintuplets, plus the hospitalization fee, nutrition fee, diagnosis and treatment fee, the pregnancy alone cost more than 300,000 yuan, but fortunately, the hospital reimbursed them for more than half, but even so, the remaining expenses also made Wang Cuiying and his wife bear a large amount of foreign debt.

On March 4, 2002, Wang Cuiying was pushed out of the operating room, and the five nurses behind her were all holding the newborn baby in their arms, and everyone was full of smiles.

The birth of China's first surviving quintuplets is also of great significance to the hospital, and the hospital has also hung photos of Wang Cuiying's children on the publicity wall.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

It's just that everyone is cheering for them, but only Wang Cuiying herself knows how much suffering parents have to endure after having five more children.

Five babies at home basically adults don't want to sleep, as long as one of them cry, the other four will cry together, coax this and that, and finally coax one to be careless and give you another chorus.

Because the breast milk is not enough, the consumption of milk powder is even more, the babies have to be fed milk powder once every two hours, and they can't feed too much, and when the last child is fed, the first child is hungry again, and they have to do it again.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Before the children were two or three years old, the couple were busy taking care of the children at home, with no income and debts, the family lived a very hard life.

Fortunately, after media reports, a milk powder company is willing to give them free milk powder on a regular basis until the child is weaned.

There are also well-wishers from all walks of life who reach out to donate money and materials, but they all say that emergency is not to help the poor, and when the children are three years old, the husband still decides to go to other places to work to earn money to support the family.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Working alone to support the family's seven mouths, the degree of hard work can be imagined, many times the husband can't bear it, but when he thinks of the smiling faces of the five children in the family, he can't resist the urge to give up.

Since then, Wang Cuiying and her husband have been separated for ten years.

Later, Wang Cuiying also decided to leave her eldest daughter at home and take her five children to Beijing to work, but she did not expect that this trip to Beijing brought a new turn to their fate.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, there were five Fuwa mascots, and the prototypes of these five mascots were actually Wang Cuiying's quintaplets, and the staff also invited her children to appear at the Olympic torch relay site, becoming the smallest Olympic messenger in the history of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Organizing Committee also specially awarded certificates to the children, which also made the five children once again receive wide attention from all walks of life.

In the photo, five children are wearing Wufuwa's clothes and holding torches, smiling with happiness on their faces, but they don't know that their lives are facing no school.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Originally, the eldest daughter's school was a large expense, and no matter how hard the husband worked, he couldn't let all five children go to school, but fortunately, the kind society gave them a lot of help.

In particular, the Education Bureau said that it could waive all the fees for five children from kindergarten to junior high school, which has to be said to give Wang Cuiying's family a chance to breathe.

In the past few years, the husband has worked hard to finally pay off the debt, but he also fell ill.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

In 2017, the quintuplets graduated from junior high school, and the funding promised to them stopped because they were 17 years old at this time, and they were only one year away from reaching adulthood, and the rest of the road needed to be walked by themselves.

Quintuplets status

But seeing that the sad days were about to pass, and when a happy life was about to come, their father was gone, and he died of illness due to long-term hard work.

When my father died, he was only 42 years old, which was the age to accompany his wife and children to enjoy the family, but he spent his whole life borrowing money to repay money, exhausting the last trace of his life for his family.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Wang Cuiying was heartbroken, and regretted her original decision countless times, if she didn't give birth to quintuplets, would her husband not have to work so hard, and they wouldn't have to live such a life.

Even when the reporter asked her this question, she said: "If I could do it all over again, I would definitely not choose to give birth to them." ”

After that, she looked at the photo of her husband, he is so young in the photo, but he has become what she remembers, she has been taking care of the children at home alone all these years, and she has to work to subsidize the family, and she is so busy that she doesn't even have time to look in the mirror, and her hard life has become a look that she doesn't dare to recognize.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

However, when people are sad, their emotions are fragile, Wang Cuiying quickly cheered up, although she regretted it in her heart, but if she did it all over again, without the death of her husband, she would still choose to give birth to them.

The five children have become the driving force for Wang Cuiying to become stronger, and she shoulders the heavy responsibility of the family alone.

Fortunately, now the children are sensible and can help a lot in life, in 2020, all five children went to college, except for the second junior college, the other four went to undergraduates, and have been working and studying, never let their mother worry about it.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Even when the reporter asked them whether they would stay in Beijing or return to their hometown, they all said in unison: "Go back to your hometown." ”

Because they know very well in their hearts that if they stay in Beijing, the pressure on their mother will only be greater, and now that they have grown up, it is their turn to repay their mother's nurturing kindness.

Now the children are 22 years old, about to graduate, the former Wufuwa faded the child's innocent smile, the eyes are full of desire for society and perseverance, this year will be the first year for them to officially embark on the journey of life, I believe that each of them can find their own perfect life.

China's first quintuplets, the prototype of the Olympic Five Fuwa, the father died of overwork, what is happening now

Wang Cuiying is about to turn half a hundred, but she looks like a sixty-year-old woman, which shows how much energy life has consumed her, in the dead of night, she will always hold a photo of her husband to recall the good times of the two in the past, they were also young, wanton, and really felt the world.

Nowadays, the world belongs to young people and children, who have given their lives to their children, and what awaits her in the second half of her life is the gratitude and reward of children.

That's all for this issue, what do you think of Wang Cuiying?

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