
Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

author:Magic Bunny Pro
Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

Over the course of history, different leaders and nations have faced a variety of challenges and choices. North Korea and its leadership family, the Kim family, have demonstrated a unique tenacity and determination that stands in stark contrast to other countries sanctioned by the United States.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

Kim Jong Il has clearly stated: "We cannot survive without candy, and we cannot defend ourselves without bullets." This quote captures his strategy and convictions. Despite U.S. attempts to restrain North Korea through U.N. sanctions, Kim Jong-il has been resolute in advancing his military and nuclear programs, successfully conducting a nuclear test in 2006.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

At the same time, other leaders like Saddam, Muammar Gaddafi and Milosevic have not been so determined. Not only did they lose power, but they also suffered serious consequences. Why was the Kim family able to stand tall under pressure from the United States?

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

The history and strategy of the United States are reflected in all parts of the world. Since World War II, the United States has been involved in numerous conflicts, including operations in the Middle East and Europe. Among them, Iraq was particularly sensitive to Saddam, as he threatened to break the hegemony of the dollar in the oil trade.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

Although the United States had good relations with Iraq for some periods, things changed when Saddam Hussein challenged America's economic interests. The Iraq War was the result of the United States' confrontation with Iraq, which led to the end of Saddam.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

Another example is Gaddafi, who tried to create an oil system that was traded in euros, which posed a threat to the hegemony of the dollar. The United States and its allies thus launched a military operation against Libya, which ultimately led to the end of Gaddafi.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

Milosevic's Serbia is equally an example. In the conflict in the area of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the United States intervened and put pressure on it, which ultimately led to the defeat of Milosevic and the destabilization of Serbia.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

Unlike these leaders, however, the North Korean Kim family seems to have a different strategy and support. Since Kim Il Sung came to power in 1948, the Kim family has ruled North Korea for more than 70 years. This long period of rule is related to the Kim family's tactics in the political, military, and economic spheres.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

The Kim family's style of rule was centralized and highly centralized. The Central Committee of the Party was dominated by members of the Kim family and took tough measures to maintain its rule. For example, the execution of Kim Jong-un's own uncle, Jang Song-thaek, for being considered an opposition party, illustrates the Kim family's tight grip on power.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

In order to maintain its position and counter external pressures, the Kim family continued to develop its military capabilities. In particular, the research and development of nuclear weapons and missile technology has ensured that North Korea has a place on the international stage. At the same time, North Korea's geographical location and the support of China and Russia also provide it with some leverage.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

In general, the long rule and foreign strategy of the Kim family in North Korea are related to its unique historical background and external support. Unlike other countries sanctioned and intervened by the United States, the Kim family has demonstrated a different kind of firmness and tactics that have allowed it to remain stable in a complex international environment.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound
Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound
Saddam, Gaddafi and Milosevic were all eliminated by the United States, so why is the Kim family safe and sound

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