
30 IQ failure moments, full of jokes and thought-provoking!

author:A lively and free little distant mountain

30 moments when IQ "dropped", netizens: It's real and scary, and it's ridiculous

30 IQ failure moments, full of jokes and thought-provoking!

Sometimes, people's IQ is really unpredictable. Let's take a look at 30 unbearable "IQ drop" moments! These events are real, terrifying, and ridiculous.

30 IQ failure moments, full of jokes and thought-provoking!

First of all, some people use the TV screen as a blackboard, and they don't know where their brains have opened. There are also people who don't know whether to lock the bicycle to the post, but to lock it to the bicycle. There are also chairs that make it difficult for people to get up after sitting down, what kind of design is this?

30 IQ failure moments, full of jokes and thought-provoking!

In addition, there are truck drivers who use ropes to fix sand and gravel in preparation for their trips? In order to prevent the loss of the key, some people tie the key to their hands, so that if they lose the key, they have to find it with the key.

There are also people mopping the floor on rainy days, which is a very creative way, but it doesn't work very well. The reason for the wheel falling off is actually the hidden screw, how is this designed? There are also people who put an umbrella on top of their head to protect themselves from the rain, is it a hijab or an umbrella?

Does someone buy an excessively long network cable to create a full network coverage? Some people pour water outside the railing, is this to baptize passers-by? Put the electric kettle on the natural gas stove and boil it, is this to boil electricity?

There was also a failed chair makeover, which turned out to be a chair that was "hard to sit down and get up". There are also repairmen who cover their eyes to make repairs, is this to be repaired by telepathy? Is the man cutting down a huge tree to come up with a set of yoga poses?

Is the ladder dressed up as a Christmas tree to give a gift to heaven? Is it a surprise to a thief by writing a code on the door number? Is it a woman who pulls open the tailgate of a pickup truck to experience the feeling of "flying"?

There are also people who wear surgical gloves and slippers, is this going to have surgery or to attend an indoor slipper dance?

Breaking news, two bodies are dead. This can't help but make people sigh, and some of the news is really shocking. The owner decorates the car but ignores the airbags, is this to prepare to give the car a "warm" interior?

Is it necessary to add some "hot" elements to the birthday by using lighting candles as birthday candles?

And the wrong multiplication tables, is this to give a new definition to the mathematical community?Is it to give players a more realistic gaming experience when the news of the war is broadcast in the context of Assassin's Creed?

Dangerous sink design, is this to add some irritation to the user?Bathroom door design is creative, is this to add some surprises to the toilet?

Finally, use a hammer to hit the electric drill, is this to teach the electric drill some sense of rhythm?

These moments of "IQ dropping", although they make people laugh, also bring us some food for thought. People's IQ can be trained, but sometimes there will be some "brain-opening" situations. I hope that everyone can stay calm in life and avoid similar "IQ drop" moments. After all, safety comes first, and jokes can be found slowly.