
The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

author:Magical Workshop

Xiao Ming sat alone at home, spreading out a lottery ticket in his hand, on which the words "First Prize" were printed. He rubbed his eyes in shock until he was completely convinced that it was not a dream, and suddenly jumped up from the couch and cheered loudly with joy.

5 million yuan, which is an astronomical amount for Xiao Ming. He even began to fantasize about being able to buy such a beautiful sports car in the future, and to invite so many friends to travel all over the world.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming's first reaction was to pick up his mobile phone, and he couldn't wait to tell every friend around him the good news.

But just as he unlocked his phone and was about to send WeChat, Xiaohong's call suddenly came.

"Hey, Xiao Ming, where are you now, why don't you reply to my message all of a sudden?" Little Red's voice came from the microphone.

Xiao Ming said excitedly: "Xiaohong, do you know, I won the lottery, 5 million!"

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

"What? 5 million?" Xiaohong was stunned for a moment, and then said, "This thing has to be celebrated! Let's go out at night and have a good meal!"

Hearing Xiao Hong's reaction, Xiao Ming became even more excited. But Xiao Hong then said: "But Xiao Ming, don't tell everyone about winning the jackpot casually." You also know that many people will inevitably feel jealousy and competition in the face of good news from others.

How sad you should be when they gossip.

Xiao Ming suddenly lost his voice. He silently thought that indeed, every time he heard that something good happened to others, he was not always sincerely happy for them. There will even be a trace of sourness and envy in my heart.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming finally realized that what Xiao Hong said was very reasonable. The more people a piece of news is revealed, the more likely it is to be criticized and jealous.

"Xiaohong, you're right. I decided to keep a low profile and just tell you the news with a few best friends. It's better for others not to tell for the time being.

Xiao Ming said.

"Smart choice!" Xiaohong said happily.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

Xiao Ming attended a class reunion. As soon as he sat down, he couldn't wait to talk about his ambitions and dreams to a table of old classmates.

"I've been planning a promising project recently, with the goal of becoming the most influential technology company in China, and eventually going public and joining the ranks of the world's top 500 companies.

When the time comes, I'll be the CEO of this company, so you have to remember to apply for a job!" Xiao Ming confidently announced to everyone.

For a moment, the entire table fell silent. A few classmates looked at each other, and some coughed lightly, trying to hide their embarrassment. At this time, Xiaohong couldn't help but interject and said: "Xiao Ming, if you want to open a company and go public, these things are not as simple as talking about them.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

Starting a business from scratch is a very difficult process with a low success rate. You've only been working for one year now, and I think you need to start from reality and gradually accumulate experience and ability, so that your goals can be easier to achieve.

Xiao Ming's face turned red all of a sudden. Indeed, it is inevitable that I am exaggerating to talk about my ambitions at this dinner party, and I have no practical experience and skills at all.

Xiao Li, who was sitting on the side, sneered when he saw this: "Xiao Ming, don't be stupid, everyone is an old classmate, and there is nothing wrong with some ambitions, but you also have to be down-to-earth." These things that I think about all day long are still too far from us ordinary people, I think you should not say it, so as not to make people laugh.

Xiao Ming couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into. He knew that he was acting too immature, and that his classmates were seeing him as bluffing. Xiaohong's reminder made him realize that success depends on actions rather than words, and that he clearly has a long way to go.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

After experiencing the painful lessons of these two "self-exposures", Xiao Ming deeply realized that overemphasizing his happy events and ambitions in real life will not only fail to bring the expected impact to the other party in the end, but will be easily disgusted and even ridiculed.

For a while, Xiao Ming lost his confidence and excitement, and the whole person became silent. Xiaohong saw it in her eyes and took the initiative to come over to chat with Xiao Ming and give him encouragement.

"Actually, I understand the psychology of wanting to 'expose yourself'. The main reason is that I hope to speed up the distance between me and my friends and gain a sense of identity. But do it in moderation.

Xiaohong said gently, "The real maturity and wisdom is to keep a low profile, talk less and do more." You have to believe that if you work hard enough, the results will come eventually.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

When the time comes, it is only natural that someone will see your light.

Xiao Ming looked at Xiao Hong gratefully, and finally regained his spirits: "Yes, success requires actions rather than verbal declarations, I'm too stupid." From today onwards, I will work diligently, study seriously, and improve myself step by step through my practical ability.

"Come on! Xiaohong smiled and encouraged.

In this way, Xiao Ming began to work hard. He no longer easily emphasizes his joys and ambitions to others, but just acts quietly. Sure enough, a few years later, Xiao Ming has made small achievements in his career through his own efforts.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

Looking at those who once laughed at him, Xiao Ming realized that actions are far more powerful than words.

After these incidents, Xiao Ming gradually understood that the impact of self-exposure on interpersonal relationships is a two-sided problem.

On the one hand, sharing your joys or ambitions appropriately can indeed accelerate the formation of intimacy and bring the two parties closer together. When you reveal privacy to a friend, you let them into your inner world, which can lead to trust and attachment.

But on the other hand, excessive self-exposure often has the opposite effect. It can make people think you're too frivolous and ignorant, and you lose credibility.

In addition, the relationships built by relying on self-exposure are actually relatively weak and unable to form deep bonds. The trust of a friend who is defensive against you based on just a few confessions from you is fragile.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

The slightest change can collapse. As a result, not only will you fail to close the distance, but you will leave an indelible laughing stock in the other person's heart.

So, as a mature person, you need to learn to control the urge for self-expression. Regarding one's own happy events and ambitions, we should keep them appropriately and use practical actions to forge personality charm.

A truly wise and respectable person does not need to show his self-worth through verbal statements.

After Xiao Ming deeply realized this, he began to reshape his attitude towards life. He no longer easily reveals his two private affairs to others - happy events and ideals, but keeps a low profile and works hard and steadfastly.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

In the end, he still won the recognition and admiration of the people around him through practical actions.

After experiencing the lessons of humiliation after those "self-exposures", Xiao Ming felt unprecedented pain and sorrow.

He realized that he had come to this point because he couldn't control his inner urge to share his joy and ambition everywhere. Obviously, it was just out of a good desire to get closer to each other, but due to the wrong way and improper degree, the result was self-inflicted humiliation after all.

"I just believe too much that I can get the sincere blessings of others, and I am too conceited to think that my dreams will inspire others. As everyone knows, human nature is so complex.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

I'm so stupid......" Xiao Ming lay on the bed with self-defeat.

Thinking of his carefree and arrogant self in the past, and thinking of being ridiculed and entertained by his friends, Xiao Ming felt infinite remorse and sadness for his mistakes.

He thought that such a lesson only existed in the fables in the book, but he did not expect that he would repeat the same mistakes.

"Man, that's how it's hard to fully understand yourself and how difficult it is to fully understand others. Xiaohong sighed on the side, "But this is also the only way for us to experience and grow in the world."

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

Hopefully, you'll learn your lesson, re-examine yourself, and learn to keep a low profile.

Xiao Ming nodded, and there was a little hope in his tears.

After experiencing this series of joys and regrets, Xiao Ming gradually realized that acting in a low-key manner and not being afraid of fire is the highest state of a mature and wise person.

Since then, Xiao Ming has begun to reinvent his attitude towards the world. He no longer discloses his joys or ambitions to his friends, but focuses more on real efforts to achieve his ideals.

The greatest sorrow of being a human being is to easily reveal these two private matters to others

Xiao Ming began to learn to listen more than to express, to restrain his tongue and emotions, to learn to practice clumsily with his hands, and to learn tenaciously. He found that he would be a lot wrong, he found that he was not alone on the road to growth, and he found that it was difficult to win people's trust after all.

In this way, he accumulated experience step by step and approached his dream step by step. Finally, a few years later, Xiao Ming, without anyone looking forward to it, quietly realized his original wish.

Oh, it turns out that success is just that, you don't need to beat gongs and drums, you just need to act in a low-key way. This is the highest state of being a human being, and it is also the most precious wealth in the world.

Xiao Ming finally understood that his former sorrow was also a fortunate thing.