
Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


I love watching veteran actresses chat and act together. In and out of the play, they all flow with real and calm charm.

The most ecstatic combination in recent times is the combination of two Hollywood "actresses" Annette Bening and Jodie Foster. Since the eighties and nineties of the last century, the two have been the existence of a proper and powerful idol faction.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲Left: Jodie Foster, right: Annette Bening.

Annette Bening, who is well known for "American Beauty", has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress four times.

Many people called her the "uncrowned queen", and after the new movie "Ned" was launched, netizens shouted Oscar again, it's time to give her a little golden man;

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age
Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲ Annette Bening

And Jodie Foster, who played the super strong female police officer in "The Silence of the Lambs", said the famous sentence at the age of 17 that was half a century ahead, "The most attractive traits for women are intelligence, strength, and even a little madness, while men are a certain sense of vulnerability."

At the age of 30, she was already the winner of two Oscars.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲ Jodie Foster, "The Silence of the Lambs"

They are beautiful and bony beings in the minds of many people. Now that the beauties are about to catch up with 130 years old, it is still so easy for people to fall into the performance.

The way they appeared in the movie "Ned" once again saved my imagination of life in middle and late life.

With sculptural and powerful tendon flesh and sun-kissed bronzed skin, there is nothing more powerful and muscular than this.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


Aging is terrible, wrinkles are terrible, and it doesn't exist. has acted in dramas for most of their lives, and beauties dare to show the original traces of time in front of the camera. Sagging eye bags, wrinkles, and skin have never become a yardstick for them to slip off.

Of course, their good-looking looks are not entirely dependent on their skin, but more on resistance to ageism.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


The biggest feeling of many people after watching "Ned" is that it is hot, hot, and high-spirited. So much so that before you open the film, you can't imagine that the picture in the lens is so calm and long, and most of the time it is a bottomless ocean.

It is a biopic of the 74-year-old "Queen of Marathon Swimming" Diana Nyder. Beginning at the age of 60, she traveled several times from Cuba to Florida.

Rather than success, failure is her norm.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


This "world's most difficult crossing" has been hailed by some as the "Everest" of the swimming world – not only because of the time it takes, but also because it passes through the world's most unpredictable ocean currents and encounters the most poisonous jellyfish in the sea, and once the venom is sprayed on a person, it will quickly invade the heart and cause death.

But the 60-year-old Ned is clearly a representative of the backbone.

When many people didn't believe that this was a feat that could be accomplished by human beings, especially a 60-year-old woman, she decided to start the challenge regardless of the thirty-seven twenty-one.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲ When it comes to sponsoring the support team, Ned has repeatedly hit a wall, and few people are interested in sponsoring a woman in her 60s to complete an "impossible" task.

In our popular discourse, there is indeed a common and boring imagination of "aging". Like a withered rose, like a melting glacier. When we talk about the word "aging", all that comes to mind is the loss and exhaustion of vitality, and the only thing it can bring is compromise and loss.

But the anti-bone representative Ned completely disdains this set. The last thing she usually wants to hear is that people are old and should succumb to time and mediocrity.

She doesn't believe in any limits of aging, nor does she believe that the world's more than 7 billion people have only one way to age.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


The discrimination hidden in the words became part of Ned's struggle. constitutes her tenacity, but also constitutes her toss.

Combined with the failed crossing before retiring at the age of 30, it took Ned a total of 36 years and more than 200 hours in the sea to finally swim from Cuba to the other side on his fifth attempt at the age of 64, wearing a badge of satisfaction.

In terms of achievement, Ned had done enough miracles when he was young. The first long-distance swim broke the women's record at the event, taking less than four and a half hours to swim a full 16 kilometers.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲ Diana Ned when she was young.

At the age of 25, she broke the women's record for the 22-mile race in the Bay of Naples, at the age of 30, she swam from the Bahamas to the United States in 17 and a half hours, breaking the world record for long-distance open water swimming, both men and women, and at the age of 37, she was inducted into the National Women's Sports Hall of Fame.

But as she said in a speech, the determination and decision to cross "Mount Everest" "is neither about resume nor record-breaking".

It's just a woman over 60 years old who decided to do what she wanted, and was just extravagant for the thorn of flesh that couldn't be pulled out.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲戴安娜·奈德早年在Ted Talk演讲。

Interestingly, Ned's choice to swim in his early years was largely motivated by a superstitious belief in fatalism.

Her father, who gave her last name, often told her that the word "Nyad" in Greek mythology was a fairy who lived in a mountain spring and stream.

Water is the fate written into her name.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


As a result, this bitter exercise, which is often exposed to wind and rain, wrinkles and sunburn, is more like a mission with no way out for Ned in her formative years, and she can't see her own wishes.

It is not until the age of 60 that this goal can be said to grow into herself and become what she does for herself.

This year, my mother died. While sorting through the relics, she flipped to a book that had been folded by her mother. In her eyes, her mother seems to have been at the mercy of others all her life, and in the end she has not done anything for herself. And on that page, which may have been read over and over again, was printed with a poem by Mary Oliver.

Life is only once, wild and precious.

How are you going to live?

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


A few lines of poetry that catch my eye, as if some kind of revelation from his mother, have become the question that 60-year-old Ned keeps asking himself.

She was also unhappy and anxious about her age. The past life failed to satisfy her, and she was ready to toss some fame. But the people around her told her that at the age of 60, half of her body was buried in the soil, and she didn't plan to be quiet and stop?

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


To outsiders, she may be a whimsical "crazy woman" who likes to talk about the "impossible". Only she knows that she wants to create a new sample of her own. At the age of 60, you can still toss infinitely, and you can have all kinds of possibilities.

On the day she arrived in Florida, the coast was crowded with people who came to see her. After 52 hours, 54 minutes, and 177 kilometers of continuous swimming, Ned staggered out of the water with his swollen, wrinkled body soaked in the sea.

There was little strength left, but she could still remember the expressions of the people on the beach: they hugged each other excitedly, crying for the power they could believe in.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


But to this day, this marathon swimming record is still questioned by some people.

Neither Guinness World Records nor the World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA) has certified the swim as there are no official observer records.

Ned didn't even talk about it or think too much about it, and began to toss his next thing. She and her friends started the sports website EverWalk, which organizes regular long-distance walks several times a week, calling on young people or about their age to join.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲ Ned and Bonnie in real life.

Ned himself has told the media that in almost all sports, men beat women. It is only in the ultramarathon that it becomes both a mental and a physical training, and that's when the gender differences disappear.

This cool old lady is still experimenting with age and gender in her own way.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲ Ned and Bonnie.

To be honest, no matter how moving Ned's story is, it's only a billionth success story. I don't agree with a standard set of words that only succeed. But I still like the power of what she writes in her own stories. There is too little light on an elderly woman.

At the time of filming "Ned", Annette Bening was exactly 64 years old, the same age as the year Ned crossed the successful crossing. She said in the interview that in order to restore the details of the characters, she put in training a year before the start-up, swimming in the water for at least an hour every day.

Jodie Foster, who plays her friend Bonnie, also spends at least 3 hours a day exercising in order to maintain a physique similar to the character. You see, no matter who you are, even at your grandmother's age, you can still dedicate your physical strength and love to your career.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age


Reminds me of the white-haired supermodel Paulina Porizkova, who returned in a storm last year. After many years, at the age of 58, she chose to make a comeback due to family changes, and her face obviously had a few more traces of time.

The folds that grow at the end of the eyes are as savage and upward as flames. But when you look at the photos she took for the magazine, she still feels charming, and the whole person exudes a halo.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲Paulina Porizkova

Older woman, never the opposite of fashionable and sexy.

Just like Paulina, who is wearing a pink lace suspender belt and has a cold expression, leaning on the sofa, she only has a little more unfettered beauty than when she was young.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲Paulina Porizkova

In the second half of her life, she suddenly suffered divorce and bankruptcy. One second was still immersed in the sorrow of her husband's sudden illness and death, and the next second she was told that when the two agreed to divorce, her husband modified the will without her, and almost all of the property that should have belonged to her was donated to charity.

"I suddenly became a divorced woman, with no career, no way to make money, and completely ignored by the public. ”

Anyone who looks at it is a thing that has fallen to the bottom, but fortunately, the beauty is getting more and more bony. She generously posted a comparison picture with her youth on IG, and she did not shy away from talking about her aging, and her words were full of calmness.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age

▲Paulina Porizkova IG截图

In the eyes of others, it just took away her beautiful age, but in her opinion, it gave her better blessings. "Actually, I'm a lot cooler now than I was 20 years ago. I'm smarter, more patient, more inquisitive, and more generous. ”

How glad there are these cool old ladies. They make people believe that it is not too far-fetched to talk about freedom, strength and courage at the age of 60.

Thanks to them, they contributed another charming old age