
Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

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#Dream Connects the World##Winter Life Check-in Season##Universal Life Guide#

Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

In the land of China, traditional Chinese medicine, as a treasure inherited for thousands of years, has always been silently contributing to the reproduction of the nation. However, in recent years, although the country's investment in traditional Chinese medicine has increased year by year and vigorously supported its development, there have been some worrisome anomalies within it. These phenomena not only damage the reputation of traditional Chinese medicine, but also threaten the lives and health of patients.

Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

Looking back at the long river of history, Chinese medicine has always been an important guardian of the health of the Chinese people. From the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", from acupuncture to massage, the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine has condensed the painstaking efforts and sweat of countless doctors. However, in modern society, some misdeeds have tarnished this glorious heritage.

Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

Bringing apprentices is the essence of TCM culture, but now there are some problems. Some TCM practitioners focus too much on quantity and ignore quality when selecting apprentices. They are anxious to pass on their skills, but they ignore the qualifications and conduct of their apprentices. This behavior leads to the apprentice's lack of skill, causing harm to the patient and seriously affecting the reputation of TCM.

Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

In addition to the problem of apprentices, exaggerated publicity is also a major drawback in the current Chinese medicine industry. In order to attract patients, some TCM practitioners do not hesitate to exaggerate the treatment effect and create high expectations for patients. When patients find that there is a huge gap between reality and expectations, their trust in TCM will be lost. This kind of behavior not only harms the interests of patients, but also plunges the entire TCM industry into a crisis of trust.

Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

What is even more distressing is that the existence of pseudo-TCM has seriously disrupted the market order. Some people who do not have the qualifications of orthodox Chinese medicine are swaggering and deceiving under the banner of traditional Chinese medicine, which brings great safety risks to patients. They take advantage of patients' trust in TCM to act recklessly and for personal gain. This kind of behavior is not only irresponsible to patients, but also a great insult to the Chinese medicine community.

Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

In the face of these problems, we can't help but ask: what went wrong? After in-depth analysis, we found that this is not only a problem of the Chinese medicine industry, but also a distortion of the values of the entire society. In the tide of market economy, some people do not hesitate to trample on the bottom line of morality in order to pursue profits, bringing endless suffering to patients.

In order to revitalize TCM, we need to start from a number of aspects. First of all, TCM associations at all levels should strengthen industry self-discipline and formulate stricter mentorship systems and assessment standards. At the same time, TCM physicians should improve their professional quality and moral character, and treat every patient with sincerity and responsibility. In addition, the government should increase the supervision of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, establish and improve relevant laws and regulations, and severely punish violations of laws and regulations.

Revealing the inside story of traditional Chinese medicine, the state focuses on supporting traditional Chinese medicine but hides a "shady curtain", have you ever heard of it!

We must understand that Chinese medicine is not only a medical skill, but also a cultural inheritance. While pursuing economic benefits, we must not forget the original intention and mission of doctors. Only when every TCM physician is patient-centered and adheres to medical ethics can the unique advantages and values of TCM be truly brought into play.

Let us work together to contribute to the healthy development of Chinese medicine. Only in this way can we give new vitality and vitality to this ancient medicine and continue to contribute to the cause of human health.

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