
"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"


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"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

Under the cloud of Huawei's technology being stolen by Zunpai, Gao T has become the biggest beneficiary in this technology war. Although it was not directly involved with Gao T on the surface, its emergency dissolution of the Shanghai WIFI7 R&D team and the rapid application for relevant patents left a thought-provoking trace in the incident.

The implication of the Shanghai WIFI7 R&D team

"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

IS IT A COINCIDENCE OR A DEEP MEANING THAT GAO T CHOSE TO DISBAND THE SHANGHAI WIFI7 R&D TEAM OVERNIGHT ON THE DAY THAT HUAWEI DISCOVERED THAT THE TECHNOLOGY WAS STOLEN? PERHAPS, THE SHANGHAI WIFI7 R&D TEAM IS JUST A COVER. By observing the movements of the high T, we may be able to reveal the truth of the incident. When the technology was stolen, did Gao T know about it, and did he use the disbandment of the team as a means to cover up this fact?

The arrest of Zunpai Communications with the two ghost companies

"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

With the arrest of 14 people from Zunpai Communications, we began to wonder if it was related to a certain second-ghost company. In the world of technology, similar incidents are not unique. Historically, there have been many companies that have stolen technology to make a profit, and some have even become industry hegemons. Did the two ghost subsidiaries play the role of manipulators in this technology war and became the mastermind behind the theft of Huawei's technology?

Analyze the true intent of the patent application

"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

At the critical moment when Huawei's technology was stolen, Gao T's company quickly applied for two patents. What kind of mystery is hidden in this? Comparing the content of the patent with the focus of the theft of Huawei technology, we may be able to find clues. Are these patents meant to fix vulnerabilities in stolen technology, or are there deeper commercial intentions behind them?

The strategic wisdom behind patent filings

"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, the technology successfully developed by any R&D institution is inseparable from the application of patents. Is the company's urgent patent application a response to the theft of Huawei's technology, or is it the result of their active planning in this technology war? Does the patent application imply that Gao T is well versed in the rules of technology warfare and knows how to protect its interests before the limelight passes?

Ultimate responsibility for the theft of Huawei technology

"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

Although all kinds of signs seem to point to Gao T and the two ghost companies, can the ultimate responsibility really fall on them? Behind the technological war, Zhang Kun, the boss of Zunpai, may have become a victim of this turmoil. Was the American Kun Chang used as a bargaining chip, or was he really inextricably linked to the black hand of the theft of technology?

A key move to defeat the two ghost companies

"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

The key to solving the problem of Huawei's technology being stolen by Zunpai is to track down and stop the two ghost subsidiaries that manipulate all this. Historically, the resolution of similar incidents has often been inseparable from in-depth investigations to break the mastermind behind technological warfare. Only when we get to the bottom of these manipulators can we establish a truly level playing field in the field of technology.

Paving the way for the future

"Foreign companies urgently apply for WIFI7 patents, missing the opportunity to investigate"

Competition in the field of technology is no longer a simple market competition, but also a hidden war. In this war, Gao T became the biggest winner, and Huawei became the biggest loser. For the future development of science and technology, we need to not only focus on technological innovation, but also ensure a level playing field to avoid similar technology wars from happening again. It is only through cooperation, regulation, and legal means that we can go further on the path of technology.