
The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

author:Li Dan, Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

10 gynecological diseases that don't need to be treated

During a gynaecological exam, many women tend to feel anxious when they see terms such as "pelvic effusion," "HPV infection," and "breast hyperplasia" on the checklist.

Especially in some informal medical institutions, doctors may exaggerate the condition and strongly recommend treatment.

In fact, some symptoms are not diseases and do not require special treatment.

The following are 10 gynecological diseases that do not require treatment, and I hope that women can fully grasp the relevant knowledge and become wise patients.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

The following 10 gynecological diseases will gradually get better

1. Pelvic effusion that is not a cause for concern

Did you know that pelvic effusion is a physiological phenomenon and not a manifestation of pelvic inflammation?

Just like the rest of our body, the pelvis has various organs, such as the bowel, which needs to be moved.

Therefore, a small amount of pelvic fluid is completely normal and does not require excessive tension or treatment.

As long as we maintain a healthy lifestyle, these effusions will disappear naturally.

However, if the amount of pelvic fluid is too large, or it is accompanied by inflammatory symptoms such as lumbosacral pain and lower abdominal distention, then we need to be vigilant and seek medical attention in time.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

2. HPV infection is not the same as cervical cancer

There are many types of HPV viruses, and although HPV infection does not necessarily cause cervical cancer, almost all patients with cervical cancer have a history of HPV infection.

Therefore, even if you are infected with the HPV virus, there is no need to panic too much, because the possibility of developing cervical cancer is actually very low.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

3. Breast hyperplasia does not require specific treatment

It is a common misconception that breast hyperplasia does not directly cause breast cancer.

Most breast hyperplasia is benign, neither tumor, nor inflammation, and does not cause cancer.

The main risk of breast hyperplasia does not come from the disease itself, but from the patient's psychological anxiety, excessive concern about the possibility of cancer.

In daily life, you only need to pay attention to relieving psychological pressure and adjusting your mentality, so you can effectively deal with breast hyperplasia.

However, lobular hyperplasia of the breast with ductal epithelial hyperplasia and severe dysplasia is alarmed for a possible risk of cancer.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

4. Cervical erosion is not a serious gynaecological disease

Cervical erosion, also known as cervical columnar ecthelial ectopy, is a common and harmless physiological phenomenon that usually requires no treatment.

However, if the patient has symptoms such as increased vaginal discharge, yellow color, odor, low back pain, or bleeding after intercourse, they should seek medical attention immediately.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

5. Surgery is not necessarily required for the treatment of uterine fibroids.

The disorder often occurs in women of childbearing age, widowhood, and sexual disharmony.

If the patient has no obvious symptoms and no signs of malignant lesions, they can be observed with regular follow-up visits without the need for surgical treatment.

However, if fibroids cause symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods, increased vaginal discharge, abdominal lumps, pain, infertility, etc., treatment is required.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

6. Bleeding during ovulation usually does not require treatment.

This is a bleeding phenomenon caused by a brief drop in estrogen levels during ovulation, which causes the lining of the uterus to fall off.

This condition is usually episodic, bleeding is small, and the color is brown or bright red. In most cases, bleeding in 2 to 3 days stops on its own without treatment.

However, sexual activity should be avoided during bleeding and continued observation.

However, if the bleeding is heavy or prolonged, it should be promptly checked to the hospital to rule out other gynaecological diseases.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

7. Cervical Knott's cyst is not a tumor, but caused by inflammation.

In general, cervical Knott's cyst does not require treatment, only regular follow-up visits.

However, if uncomfortable symptoms such as inflammation occur, medication or physical therapy may be necessary.

In cases where the cyst is huge, surgical treatment is also an option.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

8. Ovarian cysts don't necessarily develop into cancer.

Ovarian cysts can be divided into benign tumors, malignant tumors, and physiological cysts.

Physiological cysts usually disappear on their own after the end of the Great Aunt and do not cause any harm to the body.

However, pathological cysts, such as chocolate cysts and teratomas, may become malignant and require treatment.

For patients with ovarian cysts, ongoing observation and regular follow-up are recommended.

If the cyst grows in size gradually, accompanied by symptoms such as lower abdominal discomfort and menstrual abnormalities, it is necessary to treat it promptly and, if necessary, consider surgery.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

9. Pseudogenital warts are non-contagious diseases

Genital pseudowarts are a benign papillary tumor of the female genitals that is not associated with venereal diseases.

Some people mistake "genital warts" for "genital warts" when they hear them, but this concern is unwarranted.

The cause of pseudocondyloma is not well established and may be related to chronic inflammation or long-term irritation of secretions. The disease is self-limited and generally does not require treatment.

If other symptoms such as itching occur, symptomatic treatment can be performed.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

10. Endometrial polyps do not require special treatment

Endometrial polyps are caused by excessive interstitial hyperplasia in the uterus.

In clinical practice, small, asymptomatic endometrial polyps can be temporarily left untreated.

25% of endometrial polyps (especially those less than 1 cm in diameter) disappear on their own. However, regular re-examinations are required.

The gynecologist tells you that you don't need to be treated for these 10 gynecological diseases

Here are 10 diseases that you didn't know anything about, and the next time you encounter them on your test report, you don't need to panic again.

The director said in his heart

I am Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

If you have gynecological problems such as menstrual disorders, ovulation disorders, premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, reproductive tract infections, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, etc.

You can talk to me~ See you next time

#Women's Health ##妇科#