
The "toy" picked up by the little boy was a bit expensive, and the parents accepted to pay compensation of less than 20,000 yuan

author:Li Dazhu

Last year, a young kindergarten boy gave his mother's gold ring to a female classmate to express his deep friendship. When the female classmate's father saw it, he thought it must be a toy, but it wasn't real. It wasn't until I saw the brand name printed on the ring that I knew it was true, so I quickly contacted the teacher to return the ring.

The "toy" picked up by the little boy was a bit expensive, and the parents accepted to pay compensation of less than 20,000 yuan

A 3-year-old child himself will treat many things beyond his cognition as toys and will not think of them as valuables. The instinctive reaction of every adult is that the things that children take back outside, given by others or picked up on the road, will not be too valuable, so it is possible that there will be a psychological misjudgment, and this misjudgment may pay a heavy price.

The "toy" picked up by the little boy was a bit expensive, and the parents accepted to pay compensation of less than 20,000 yuan

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Ms. Li in Xiangyang, Hubei Province reported to the police that she lost the diamond ring, and found the child who picked up the diamond ring through monitoring, but she did not expect that the diamond ring had already been thrown away by the child's parents as an ordinary jewelry, because it was too dangerous for the child to always put the diamond ring in his mouth to play.

Ms. Li was very angry after hearing this, believing that the parents of the little boy had not fulfilled their responsibility to keep the found items and should pay compensation of 30,000 yuan and mental damages.

The "toy" picked up by the little boy was a bit expensive, and the parents accepted to pay compensation of less than 20,000 yuan

The child's parents are wronged, and they don't know that they are valuables, so they will not compensate. Later, the lawyer who consulted the legal aid center learned that according to the law, it is necessary to bear civil liability and bear liability for compensation in such a situation. Although the boy's parents were very helpless when they learned about it, they said that they would cooperate with the investigation and were willing to bear compensation of less than 20,000 yuan.

Ms. Li's claim for compensation in this matter is also reasonable, and she protects her rights and interests in accordance with the law. If the person who has picked up the diamond ring is found, it shall be returned or handed over to the police station for safekeeping, and the police station shall return it to the owner.

If the discarded ring cannot be found in the future, the child's parents may have to pay tens of thousands of dollars. Many people have never bought a diamond ring, and there is no way to distinguish whether it is real or fake.

Netizens are also more sympathetic to parents of children:

The "toy" picked up by the little boy was a bit expensive, and the parents accepted to pay compensation of less than 20,000 yuan
The "toy" picked up by the little boy was a bit expensive, and the parents accepted to pay compensation of less than 20,000 yuan
The "toy" picked up by the little boy was a bit expensive, and the parents accepted to pay compensation of less than 20,000 yuan

One is to know that the diamond ring is valuable but lose it, and the other is to throw it away without knowing the value. If this incident is litigated, according to the lawyer, Ms. Li will most likely win the case.

Last year, there was an example: a man picked up a gold chain and took it away, looked at it and thought it was fake and threw it away, and there was no monitoring probe at the place where it was thrown, and finally the court sentenced the man to bear 80% responsibility.


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