
Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

author:Brother Yong talks about the world

Recently, Mr. Wang's long-term exposure to high-temperature plastic bags caused physical discomfort, which manifested in redness, swelling, stinging and even peeling and itching on the exposed skin on his arms, neck and face. These symptoms made Mr. Wang feel very troubled and even affected his daily work and life.

One night, after Mr. Wang's hard work, he saw that it was past 12 o'clock in the morning, and his stomach was already rumbling. In order to quench his hunger, Mr. Wang decided to go out and find some snacks to fill his stomach. But Mr. Wang's home is remote and there are no convenience stores or food stalls around, so he decided to eat at a new wonton stall in a small alley that he and his colleagues have been frequenting recently.

Tonight, as usual, he quickly ordered a large portion of wontons, and the proprietress saw his appearance, quickly packed hot soup for him, and handed over the plastic bag full of wontons directly at once, for fear of delaying his time.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

When Mr. Wang took the food, he couldn't wait to eat it, and the aroma of the food came to his nose and made him feel his appetite. That kind of fragrance makes people can't help but want to taste it, and the taste is really mouth-watering and endless.

However, the next morning, Mr. Wang regretted it, which he never expected. He was punished for his actions, his stomach hurt terribly, and he pulled a lot of, which was really uncomfortable.

Last night, Mr. Wang went to eat a bowl of steaming small wontons, and this morning he felt unbearable stomach pain when he came together, could it be that the small wontons he ate last night were to blame? Mr. Wang suddenly had a trace of doubt in his heart, could it be because the proprietress used a plastic bag to pack hot wontons that caused him to have diarrhea? But after thinking about it, he had already eaten at that restaurant many times, and he didn't see any problems.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

This experience troubled Mr. Wang, and he always had a question in his mind: could all this be just a coincidence? In order to confirm, he chose to lie at home for two days, temporarily putting aside other things, until he felt that his stomach was healthy again.

Mr. Wang has always been concerned about food safety, so he is very concerned about what happened to him at the wonton stall, especially the use of plastic bags, which he never forgets. He started searching the internet for information and found that there were a lot of people talking about it. He saw a lot of posts saying that hot food with high temperatures directly in plastic bags does produce harmful substances, and this substance will remain in the food, which may cause harm to the body after being ingested by the human body, which is likely to be the cause of his own body problems.

The reporter conducted an in-depth investigation into the phenomenon of plastic bag use, and found that there are huge differences in this phenomenon in different regions and different groups of people, and also revealed the problems and reasons behind this phenomenon.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Mr. Wang is an ordinary citizen, but he has experienced extraordinary encounters in his life. This incident attracted the attention of reporter Ms. Li, who is well aware of the harm caused by the use of plastic bags to the environment, combined with her own interview experience with roadside food stalls, she decided to investigate the problem of using plastic bags in depth, in order to uncover the problems hidden in the lives of ordinary citizens, so that more people can pay attention to environmental protection and improve everyone's environmental awareness.

Ms. Li has always had a deep love for food, and for her, every weekend is the beginning of a culinary journey. On this day, she chose to visit the most famous food street in the west of the city, wanting to experience the food and culture here. Sure enough, here, she saw a variety of snacks, each with an enticing aroma that made people want to taste it.

However, in such a lively snack street, plastic bags can be found everywhere, which makes Ms. Li very worried.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

She walked into a stir-fry stall that had just been cooked, and saw the boss busy with his hands, quickly wrapping hot bowls in plastic bags, and then pouring the fried vegetables down. This situation was heartbreaking for Ms. Li, and she realized what she had to do to change the situation. So she started educating her bosses about the importance of going green, hoping that they would be able to use reusable bags or reusable containers for their food instead of single-use plastic bags.

Under her publicity, more and more stall owners began to realize the importance of environmental protection and began to use environmentally friendly packaging methods.

Ms. Lee's actions have also caught the attention of other diners, who have also begun to join in the environmental action. Eventually, there were fewer and fewer plastic bags on this snack street, replaced by eco-friendly bags and reusable containers. This change not only makes the street more aesthetically pleasing, but also makes every diner feel more comfortable and at ease.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

"In this way, we can improve the efficiency of washing dishes, save time washing dishes, and not be so busy. The boss saw the puzzled look on my face and explained.

After visiting 5 different types of food stalls, Ms. Li found that most of the food stall owners invariably said that the use of plastic bags not only greatly improves their work efficiency, but also satisfies the needs of customers. Especially during the peak sales period, the number of customers increases, and the use of plastic bags in food stalls can quickly distribute food to customers, which is convenient and fast, and can greatly reduce the waiting time of customers, thereby improving customer satisfaction.

A small stall owner who specializes in fish tofu brains uses hundreds of plastic bags to load the last batch of tofu brains of the day during the peak sales period between 6 and 9 p.m. to be able to quickly serve hot food to customers. As you can see from the stall owner's display, the plastic bags are used to load lunch boxes filled with fish tofu brains, and each box contains several bowls of hot tofu brains.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

While this is a quick and easy approach, it raises questions about this seemingly environmentally friendly way of selling and raises concerns about its potential impact on the environment.

However, Ms. Li also realizes that although most customers are dissatisfied and disgusted by this practice, there are still some who understand and support it, and even think that wearing a plastic bag will make them feel more at ease and at ease. For example, a citizen surnamed Zhang made it clear: "Although I know that using plastic bags is not environmentally friendly, I also know that the bowls on these stalls are not necessarily particularly clean."

Therefore, I feel that if I put on a plastic bag, I can use these bowls with more peace of mind without worrying about whether they will be harmful to my health."

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Sometimes I was worried about getting sick, so I decided to wrap the bisect in a plastic bag to avoid contamination with bacteria.

Ms. Li has accumulated a lot of first-hand information during the interview, and she has an in-depth understanding of the current situation and actual situation of the food stalls, and she believes that the use of plastic bags in food stalls is an issue worthy of attention.

Ms. Li pointed out that although the use of plastic bags in food stalls has brought a lot of convenience to consumers in practice, from the perspective of food safety and environmental protection, its impact on human health and the environment still needs to be professionally assessed and studied.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

In response to this phenomenon, Ms. Li hopes that through this interview, she calls on all sectors of society to strengthen the supervision of the use of plastic bags in food stalls, and also hopes that more consumers can pay attention to this issue and work together to maintain food safety and environmental protection.

She thought that this matter could not end so easily, and that there must be more things that she needed to discover and pursue. So, she decided to dig deeper into the whole picture of this matter and dig out the truth.

Experts analyze the hazards of plastic bags under high temperature conditions

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Disposable plastic bags can be seen everywhere in our daily life, which brings us a lot of convenience, but at the same time, it also brings huge pollution to the environment.

Experts analyze the hazards of plastic bags under high temperature conditions, telling us that plastic bags cannot be stored under high temperature conditions, and plastic bags will decompose at high temperatures, producing harmful substances, causing serious harm to human health and the environment.

During the interview, in order to better understand the food safety issues of the food stalls, Ms. Li contacted Director Zhang of the Guangzhou Food and Drug Monitoring Center and had a detailed conversation with him. In particular, she asked Director Zhang for her professional views on the safety of plastic bags, and received patient and detailed answers from Director Zhang.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Director Zhang explained to us very professionally that the most common plastic bags in our daily life are not resistant to high temperatures. This ordinary plastic bag can only be used to hold food no more than 100°C, and once the temperature is higher, it will decompose and produce harmful substances that can pose a serious threat to our health.

The additives of low-quality plastic bags contain some heavy metals and other contaminants, which can be released and migrate into food under high temperature conditions, thus posing a potential threat to human health.

"However, many food stalls don't take this into account and they use plain plastic bags directly for hot food, which can lead to some safety hazards. Director Zhang said solemnly. He explained that from a regulatory point of view, there are also different grades of food-grade plastic bags.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Only special "high-temperature retort grade" plastic bags can come into direct contact with high-temperature food. The use of ordinary plastic bags for high-temperature food can cause damage to human health.

Through this interview, Ms. Li finally realized the seriousness of the problem and decided to take action. First of all, she needs to raise awareness of the issue. While it may be difficult to tighten regulation, the situation will improve if consumers are aware of the hazards and consciously require food stalls to use the right utensils.

The reason for the inertia of the use of plastic bags in society.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Although the profession has proven the problem of ordinary plastic bags releasing harmful substances in a high temperature environment, many food stalls still continue to use plastic bags.

In order to unravel this mystery, Ms. Li specially invited Professor Zheng, an expert in sociology, to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges.

First of all, there is a widespread belief among consumers that "what is not seen equals harmlessness". Although they know that this thinking is theoretically problematic, their judgments are often based on intuition and experience rather than scientific evidence.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Secondly, the use of plastic bags can satisfy the laziness of many people. Throw it away after one-time use, eliminating the trouble of cleaning dishes, which is quite convenient and fast.

Again, considering the cost factor, it makes sense for food stalls to choose plastic bags.

Finally, many consumers are not very demanding. As long as the food is delicious and authentic, they don't care about the quality of the packaging or the utensils. They acquiesce in or condone the use of plastic bags in food stalls.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

It is the interweaving of these complex social factors that has led to the conclusion that the phenomenon of plastic bag use has been difficult to eliminate for a long time. Ms. Li lamented that it is not enough to rely on regulation alone, and it is also necessary to overcome the fundamental problem of consumer psychology.

Challenges and recommendations for existing regulation

In response to the problem of using plastic bags in food stalls, although the mainland has issued relevant regulatory policies, the implementation effect is not satisfactory. Ms. Li decided to interview Section Chief Zhang of the Ministry of Environmental Protection to hear his expert judgment on the current situation and recommendations.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Section Chief Zhang said frankly that the roadside food stalls belong to mobile operations, with a large number and wide dispersion, which cannot be carried out in a targeted manner, and the laboratory testing to identify the ingredients contained in the plastic bags and whether they exceed the standard requires professional equipment and personnel.

At present, the focus of regulation is still on large catering and shopping mall retail enterprises.

Nonetheless, the current policy does play a role. In recent years, the implementation of the plastic restriction order has improved the environmental awareness of the society, especially the young people born in the 80s and 90s, and the total use of plastic bags has declined.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Therefore, we should also look at the problem from a positive perspective.

Zhang believes that it is crucial to strengthen supervision and enhance public participation. For example, environmental volunteers can be trained to encourage the public to report food stalls that use plastic bags to promote environmental action; At the same time, local governments can also carry out a series of publicity activities to raise public awareness and awareness of environmental protection. If possible, local governments can also provide some subsidies for food stalls that come with cutlery to encourage food stall owners to reduce the use of plastic bags.

Only with systematic promotion and the participation of the whole people can our way of life gradually become environmentally friendly.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Ms. Li said that she strongly agrees with this view. In response to this conundrum, she decided to get involved herself, and as a journalist, she could use her influence to advance society.

She firmly believes that as long as everyone works together, all problems will be solved.

Treat the use of plastic bags correctly and contribute wisdom and suggestions

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Through the preliminary investigation, Ms. Li deeply realized the seriousness of the use of plastic bags in food stalls. In the interview, she said that she has published a series of reports on this topic and shared her views and suggestions.

Ms. Li believes that as the general public, we need to understand and treat plastic bags correctly. While the convenience of plastic bags is obvious to all, the potential environmental hazards and health risks cannot be ignored.

The key is to use it with a reasonable attitude.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

In order to be more environmentally friendly when purchasing, storing and carrying food, people should prioritize using more environmentally friendly options, such as bringing their own eco-friendly utensils and buying organic food. In the case of having to use plastic bags, it is also important to choose food-grade products.

These are the small things of life, but they can make a real difference.

In addition, Ms. Li called on consumers to actively participate in the use of non-compliant plastic bags to explain the relevant problems to the proprietress by making legal leaflets, or take the initiative to provide environmentally friendly tableware to support environmental protection actions.

Roadside stalls put a plastic bag in the bowl, and the hot soup at high temperature is poured directly into it, won't it be poisonous?

Harmonious communication with merchants is one of the effective ways to solve problems.

Ms. Li said that through her series of reports, many people around her began to pay attention to the problem of environmentally friendly tableware. She believes that as long as everyone works together, the use of environmentally friendly tableware will become a new trend of life, and the problem of "white pollution" in food stalls will be controlled.

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