
Does wearing a mask make you feel stuffy? Chinese medicine teaches you how to save the "mask face"

author:Hebei Medical and Health Science Center

#Headline Creation Challenge##Headline Truth##Universal Life Guide##口罩痘#

In this day and age, masks have become an indispensable item in our daily lives, and it plays an important role not only in preventing the spread of disease, but also in protecting our respiratory system and facial skin. However, wearing a mask for a long time can lead to a common skin problem – mask pox.

Does wearing a mask make you feel stuffy? Chinese medicine teaches you how to save the "mask face"

First of all, we need to understand that the occurrence of mask pox is related to multiple factors. Among them, the most direct cause is the friction between the skin and the inside of the mask caused by wearing the mask for a long time. When we speak, the inside of the mask rubs against the skin of the face, which can easily cause skin damage, which can lead to hair follicle infection and inflammation, forming acne. In addition, the stuffy environment inside the mask is also a significant factor in the cause of acne. Rapid or rapid breathing and saliva generated when talking will cause more moisture from the mouth and nose to collect in the mask, resulting in a humid and stuffy environment inside the mask, which will increase the water content and volume of the epithelial cells of the sebaceous duct duct of the hair follicle, and bacteria will easily breed and adhere to the skin, thus causing acute obstruction and forming acne.

In addition to the above two direct causes, the cleanliness of masks is also closely related to the occurrence of acne. If the mask has traces of makeup and sweat, it can cause breakouts if you use it repeatedly. Therefore, we need to change and wash the mask regularly to maintain its cleanliness.

Does wearing a mask make you feel stuffy? Chinese medicine teaches you how to save the "mask face"

In addition, the skin's oil abundance is also an important factor in the development of acne. From a TCM perspective, the health of the skin reflects the health of the lungs. When the lungs have too much heat or heat, it means that the body has extra heat energy in the upper part of the body. The natural state of hot air is to go upward, and the heat of the lungs is easy to fumigate the face and cause inflammation of the facial skin. Therefore, we need to maintain a balanced diet and consume the right amount of healthy oils and nutrients to maintain the health of the body and the health of the skin.

So, how to avoid or reduce the occurrence of mask pox? First of all, taking off the mask at the right time to give the skin a chance to breathe is an effective way. In a safe and well-ventilated place, take off the mask at the right time to allow the skin to breathe, allow the moisture in the mask to evaporate, and reduce the time for the skin to be suffocated by the mask. Secondly, it is also a good choice to choose a high-quality/low-allergenic mask. When the skin is damaged, you can choose a mask with a softer texture and higher skin-friendliness to reduce the chance of secondary skin damage caused by friction between the skin and the mask. You can also choose a mask with a larger distance from the skin and fewer compartments to ensure the breathability inside the mask. In addition, changing masks frequently is also an effective way to avoid bacteria and the coronavirus covering the mask and increase the risk of infection. Disposable masks should be replaced once a day, even if they are not worn for a long time.

Does wearing a mask make you feel stuffy? Chinese medicine teaches you how to save the "mask face"

In addition to these methods, it is also a good option to use skincare products that are more breathable. When your skin is inflamed, opt for a lighter cleansing cream, and it is recommended not to over-cleanse to ensure that your skin has a chance to repair itself. In terms of skin care products, it is recommended to choose skin care products with high clarity to moisturize the skin and maintain the skin's oil balance. Finally, changing your diet is also one of the effective ways to reduce the production of mask pox. Eat the right amount of healthy fats and eat a balanced diet to ensure that your body has enough and necessary nutrients, and reduce the burden of undesirable fats such as fried foods to reduce the burden on the stomach and reduce the secretion of excess oils to the skin.

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