
Simulcast +丨 Promote the "three non-corruptions" The general secretary will deploy again at the beginning of the year

author:International Online
Simulcast +丨 Promote the "three non-corruptions" The general secretary will deploy again at the beginning of the year

Corruption is the greatest cancer that endangers the party's vitality and combat effectiveness, and the fight against corruption is the most thorough self-revolution.

At the beginning of the new year, the Third Plenary Session of the 20 th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection opened as scheduled. At this central-level meeting related to the construction of party style and clean government, General Secretary Xi Jinping analyzed the latest situation of the anti-corruption struggle, and made it clear that "insisting on promoting the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt" is the general requirement of the anti-corruption struggle in the new journey.

Strict words should be the first to maintain a strong deterrent of "dare not be corrupt".

"On January 6, 2023, the court sentenced Li Wenxi to death with a two-year reprieve" "On December 13, 2023, the court sentenced Xue Heng to 17 years in prison" in the first trial......

On January 6, the first episode of the TV feature film "Continue to Make Efforts to Promote in Depth" "Solve Unique Problems" was broadcast on the CCTV comprehensive channel of China Central Radio and Television. A series of circulars on severely punishing fallen officials have once again released a strong signal that the management of the party and the party will be stricter and stricter in all aspects.

Simulcast +丨 Promote the "three non-corruptions" The general secretary will deploy again at the beginning of the year

The feature film "Continue to Make Efforts and Promote in Depth" was launched on January 6.

To promote the "three non-corruptions" as a whole, not daring to be corrupt is the premise.

At the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held at the beginning of 2023, the general secretary spoke sharply: we must continue to increase pressure on not daring to be corrupt, always maintain zero tolerance and deterrence, and always have high-pressure punishment power.

At the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the general secretary once again made clear the attitude of zero tolerance for corruption, "There must be no turning back, no relaxation, no mercy in the fight against corruption, and we must always blow the trumpet of the charge."

Aim at the bull's-eye and exert force with precision. The general secretary called for continuing to focus on the "seven haves" and taking the severe punishment of corruption in collusion between government and business as the top priority of the battle.

Precise treatment, focusing on key areas. The general secretary stressed the need to "deepen the rectification of corruption in areas where power is concentrated, capital intensive, and resource enrichment, such as finance, state-owned enterprises, energy, medicine, and infrastructure projects." ”

The specific arrangements demonstrate the determination and will of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to take the comprehensive and strict governance of the party as the party's long-term strategy and eternal topic, and to adhere to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time.

Improve the system and improve the comprehensive efficiency of "no corruption".

"The person who gave Zhang Xiaopei the largest amount of money and goods was a boss named Liu Youcai. He has been in close contact with Zhang Xiaopei for nearly 40 years, and his friendship is widely known in Jilin City. ”

The first episode of the TV feature film "Continue to Make Efforts to Promote in Depth" unveiled the inside story of Zhang Xiaopei, the creator of the "Jihua Phenomenon".

"Further improve laws and regulations on the punishment of bribery, and improve the joint punishment mechanism for bribe-givers. This is General Secretary Xi Jinping's punishment request for bribe-givers at the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

At the Third Plenary Session of the 20 th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the general secretary further emphasized that it is necessary to intensify the punishment of bribery, "report typical cases, set a positive record, and set an example", releasing a strong signal to persist in investigating bribery and bribery together and increasing the punishment of bribery.

To promote the "three non-corruptions" as a whole, it is the key not to be corrupt. Only by putting power in the cage of the system can we effectively prevent and control corruption at the source.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that "improve the party's self-revolution system and normative system".

At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, from "accelerating the construction of governance mechanisms in emerging fields" to "establishing a linkage mechanism for early warning and punishment of corruption", from "continuing to promote national anti-corruption legislation" to "revising the Supervision Law with the times", ...... The general secretary has made a series of specific arrangements for treating both the symptoms and the root causes and systematically administering the system, and is committed to tightening the "fence" of the system, improving the party's self-revolution system and normative system, and eradicating the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption.

Cultivate a culture of honesty and build a strong embankment that "does not want to be corrupted".

"Reflecting on my sins, the biggest danger to a person's ability to be honest and self-disciplined is himself, and the most difficult to overcome is himself. In the TV feature film "Continue to Make Efforts to Advance in Depth", Zhang Xiaopei's deep reflection is thought-provoking.

Simulcast +丨 Promote the "three non-corruptions" The general secretary will deploy again at the beginning of the year

Screenshot of the video

On January 18, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that leading cadres, especially senior cadres, should take the lead in implementing the opinions on strengthening the construction of a clean culture in the new era, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan ideologically, improve the consciousness of party spirit, and enhance the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration.

This is the first time that the general secretary has proposed the construction of a clean culture in the new era in his public speech.

Promote the "three non-corruption" as a whole, and not wanting to be corrupt is fundamental. Only by building a solid ideological foundation can we lead action consciousness with a high degree of ideological consciousness.

At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the general secretary made specific arrangements for the construction of a clean culture in the new era from the dimensions of "inheriting the party's glorious traditions and fine style" and "paying attention to family education and family style".

From focusing on carrying out intra-party education to replenish calcium and strengthen bones for the majority of party members and cadres, to strengthening the construction of a culture of integrity, enhancing the consciousness of not wanting to be corrupt with righteous self-cultivation, and then to strengthening education on ideals and beliefs, to stand up the spiritual backbone of communists...... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the comprehensive and strict governance of the party has been promoted in depth, and a series of measures to strengthen the foundation and forge the soul have continuously tempered the sharp ideological weapon of self-revolution.

Promote the "three non-corruption" as a whole, continue to increase pressure on not daring to be corrupt, deepen and expand on not being corrupt, and consolidate and improve on not wanting to be corrupt, and the three at the same time, in the same direction, and comprehensively, in order to take on the mission of "offending thousands of people and living up to 1.4 billion"!

(China Central Radio and Television CCTV Network)