
Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

author:Xiao Xiao, who loves freedom

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The "temptation" of power and the "entanglement" of blood

It is said that in the hot land of Datang, there is a woman, she is not an ordinary woman, but Wu Zetian's "little princess" - Princess Taiping.

This princess was destined to live a different life from the moment she was born. Why? Because her mother is Wu Zetian, the female emperor who once made the Tang Dynasty "tremble".

This princess Taiping has been smart and clever since she was a child, and she is deeply favored by Wu Zetian. However, it is not only the blood of the martial arts family that flows in her body, but also the blood of the Li family.

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

This is like a bowl of spicy tang, which has both the popularity of chili peppers and the crispy crispiness of Sichuan peppercorns. Therefore, in her heart, this princess Taiping also remembers the world of the Li family.

Later, Empress Wei, a "scheming", poisoned Emperor Li Xian, and wanted to follow Wu Zetian to become emperor. Princess Taiping looked at it, yo, this Queen Wei has a lot of appetite, and she actually wants to rob my mother's "job".

So, she teamed up with her nephew Li Longji to launch a "palace version" of the "landlord fight", and brought down Queen Wei, the "landlord's wife".

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

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The "queen" behind the scenes and the "chess pieces" of the court

After defeating Queen Wei, Princess Taiping can be described as proud. The civil and military ministers in the court also cast "worship" glances at her.

At this time, Princess Taiping is like a "gambling god" with a good handful of cards, and she can win with any card.

However, this princess Taiping is also a smart person. She knows that power is like a "hot potato", and it will be hot if you hold it for a long time.

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

So, she played a strategy of "golden cicada shelling", handed over the power of the court to her nephew Li Longji, and she retreated behind the scenes and became the queen behind the scenes.

This princess of Taiping, although she has retreated into the background, her influence has not diminished at all. As for the ministers in the court, she is still the only one who looks ahead.

This is like a puppet show of "behind-the-scenes manipulation", and Princess Taiping is the "master" of manipulating the puppets.

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

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The "betrayal" of emotions and the "backlash" of power

However, the good times didn't last long. Princess Taiping's son Xue Chongjian actually has an "unclear" relationship with Li Longji.

This Xue Chongjian looks like a clear-eyed and talented, but he is a master of "broken sleeves". He is tired of being with Li Longji all day long, and the two of them are like one person.

After this Princess Taiping knew, it was really a "five thunder boom". She never thought that her son would get together with Li Longji, a "little enemy". It made her feel like she had eaten a bowl of "fly noodles" and was so sick that she wanted to vomit.

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

So, this princess Taiping was angry. She decides to use the power in her hands to take revenge on the world. She will trample under the feet all those who betray her.

However, this power is like a "double-edged sword", if used well, it can hurt others invisibly, and if it is not used well, it will hurt oneself.

Princess Taiping belongs to the kind of person who "doesn't use it well". She only thinks about revenge, but ignores the "backlash" of power.

As a result, Li Longji, a "little enemy", took the lead and launched a "coup d'état", cutting off Princess Taiping's wings.

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

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The "sad song" and endless "reverie" at the end

In the end, Princess Taiping was given to die. Her lust for power and ambition also came to naught with the end of her life. However, her story doesn't end there. On the contrary, it triggered people's endless reverie and reflection.

Some people say that if Princess Taiping had chosen to be the emperor, would history have been rewritten? Maybe she would have become the second Wu Zetian.

Some people also said that if the relationship between her and Li Longji had not been revealed, what would have been the fate of Datang? Maybe the two of them could join forces to create a "peaceful and prosperous era."

These questions are like "unsolved" mysteries, which make people full of infinite curiosity and imagination about the story of Princess Taiping.

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret

But, in my opinion, none of that matters. It is important that we are able to draw some useful lessons from the story of Princess Taiping.

For example, although power is easy to use, it should not be used indiscriminately. If you use it well, you can make a career, and if you don't use it well, you will burn yourself.

For example, life is like a "gamble", sometimes winning or losing is just a thought. So, when we are faced with a choice, we must think twice!

Why did Li Longji have to kill his aunt, Princess Taiping? My aunt knew an unspeakable secret