
Ancient Great Tonic Qi and Blood Famous Prescription - Ten Quan Da Supplement Pill Introduction Composition Formula Chemical Ingredient Pharmacological Action Dosage Form and Dosage Modern Application Identification Precautions

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University Chen Hua

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="108" > introduction</h1>

Ancient Great Tonic Qi and Blood Famous Prescription - Ten Quan Da Supplement Pill Introduction Composition Formula Chemical Ingredient Pharmacological Action Dosage Form and Dosage Modern Application Identification Precautions

According to the "General History of Chinese Medicine", the Northern Song Dynasty attached great importance to civil officials, especially to the collation and research of medical works, and specially organized personnel to collate and compile the Fang Shu, so there was China's first prescription book of medicine promulgated by the state, "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Bureau Fang", and the Ten Quan Da Tonic Soup was one of the classic formulas that was widely circulated. In ancient times, when medicine was not developed, it was deified by history and was called "flesh and bones from the dead". It is also very famous in Korea, and we can often see the use of ten complete soups to condition the body in Korean dramas. With the continuous development of modern preparation technology, many dosage forms have emerged, such as honey pills, concentrated pills, oral liquid, granules, tablets, pastes, syrups, capsules, liquors, etc. Next, we will focus on the pills of this formula.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="109" ></h1>

Shiquan Da Tonic Pills is evolved from The Ten Quan Da Tonic Soup, which is composed of Dang Ginseng, Bai Shu, Poria Poria, Licorice (Honey Burning), Angelica, Sichuan Root, White Peony, Cooked Ground Yellow, Astragalus, Cinnamon Ten Flavors of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has the effect of warming qi and blood, and can be used for qi and blood deficiency, pale face, shortness of breath and palpitations, dizziness and sweating, fatigue and fatigue, tepid limbs, and menstrual flow. The square includes the four gentlemen's soup (dang ginseng, bai shu, poria and hot licorice) and four things soup (angelica, sichuan root, white peony, cooked yellow), and the combination of the two is also known as the eight zhen soup. The Ten Great Supplement Pills are made of Eight Treasures Pills plus astragalus and cinnamon. Zhang Bingcheng of the Qing Dynasty said in the "Interpretation of Chengfang": "The eight treasures and the work of replenishing qi and blood are solid. And add astragalus to help the righteous qi to benefit the health, cinnamon warm blood and camp, and each medicine to get the strength of warm nourishment, the more tonic, the more effective. ”

Ancient Great Tonic Qi and Blood Famous Prescription - Ten Quan Da Supplement Pill Introduction Composition Formula Chemical Ingredient Pharmacological Action Dosage Form and Dosage Modern Application Identification Precautions

Ten complete pills

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="110" > solution</h1>

This formula is composed of ten herbs, which has a great function of tonifying qi and blood, so it is named "Ten Complete Supplements".

Party ginseng tonic qi, cooked yellow tonic blood, qi and blood double supplement, a total of jun medicine;

Bai Shu tonifies qi and strengthens the spleen, helps the party to nourish the qi and spleen, angelica nourishes the blood and camp, helps the cooked yellow to supplement the yin blood, and is a total of medicines;

Poria spleen and middle, white peony nourishing blood and camp, Sichuan root to activate blood and qi, astragalus to help the right qi, gu wei yi qi gong is stronger, cinnamon warm blood vein, xing qi and camp gong more prosperous, a total of adjuvant;

Burning licorice is beneficial to qi and neutralizes, and reconciles various medicines as a medicine.

The combination of various medicines plays the role of warming and replenishing qi and blood. The characteristics of this formula are that in the Zhuyi Qi blood nourishing medicine, it is equipped with cinnamon of XinXin, and the warmth and yang are in the nourishment, so as to harvest the yang and grow the yin.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="111" > category</h1>

The Ten Great Tonic Pills are tonic drugs, and drugs that can supplement the deficiencies of human body qi, blood, yin and yang, improve the function of internal organs, enhance physical fitness to improve disease resistance, and treat deficiency evidence are called "tonic drugs", also known as "tonic drugs" or "tonic drugs". According to the different medicinal properties and clinical applications of drugs, tonic drugs are divided into four categories: qi, blood, yang and yin.

■ Qi tonic medicine mainly attacks qi to enhance the functional activity of the internal organs, and treats qi deficiency evidence;

■ Blood tonic drugs mainly attack and nourish blood, and can also nourish yin, and treat blood deficiency and yin blood deficiency;

■ Yang tonic medicine mainly attacks the yang qi of the warm tonic body, and treats the evidence of yang deficiency;

■ Yin tonic medicine mainly attacks nourishing yin rehydration liquid, which can also moisturize and dry, and treat yin liquid deficiency and deficiency.

The Ten Great Supplement Pills can achieve good curative effects for diseases such as insufficient qi and blood, spleen deficiency, lung deficiency, kidney deficiency, and yang deficiency, and are the classic recipes for the motherland's medical treatment of deficiencies in men and women.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="112" > chemical composition</h1>

1. Polysaccharides

The most common, such as: ginseng, white art, poria, astragalus, cinnamon, cooked yellow, angelica and licorice all contain polysaccharides, accounting for 8/10 of the whole medicinal taste, of course, polysaccharide properties and structure are not the same.

2. Volatile oil

Bai Shu (mainly Cang Shu Ketone), Chuan Qiang (mainly Gao Ben Lactone), Angelica (Caryocinol, Gao Ben Lactone, etc.), Cinnamon (mainly Cinnamaldehyde), accounting for 4/10 of the total medicinal taste.

3. Glycosides

Such as paeoniflorins, flavonoids, cycloen ether terpene glycosides, etc., 3 of the 10 flavors contain glycosides.

4. Others

There are alkaloids, such as: chuanqiazine; organic acids, such as: ferulic acid, triterpene acid, glycyrrhizic acid and the like.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="116" > pharmacological effect</h1>

A large number of experimental studies have shown that the drug has enhanced immunity, improved and promoted hematopoietic function, anti-radiation damage, anti-tumor, anti-aging, regulates central nervous system activity, improves the body's adaptability, enhances the defense ability against various harmful stimuli, and promotes the biosynthesis of protein RNA and DNA, promotes body metabolism, nourishes and strengthens and other pharmacological effects.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="117" > dosage form and dosage</h1>

1. Pills

Large honey pills, each pill weighs 9g; concentrated pills, every 8 pills are equivalent to 3g of raw herbs.

Pills, taken orally. Large honey pills 1 pill / time, honey pill 6g / time, 2 to 3 times / day; concentrated pills, 8 ~ 10 pills / time, 3 times / day.

2. Other dosage forms

In addition to pills, there are also oral liquids, granules, tablets, pastes, syrups, capsules, liquor, etc., and their dosage varies according to different dosage forms.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="118" > modern applications</h1>

Clinical studies have reported that the Ten Great Supplement Pills are used in various departments. Later generations of physicians gradually expanded the scope of application of this party to a variety of diseases in the internal, external, gynecological and pediatric departments.

1. Hematology

Can correct postoperative hypoproteinemia, aplastic anemia, leukopenia, primary thrombocytosis, etc.;

2. Gastroenterology

It can be used to treat chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric prolapse, cholelithiasis, etc.;

3. Department of Endocrinology

For the treatment of Sheehan syndrome, etc.;

4. Dermatology

Refractory urticaria, sores that do not rupture for a long time, or pus that clears after ulceration does not heal for a long time;

5. Oncology

Clinical studies have shown that ShiquanDa Tonic Has a good effect in inhibiting the proliferation and metastasis of malignant tumors, enhancing the body's immunity, alleviating the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, enhancing the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs, improving the QOL of patients, prolonging survival, etc., and is often used in modern times for anti-cancer adjuvant therapy and the prevention and treatment of adverse reactions of radiotherapy (chemical) therapy;

6. Others

It can also be applied to osteitis, fistula, meniere syndrome.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="124" > application identification</h1>

1. Identification with Eight Treasure Pills

The two drugs are both qi and blood double supplements, both have the function of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, and are mainly used for the treatment of weakness, dizziness, menstrual irregularities and other deficiencies of qi and blood.

However, from the perspective of the composition of the two drugs, the Eight Treasure Pills are composed of the four gentlemen of qi and the four substances of the blood nourishment, which is the basic formula for the treatment of the two deficiencies of qi and blood, and rules all the evidence of the two deficiencies of qi and blood; and the Ten Quan Da Supplement Pill increases the astragalus and cinnamon two flavor drugs compared with the Eight Zhen Pills, the astragalus tonifies the Yang, the solid table to stop sweating, the cinnamon warm life gate, the filling of the true yuan, the two deficiencies of qi and blood or the image of the cold have a better therapeutic effect than the Eight Zhen Pills, and the person who has a deficiency and sweating, the sores do not collapse or do not receive the mouth for a long time after the collapse can also be treated with the Ten Great Supplement Pills.

2. Identification with ginseng Yang Rong Pill

The two drugs are both qi and blood double supplements, both of which have the function of nourishing qi and blood, and are mainly used for the treatment of deficiency of qi and blood and other deficiencies.

However, from the perspective of the composition of the two drugs, ginseng Yang Rong Pill is a ten-complete tonic pill to carry out the blood of Chuan Qian, Jia Ning Heart Tranquility Yuanzhi, Schizandra, Li Qi Jian Spleen Tangerine Skin composition, and the use of Party Ginseng as ginseng, so that Wen Yang Qi, Spleen Strength is stronger, the former is stronger than the latter Qi, Spleen Strength is stronger, more calm and calm the mind, more suitable for those who are weak in qi and blood and uneasy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="125" > considerations</h1>

It is mainly suitable for people with qi and blood deficiency. Pregnant women and those who are physically strong are contraindicated.

(1) Avoid foods that are not easy to digest.

(2) Patients with colds and fevers should not take it.

(3) People with serious chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, and kidney disease should take it under the guidance of a doctor.

(4) Children, pregnant women, lactating women should take it under the guidance of a doctor.

Ancient Great Tonic Qi and Blood Famous Prescription - Ten Quan Da Supplement Pill Introduction Composition Formula Chemical Ingredient Pharmacological Action Dosage Form and Dosage Modern Application Identification Precautions

Review experts: Zhu Sha and Ye Yingxia of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

The above is the original work of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if you reprint, please indicate the author and source!

【Medicine Shield Public Welfare】PSM Pharmaceutical Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the China Over-the-Counter Drug Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes the safety of public medication.