
Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox

In the turbulent waves of the Three Kingdoms, a hypothetical historical turning point quietly unfolded -- if Guan Yu succeeded in breaking through in a fierce battle, how would the survival of this hero reshape the fate of Shu Han? In this parallel historical line, Shu Han faced four unprecedented uncontrollable scenes, and the fate of the wise Zhuge Liang would also undergo profound changes.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

In this suspenseful historical hypothesis, every decision and action could trigger a chain reaction that would change the future of the entire Shu Han. And all of this stems from a hypothesis: if Guan Yu fights his way out of the encirclement......

1. Strategic crisis: Liu Bei's dilemma

After the news of Guan Yu's successful breakthrough reached Chengdu, a heavy atmosphere hung in Liu Bei's tent. He sat on the main seat, staring solemnly at the map, pondering the next strategic layout.

"Lord, Guan Yu has successfully broken through, but the threat from Sun Quan and Cao Cao is even more imminent. Fa Zheng stood beside Liu Bei with a serious tone.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

Liu Bei nodded and sighed deeply: "We must quickly adjust our strategy to cope with this change. ”

In the next few days, there was a lot of discussion in the city. Liu Bei's decision became the focus of everyone's attention. At the same time, Guan Yu gradually approached Chengdu with his remnants, his face filled with unsubsiding anger and determination.

Guan Yu entered Chengdu, and the whole city was boiling. People poured into the streets to catch a glimpse of the martial saint. Guan Yu's gaze was always cold, and he went straight to Liu Bei's mansion.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

During this time, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang constantly discussed countermeasures. They are well aware that any decision may cause a butterfly effect and affect the direction of the entire Three Kingdoms.

Eventually, Liu Bei decided to send an envoy to Cao Cao's camp and put forward the terms of reconciliation. This decision caused a lot of controversy, but Liu Bei knew that in such a complex situation, this might be the best choice.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

On the day the envoy departed, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei stood on the city wall together, looking into the distance. Everyone has a different idea in their hearts, but they all understand that this moment will be a turning point in history.

2. Political turmoil: Zhuge Liang's future is uncertain

On the day of Guan Yu's return, the atmosphere in Chengdu was extremely tense. Zhuge Liang waited for Guan Yu's arrival in his study, knowing that it would be an important meeting. Guan Yu's successful return was a military victory for Shu Han, but for Zhuge Liang, it meant an unprecedented political challenge.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

Guan Yu walked into Zhuge Liang's study, his face was serious, and his eyes were like knives. Zhuge Liang got up to greet him, his expression calm.

"Liang, why didn't you send troops to rescue at that time?" Guan Yu asked bluntly.

Zhuge Liang took a deep breath and replied, "At that time, the situation was complicated, and I had to weigh the overall situation. ”

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

Guan Yu didn't speak again, turned around and left the study. The meeting, although brief, was fraught with tension and resentment.

In the next few days, Guan Yu's return became the hottest topic in and around Chengdu. Some of the generals and soldiers who supported Guan Yu questioned Zhuge Liang's decision, and some even began to openly express their dissatisfaction. Zhuge Liang felt pressure from all sides, but he still insisted on his decision.

Under these circumstances, Zhuge Liang began to consider whether he should abdicate. He was well aware that if he continued to stay in this position, it might have an adverse impact on Shu Han's future. He pondered in his study, weighing the possibilities.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

As time passed, news of Zhuge Liang's abdication began to spread in and around the city of Chengdu. Many people were shocked by this, and many generals and soldiers began to worry about the future of Shu Han.

Eventually, Zhuge Liang officially announced his abdication decision at a court meeting. His voice was calm and firm, but the room was full of unease and surprise.

"From today onwards, I will no longer serve as the prime minister of Shu Han. Zhuge Liang's words echoed in the venue.

Liu Bei stood up and bowed deeply to Zhuge Liang to express his highest respect. Other generals and officials present also stood up one after another to express their respect for Zhuge Liang.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

After Zhuge Liang's abdication, the political landscape of Shu Han underwent significant changes. New political forces began to emerge, and the old power structures were adjusted. Generals such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei began to play a more important role in this new situation.

On the night of Zhuge Liang's abdication, the night sky in Chengdu was exceptionally clear. Zhuge Liang stood alone in his courtyard, looking at the starry sky, his heart full of anticipation and uncertainty for the future.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

3. Family strife: the rift between Liu Feng and Liu Bei

The news of Guan Yu's successful breakthrough spread throughout Shuhan, but this news brought unprecedented pressure to Liu Feng. As Liu Bei's adopted son, he has been trying to prove his abilities and loyalty, but Guan Yu's return seems to have made his position even more precarious.

In a mansion in Chengdu, Liu Feng sat alone in his study, with several military reports in front of him. His eyes wandered over the report and out of the window, as if looking for some kind of solution.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

At this time, a close confidant entered the study. "General Liu, you seem to be a little worried lately. The cronie said cautiously.

Liu Feng raised his head and nodded slightly: "Yes, I'm thinking about something." ”

"What impact does General Guan's return have on you?" the cronies asked tentatively.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

Liu Feng was silent for a moment, and then said, "This is a challenge I have to face. ”

In the days that followed, Liu Feng began to meet frequently with other generals and officials, trying to strengthen his position by strengthening the alliance. He realized that only through political and military success could he prove his worth in Liu Bei's heart.

One day, Liu Feng invited several influential generals to his mansion. They sat around a large table and discussed the current political situation.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

"General Liu, now is a great opportunity for you to strengthen your position by showing your military talents. One of the generals suggested.

After the plan was decided, Liu Feng began to actively prepare. He mobilized part of his army and prepared to launch a small military operation in the border area as a way to demonstrate his ability and loyalty to Shu Han.

However, this plan was not approved by Liu Bei. When Liu Bei learned that Liu Feng had transferred troops privately, he immediately summoned Liu Feng.

In Liu Bei's tent, Liu Feng stood with his head bowed, waiting for Liu Bei's speech.

"Liu Feng, what do you mean by mobilizing the army without permission?" Liu Bei's voice was stern.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

Liu Feng was silent, he knew that his actions might have deepened the estrangement with Liu Bei.

After this incident, Liu Feng's movements were more restricted, and his influence gradually diminished. He began to realize that his position in Liu Bei's heart was no longer as strong as before.

Guan Yu's breakthrough success and Liu Feng's actions undoubtedly exacerbated the contradictions within the Liu family. Liu Feng felt that he was being alienated by more and more people, and his power gradually shrank in Shu Han.

Under these circumstances, Liu Feng began to consider other ways to protect his position. He secretly approached small forces in the border areas in an attempt to increase his influence through them.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

However, none of these initiatives really changed his situation. As time passed, Liu Feng gradually faded out of the political arena of Shu Han, and his name was gradually forgotten. Guan Yu's status and influence continued to rise in Shu Han and became one of Liu Bei's most trusted generals. Although Liu Feng's attempt failed, his actions reflected the complex and changing political environment and relationship between people during the Three Kingdoms period.

4. The Broken Alliance: The End of the Sun-Liu Relationship

The news of Guan Yu's successful breakthrough quickly spread throughout the Three Kingdoms, and this news not only caused a huge shock in Shu Han, but also caused an unprecedented rift in the Sun-Liu alliance. Prior to this, although the relationship between Sun Quan and Liu Bei had been strained, they still maintained a certain amount of diplomatic contact. However, with the return of Guan Yu, this fragile balance was completely broken.

In Chengdu, Guan Yu had an emergency meeting with Liu Bei. During the meeting, Guan Yu's face was grim, and his tone was firm and decisive.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

"My lord, we can no longer reconcile with Sun Quan. He betrayed our trust and took Jingzhou away. Guan Yu said.

Liu Bei was silent for a moment, and then replied, "But our current situation is not optimistic. ”

After this meeting, Liu Bei decided to reassess his relationship with Soochow. With Guan Yu's strong opposition to Sun Quan, the Sun-Liu alliance officially broke down. After that, relations between Shu Han and Soochow quickly fell to a freezing point, and the hostility between the two countries became more pronounced.

Since then, Eastern Wu has strengthened its defense of Jingzhou and established a series of fortifications along the Yangtze River. Relations between Shu Han and Eastern Wu became increasingly strained, and skirmishes between the two countries became more frequent.

In this environment, Guan Yu advocated more active military action against Soochow. He actively prepared military resources within Shu Han, and at the same time strengthened coordination with Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. Guan Yu hoped to retake Jingzhou through military operations, and at the same time deal a heavy blow to Sun Quan.

At the same time, Eastern Wu was also actively preparing for a possible attack against Shu Han. Sun Quan sent a group of elite soldiers to Jiangling and along the Yangtze River to prevent the possible entry of the Shu army. Lu Xun, Lu Su and others are also stepping up their strategies to prepare for the challenge of Shu Han.

After deciding to let Guan Yu guard Langzhong, Liu Bei immediately began to arrange the relevant military deployments. The geographical location of Langzhong was crucial for Shu Han, not only as a transportation artery connecting Yizhou and Hanzhong, but also as a key line of defense against the Eastern Wu offensive. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were the main generals of Shu Han, and their joint defense made Langzhong an impregnable military fortress.

After Guan Yu arrived in Langzhong, he immediately began a series of military arrangements. He carefully studied the topography of the area, deployed a number of fortifications, and placed troops at key points. His rigor and meticulousness added a solid layer of protection to Langzhong's defenses.

Story: If Guan Yu breaks out of the encirclement, there will be 4 scenes in Shu Han, and Kong Ming will retire early

At the same time, Zhang Fei also led his troops to Langzhong.

With the joint efforts of the two generals, the defense system of Langzhong was quickly established. Not only did they strengthen the defenses of the city walls, but they also set up a series of outposts and watchtowers outside the city. In addition, Guan Yu also placed special emphasis on the construction of a naval army in case of a possible water attack by Soochow.

With the passage of time, Guan Yu's military deployment in Langzhong became more and more perfect. He not only attached importance to defense, but also constantly sent small units to conduct reconnaissance and harassment to find out the movements of Soochow. These actions of Guan Yu made Shu Han occupy a more advantageous position in the border conflict with Eastern Wu.

On the Eastern Wu side, Sun Quan felt tremendous pressure after learning that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were guarding Langzhong. He gathered his advisers and generals to discuss countermeasures.

"Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are both brave men, and we must be cautious. Sun Quan said at the meeting.

Lu Xun thought for a moment, and then said, "We can contain Guan Yu's actions by strengthening our control over Jingzhou. ”

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in Langzhong, as well as Sun Quan in Jiangdong, were preparing for the coming war. The war situation during the Three Kingdoms period was further complicated and intense because of these layouts.

Guan Yuzhen guarded Langzhong, which not only added a solid defense line for Shu Han, but also added a new page to the development of the history of the Three Kingdoms. In these uncertain and challenging times, every decision and action has the potential to change the course of history. And Guan Yu's performance in Langzhong will undoubtedly become an important chapter in the history of the Three Kingdoms.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

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