
There are more and more such people! They are voluntarily marginalized, and the reasons for this are thought-provoking!

author:Love life in Sydney egT

In this seemingly crazy world, a special group of people is rising. What kind of state is it that they resolutely choose to be marginalized? Let's uncover this amazing phenomenon together.

There are more and more such people! They are voluntarily marginalized, and the reasons for this are thought-provoking!

1. Seeking their true selves, they bravely seek their own unique voice

These people have different ideas and values, and they are not willing to be bound by the norms of society. Instead of pandering to fit in with the mainstream, they choose to dare to express their true selves. They pursue unique and profound experiences, preferring to be marginalized rather than go with the flow. This spirit of courage to explore your inner voice is remarkable.

There are more and more such people! They are voluntarily marginalized, and the reasons for this are thought-provoking!

1. Challenging convention, they define happiness in a unique way

These people understand the bias of traditional definitions of happiness, and they no longer see utilitarianism and material wealth as the only goals to be pursued. Instead, they define happiness as inner peace and freedom, with a focus on personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. They are willing to give up social recognition and material pursuits, and explore the true meaning of life in a unique way.

There are more and more such people! They are voluntarily marginalized, and the reasons for this are thought-provoking!

3. They take risks, they dare to challenge authority and common sense

These people are not easily swayed by authority and social common sense, and they are brave enough to question existing perspectives and structures. They connect their personal beliefs with their responsibility to society, dare to challenge their power, and lead social change with radical thinking. They are not afraid of criticism and opposition because they know that marginalization means being different, which means greater potential and opportunity.

There are more and more such people! They are voluntarily marginalized, and the reasons for this are thought-provoking!

Wanderers or pioneers? These voluntarily marginalized people challenge social norms and bring endless thinking and exploration. They may not be completely alone, on the contrary, they may have come together to form a force to be reckoned with. They may be the pioneers who changed the world because they dared to take risks, dared to question, and bravely walked on the edges.