
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day


Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day

Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day
Contract your meals for a week, and don't repeat them every day

"My next week will be filled with seven well-cooked dishes. Not repeating the same every day, this is the contractor's promise, and it is also the surprise I look forward to. "It was a challenge I made to my friend that early in the morning.

"Ha, you're asking for your own suffering, Jeff, and when you fail, don't forget my cup of mocha!" My friend's words were full of jokes and doubts, but I just smiled calmly, my resolve was as firm as ever.

The official first day began, and I was busy in the kitchen from morning till night. My first dish, Sichuan-style Kung Pao Chicken, is bright red in color and full of flavor. When I lifted the lid, the rich aroma hit my friends' taste buds and they couldn't help but admire. "Looks like I'm going to lose a cup of coffee. My friend exclaimed.

In the days that followed, I created a variety of dishes with my heart. Warm tomato and egg soup, nutritious shredded cabbage, sweet braised pork, fresh fish-flavored eggplant, steamed shrimp with garlic vermicelli and delicious yellow stewed chicken. Every dish was memorable, and my friends were blown away by my extraordinary challenge.

In the process, I felt a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Even though I was physically and mentally exhausted from the tedious preparation and cooking process in the kitchen every day, I felt that all the hard work was worth it when I saw the satisfied smiles and compliments of my friends.

On the last day, I prepared a special dish – braised carp. This dish is my grandmother's specialty and the taste of my childhood memory. I carefully followed the steps my grandmother taught me to cook, hoping to restore the taste of that home.

When I brought the braised carp to the table, my friends screamed with joy. They tasted, enjoyed, and gave me a thumbs of thumbs up. "Jeff, you're amazing!" they unanimously complimented.

This week's challenge has taught me that with determination, perseverance, and a love of food, we can create amazing flavors. In the process of cooking, I found myself, found happiness, and found a sense of accomplishment.

"You've won, Jeff, I've got this cup of coffee!" my friend said with a smile, and I smiled contentedly, knowing that I had not only won the challenge, but also earned the respect of myself and my friends.