
In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

author:Xiao Xiao, who loves freedom

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Where do you think it is? Guess what!

Hey, friends, have you ever thought about which city man listens to his wife the most in our big country, even to the point of "strict wife control"?

Don't guess, the answer isn't what you think of as the "big husbands" gather. Tell you quietly, this city is - Chengdu?

Don't you think it's a bit subversive of your cognition? It's okay, let me take you into this "strict wife" city and find out!

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

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Chengdu men, "rake ears" are also happy

When it comes to Chengdu men, it's really a bit "special". They are not only famous as gourmets, but also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the image of "rake ears".

To put it simply, the ears are very soft, and what the wife says is what? In Chengdu, this is not a shameful thing, but a kind of "fashion".

You may think, is this Chengdu man too spineless? How can he listen to his wife so much? Hey, you don't understand this.

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

Chengdu men are called "wisdom", and they know the truth of "family and everything is prosperous". In their opinion, listening to their wives can not only exchange for family harmony and happiness, but also avoid a lot of unnecessary quarrels and troubles. Is it a good deal, you say?

Moreover, Chengdu men also have a "unique skill", that is, they can turn "strict wife" into a kind of fun. They often show off in front of outsiders how capable their wives are and how they can run the house.

That look, as if to say, "Look, how amazing my wife is! I am really lucky to be able to marry her!" This kind of mentality has to be admired.

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

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Loving home is loving life, the wisdom choice of Chengdu men

Of course, Chengdu men's "strict wife control" is not blindly concession and compromise. The reason why they are willing to listen to their wives is because they know how to respect and understand.

They know that the wife plays a vital role in the family and is the "half of the sky" of the family. Therefore, they are willing to hand over more decision-making power to their wives, and they are willing to be a "hands-off shopkeeper".

Behind this seemingly "irresponsible" behavior, there is actually the great wisdom of Chengdu men. They understand that the happiness of the family requires the joint efforts and dedication of two people.

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

In this process, it doesn't matter who calls the shots and who listens to whom, the important thing is to be able to reach consensus and support each other. Only in this way can a family truly achieve harmony and happiness.

Therefore, the "strict wife" of Chengdu men is not because they are weak and incompetent, but because they know how to cherish and be grateful.

They know their wives' hard work and dedication, and they are willing to repay this love in their own way. Such a man, do you think it is worth marrying?

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

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Chengdu's humanistic charm makes you not want to leave when you come

In addition to family culture, Chengdu's humanistic charm cannot be underestimated. The city is known for its laid-back, comfortable lifestyle.

Here, people know how to find joy in life in the midst of busyness and how to maintain peace of mind in the midst of stress.

Walking through the streets and alleys of Chengdu, you can see a variety of leisure places: teahouses, mahjong parlors, food stalls...... People here always seem to find a way to relax.

And this way of life is also imperceptibly affecting everyone who comes to Chengdu.

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

Not only that, but Chengdu people are also known for their hospitality. No matter where you're from, no matter who you are, as long as you come to Chengdu, you will definitely feel the warmth and friendliness of the people here.

They will welcome you with the most sincere smile and the most authentic dialect to make you feel at home.

And this spirit of hospitality is also reflected in the concept of marriage of Chengdu people. Their attitude towards marriage is open and inclusive, and they will not exclude or discriminate against others because of region, culture and other factors.

On the contrary, they are more willing to understand and accept different cultures and ideas to enrich their married life.

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

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Chengdu, a city you don't want to leave when you come

To sum up, Chengdu is not only a city of food, leisure, and family, but also a city full of humanistic charm.

The men here use their wisdom and tolerance to interpret what it is to truly "love the family and love the wife", and also let us see another possibility of family happiness;

The people here show what the true "human spirit" is with their hospitality and openness, and also make us feel the infinite possibilities of life.

In the city with the most serious "strict wife control" in China, many girls want to marry here, do you know where it is?

So, girls who are not yet married, if you want to find a man who loves you and understands you, who can accompany you to eat, drink and have fun, and run a happy family with you, then hurry up to Chengdu!

Believe me, as long as you come to Chengdu, you will definitely be deeply attracted by the men here and the city! And the charm of Chengdu is definitely more than that! There are more surprises and beauty waiting for you to discover one by one!

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