
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

author:Art Scene
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

He copied a large number of famous paintings for the Forbidden City and other units, and he was a master of copying even better than Zhang Daqian! To this day, these works are still replaced by the original works and exhibited to the public in the Forbidden City and other units.

For the Forbidden City, he copied Wang Jinqing's "Little Snow in the Fishing Village", Wang Xu's "Spring Thoughts of the Jade Building", Ma Yuan's "Plum Stone Creek", Chen Juzhong's "Four Sheep", Zhao Ziang's "Autumn Suburbs Drinking Horses" and "Buying Fish in the Snow River" in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Zhongmu's "Hanjiang Chengyue", Hui Chong's "Shating Smoke Tree" and Xiao Zhao's "Red Mountain Autumn Tree". To this day, these works are still exhibited to the public in place of the original works in the above-mentioned units.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Song Wang Jinqing "Little Snow in the Fishing Village"

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Zhao Ziang's "Autumn Suburb Drinking Horses"

Modern painters who have inherited Song Xian's landscape figures, the first to recommend Mr. Chen Shaomei of Hengshan, the first to inherit Mr. Chen's milk, the first to recommend Mr. Sun Tianmu, Mr. Sun Tianmu's paintings have won the legacy of Song Xian.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Ma Yuan, "Plum Stone Creek"

Mr. Qi Gong once wrote a preface to "Sun Tianmu's Paintings", praising Mr. Tianmu as: "Shou Deng has one in ninety, and the pen is strong, the color is generous, and there is no trace of twilight style." ”

Sun Tianmu (1911-2010), born in Laiyang, Shandong, was a landscape painter of the Northern School, a master of Chinese painting, a native of Laiyang, Shandong, the eldest son of calligrapher Sun, who studied painting art under Mr. Chen Shaomei in 1938 and established the painting style of Beizong landscape. He has published "Sun Tianmu's Paintings", "Selected Chinese Paintings of Sun Tianmu", and "Sun Tianmu's Modern and Modern Masterpieces".

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Drawing skills are long

Sun Tianmu is the eldest son of calligrapher Sun, who has been influenced by his family since he was a child and loves calligraphy and painting. In 1927, Tianmu went to Henan with his father and entered the Henan Art School to study painting. Three years later, he was admitted to the Art Department of North China University to continue his studies. In 1930, he studied at the Art Department of North China University in Beiping, studied Chinese painting, and was trained by professors such as Yu Feiyan, Zhao Mengzhu, and Li Kuchan.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

After 1937, Sun Tianmu moved to Tianjin, from learning the Qing Dynasty "Four Kings" landscape, to specializing in the Ming Dynasty Shen Zhou and Dong Qichang painting, at the same time, to the Northern Sect landscape master Tang Yin, Qiu Ying particularly liked, he and many people who learn art often have a high eye and a low hand, although Tianmu practiced hard all day long, still do not know the essentials, hoping that someone will guide him to the maze. In 1938, he studied painting under Mr. Chen Shaomei in Tianjin and established the painting style of Beizong landscape.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Sun Tianmu's father-in-law is Lu Meimei, also a native of Laiyang, Shandong, Mr. Lu studied in Germany in his early years, studied Western medicine with Dr. Juncker, M.D., and is proficient in German. My father-in-law also loves calligraphy and painting, and is also a collector, who once collected Zhao Ziang's "Horse Riding Picture" in the Yuan Dynasty, works by Bada Shanren, Shi Tao, Liu Yong and others, as well as handwriting of celebrities such as Li Yuanhong and Xu Shichang in modern times.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Sun Tianmu looked through these rare ancient monuments in his life, and it was two or three hours at a glance, and he was excited and excited, which was really indescribable. The host is also very thoughtful, and often tells the origin and advantages of the painting and the "wonderful" of the painters. Later, when he became acquainted, he went to copy, and his painting skills greatly improved during this period.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

|Shiraishi finger point

Sun Tianmu has also received encouragement and guidance from many senior masters. In 1953, he put the three landscapes he had painted and placed them in the Tonghuan Pavilion of the Liuli Factory to mount, and Mr. Qi Baishi, who was over 90 years old, happened to go to the store to do business, and saw the three paintings hanging on the wall, saying that the paintings were good.

The shopkeeper Sun Guitong asked, "Do you always look at how old this person is?" The old man Baishi muttered: "The skill is not shallow, and it is estimated that the age is not small." Zhang said: "This person is only about 40 years old. The old man's face suddenly appeared in astonishment, and he praised again and again, saying, "There is a great style of the Song people"!

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

And did not know this section of the Mo Buddha Gong, a few days later led Sun Tianmu to visit the old man Baishi, brought these three paintings, wanted to ask the old man for advice, Master Baishi happily said "I have seen", and then to Sun Tianmu to talk about painting, parting encouragement: "Tianmu learn from Song, will become a great tool." Soon, the old man Shiraishi recommended him to join the Chinese Painting Research Association, and his paintings were sent to participate in the first National Chinese Painting Exhibition.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!


In 1954, he joined the Beijing Chinese Painting Research Association, and was successively employed by the Shenyang Museum, Beijing Rongbaozhai, the Palace Museum and other units to copy the paintings of the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties to replace the original works and exhibit them to the public.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Mu Lao recalled: "There was no canteen in the Forbidden City at that time, so I walked from my home (where I lived in the vegetable market) to the Forbidden City every day with two steamed buns or buns, sat down, took a breath, and painted with all my heart. I forgot to drink water, eat, and go to the toilet, the Forbidden City house is tall and thick, not too hot in summer, there is no stove in winter (in order to protect ancient buildings), it is cold, but I don't care, it is so close to the national treasure, I hold my breath, look little by little, stroke by stroke, my heart is full of awe and piety. The room was very quiet, and the sound of my own heartbeat and the rustle of snow outside the window came to my ears. ”

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

Cultivating talents

In 1960, Sun Tianmu was hired to teach at Jilin Academy of Arts. In order to cultivate artistic talents for the country, he is extremely conscientious and is deeply respected by the students. While teaching and creating, he went to the forest area to sketch and experience life, and also went to the Kulun Banner of the Inner Mongolia Zhelimu League to inspect the murals.

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!

These accumulations, so that his later creation of "Lin Hai Zhaohui", "Layer of Forests", "Jilin Wang Qing Autumn Light Map" and other masterpieces, refreshing, brush and ink color, composition, artistic conception, etc. have proved that it is based on traditional techniques, relying on real life, so as to make a new leap, learn from the ancient but not mud ancient, inherit the past and do not forget the future, the old man in the art of the spirit and achievements of the old, so that the peers praise, the admiration of the later learning.

On September 26, 2010, Sun Tianmu passed away in Beijing Hospital at the age of 100.

Appreciation of Sun Tianmu's works

These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!
These famous paintings you see in the Forbidden City are all copied by him!