
Navy Blue Landscape - A New Era Police Story


Thousands of lights are lit up, and the blue is kept together. On the occasion of the fourth Chinese People's Police Day, the reporter approached the three people's policemen and felt the deep strength behind the perseverance.

Nurture love with love, peace with me

She used to be a "female man" who competed to the death with drug dealers every day, but now she has become a "bosom sister" for students, teachers, and parents in the jurisdiction.

The time of the interview with Li Xiao has changed again and again. I finally sat down to talk, but was interrupted by the phone many times.

School, unit, parents, big and small, she answered one by one. The words were sometimes serious, sometimes gentle, and the red eyes could not hide the neat heroism.

"The child's affairs are bigger than the sky, and there is no delay. Li Xiao, 7 years ago, was transferred from the anti-drug corps of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau to the Erlong Road Police Station of the Xicheng Branch, and became a community policeman, in charge of campus safety supervision in the jurisdiction. At the end of 2023, due to her excellent work, her position was adjusted to the security detachment of the Xicheng Branch.

As a mother, Li Wei knows that the safety of children is related to the happiness of thousands of families, and there can be no relaxation. She traveled to every corner of the campus in the jurisdiction, from smart access control to one-key alarm, from emergency plan to hidden danger rectification, and held up a "safety umbrella" for children.

Before the start of school, before the holidays, National Security Education Day, National Constitution Day and other nodes, she carefully planned various activities, and strived to infiltrate the concept of the rule of law into the hearts of all teachers and students. Yang Yongmin, vice principal of Beijing No. 2 Experimental Primary School, said.

Navy Blue Landscape - A New Era Police Story

Li Xiao carried out anti-fraud propaganda at the Central Conservatory of Music, and instructed teachers and students to download anti-fraud apps. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

At the beginning of 2023, the Ministry of Education and 13 other departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Improving the Mechanism of School, Family and Social Collaborative Education". Among them, the "society" includes the local police station of the school. Li Xiao is not only deeply involved in campus safety governance, but also to resolve the contradictions between home and school, and between home and home.

In order to help the children who are emotionally distressed, Li Xiao immerses herself in the company, listens patiently and enlightens, talks with the children's parents from late at night to dawn, consults experts to deeply analyze the children's problems, and even obtains a certificate as a psychological counselor in order to provide more valuable advice.

"Don't be afraid, we'll face it together" and "The achievement of trust requires tireless communication...... With love and love, under Li Xiao's insistence, the mischievous boy is consciously motivated because he becomes a "little scout", the unsociable child takes the initiative to embrace kindness, and the child with a tendency to depression gradually becomes cheerful......

Li Wei put other people's children in his heart, but he felt guilty about his own baby. Her husband is a criminal police officer and is busier than her. Liu Jie, director of the Party and Government Office of Lu Xun Middle School, recalled that once, Officer Li was busy at school until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and a pair of children took a taxi to the school to find their mother. She ordered takeout for the children and continued to bury herself in the file.

Now, Li Xiao's steps are faster and his phone calls are closer. "No matter how busy you are, you have to bear it, as long as the children grow up happily and the campus is peaceful and harmonious. ”

Science and technology shield escort clearance

Since the implementation of the policies of "Macao cars going north" and "Hong Kong cars going north" last year, the number of Macao and Hong Kong single-plate vehicles entering and leaving the mainland through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has exceeded 1.15 million and 280,000 respectively.

In the face of the doubling of customs clearance, Ouyang Xuanqian, captain of the technical support team of the Zhuhai Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station, "has no pressure." The "Macao Car Northbound" and "Hong Kong Car Northbound" vehicle clearance systems designed by him are working well.

Zhuhai Border Inspection Station carries heavy passenger inspection tasks, only Gongbei Port, the passenger flow has exceeded 100 million people for many years, ranking first in the country for 11 consecutive years.

"Inspection, pass, and re-inspection, all in one go!" Chen Hua, a Chinese-American who crossed a dividing line and returned to China to visit relatives, completed the border inspection procedures in Zhuhai and Macao in 20 seconds.

In the Zhuhai-Macao Exit Hall of the Zhuhai Highway Port of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Zhuhai and Macao police officers "joined forces with Taiwan and stood shoulder to shoulder" and "cooperated in inspection and were released at one time". This inspection model, pioneered by Ouyang Xuanqian, is a major innovation in the field of entry and exit.

Navy Blue Landscape - A New Era Police Story

Ouyang Xuanqian (right) is conducting background inspection, server inspection and maintenance. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

At 6 o'clock in the morning and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Gongbei Port ushered in the peak of passenger flow. The sound of the gate opening opens with students, office workers, vendors and the elderly ...... Passengers rush in and out in order.

Macao native Ho Yong-on set off at noon, came to Zhuhai half an hour later, bought groceries and had afternoon tea, and returned to his home in Macao at 4 p.m. to prepare dinner.

The convenient life in the twin cities is based on the national entry-exit border inspection and inspection system independently developed by Ouyang Xuanqian and his colleagues, which is constantly updated and upgraded.

System operation and maintenance are on duty 24 hours a day, remote "distress" is often at midnight, and new software development lasts for months...... In the "experimental field" of scientific and technological innovation in immigration management, Ouyang Xuanqian has continuously achieved breakthroughs in the core technology of border inspection.

"Leave it to me" and "let me come", day and night are reversed, and overtime is worked for a long time...... The code is boring, the front line is behind the scenes, and the escort is hardcore! The 41-year-old "old" general Ouyang Xuanqian's eyes are clear: "The country is the 'code', and the heart desires." ”

Rain or shine, guard the border passes

The cool moon is like an eyebrow, hanging on the inky blue eastern sky. In the calm mountains, only the sound of hurried footsteps can be heard.

It was Huang Ri, director of the Legal Department of the Guangxi Chongzuo Border Management Detachment, and his comrades-in-arms who went deep into the front line of the border to investigate.

The mountains stretching at your feet are part of the vast border of the mainland.

"The more secluded and difficult the terrain, the easier it is to be exploited by criminals. Huang Ri said.

Countless gatherings, whole teams, and departures, as soon as there is a storm on the border line, they will respond quickly and set up an ambush accurately. AIDS drug addicts scratch and bite, drug dealers drive into each other, suspects violently resist the law...... No matter how difficult and dangerous it is, Huang Ri and his comrades have faced it.

In his 19 years as a police officer, he has gone deep into the criminal gang more than 20 times in disguise, faced the guns of criminals at close range 7 times, and brushed shoulders with death 4 times.

Behind the honor, there is a battle of wits and courage, a battle of life and death, a standard life of eating instant noodles and sleeping on the sofa, and a tense state of fighting at any time day and night.

In the face of a huge criminal gang of smuggling, Huang Ri summed up the "snake catching" method of "cracking down on cases in a row, breaking them one by one, and collecting the net in a centralized manner", and successively participated in the investigation of more than 300 cases of smuggling and more than 250 cases of narcotics, smashed 48 transnational criminal gangs, arrested more than 2,300 suspects of various crimes, and seized more than 300 kilograms of drugs.

Navy Blue Landscape - A New Era Police Story

Huang Ri (middle) walked into the border area to carry out the work. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

It's the New Year. The people celebrate the festival, and the police stand guard.

"I'm sorry I can't be with you and the kids. Huang Ri sent a message to his wife. "Every kind of reunion is worth protecting. The wife, who is also a police officer, replied.

This double-police family will be rated as the most beautiful family in the country in 2023.

His name is Ri, and her name is Siyue.

A touch of navy blue, the sun and the moon shine together.

Written by: Ren Qinqin, Xiong Feng, Zeng Fanyi

Editors: Jia Zhen, Bai Chun