
A wonderful time and secret recipe to prevent your child's cold

author:Ruiling's view of history

How to scientifically prevent children from catching colds, how to reasonably arrange children's outdoor activity time in winter, how should parents judge the impact of the environment on children? These are all important issues in children's healthy growth. In addition to improving children's own resistance, parents also need to pay attention to some details that are easy to overlook. In winter, the choice of time spent outdoors is particularly crucial. Yang energy is relatively weak in the early morning and evening, so you need to pay attention to the timing when taking children outdoors. In addition, parents should also pay attention to the air quality and arrange their children's outdoor activities reasonably. Only by taking these factors into account can we better protect your child's health. When winter comes, there will be more cases of children catching colds. Some parents will find that their children's clothes are always untidy after their children have a cold, and even pull up their clothes to reveal their small belly when they are sleeping. This condition can easily lead to a cold in your child.

A wonderful time and secret recipe to prevent your child's cold

Especially in the second half of the night when the weather is cold, the parents themselves fall asleep, and the children start to kick the quilt and it is not easy to notice. As a result, the chances of the child catching a cold at this time are greatly increased. To avoid this, parents need to keep an eye on their children's sleep and make sure they sleep in a warm and comfortable environment. During the winter months, yang energy is inherently weak, especially in the early morning and late afternoon. The yang energy in these two periods is weak, and the ability to fix and defend the outside is also very poor. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the timing when taking children outdoors. With the early and late dark, these two periods are not suitable for too much outdoor sports. Early morning is the time when yang energy is first born, and in the evening when yang energy is collected, yin energy begins to dominate, and it is also the time when yang energy is relatively weak. At this time, being overly excited about outdoor activities may make your child susceptible to colds.

A wonderful time and secret recipe to prevent your child's cold

Therefore, parents need to arrange their children's outdoor activities reasonably and choose sunny times and warmer temperatures, such as 9 to 10 in the morning and around 4:30 in the afternoon. In addition to children's own immunity and the choice of outdoor activity time, parents also need to pay attention to the impact of air quality on their children's health. Many parents still take their children outdoors despite poor air quality, which can have adverse effects on their children's health. In the absence of sunlight and poor air quality, the upper respiratory tract will be affected first, especially for some children with allergies. Therefore, in the case of poor air quality, parents should minimize their children's outdoor activity time, or choose suburban places with better air quality for activities to reduce the impact on children's health. The healthy growth of children is inseparable from scientific prevention and reasonable care.

A wonderful time and secret recipe to prevent your child's cold

In addition to improving children's own resistance, parents also need to pay attention to some details that are easily overlooked. Reasonably arranging children's outdoor activity time and paying attention to the impact of air quality on children are important links to protect children's health. Parents need to keep their eyes open and pay more attention to them in order to better care for their children's growth. Do you have any views and experiences to share about this?How to keep children away from colds in winter?How to make children catch colds in winter, how to make children cold in winter and how to improve children's physical fitness become the key. Children who are too excited to play are prone to sweating and wind, which increases the chance of catching a cold. In addition, children are more likely to catch colds if they have food accumulation or lack of sleep. Therefore, in addition to parents paying attention to the details of their children's daily life, it is also important to continuously improve their children's physical fitness. First of all, several times and weather in winter are easy for children to catch colds.

With the arrival of winter, there is a large temperature difference between morning and evening, especially in the morning and at night, when children may catch a cold in the cold wind when they go out to school. In addition, smog weather is also a frequent visitor in winter, and children can easily catch a cold if they stay in such weather for a long time. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the matching of clothes in the morning and evening, and wear more clothes for their children to reduce the probability of catching a cold. Secondly, children are more likely to catch colds when they are too excited to play. In winter, many children will do strenuous exercise indoors because of the cold, or play too excitedly and sweat. At this time, if a gust of wind blows, sweating is the wind, and it is very easy to catch a cold. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the amount and intensity of their children's exercise, and properly control the time and frequency of their children's exercise to reduce the chance of colds caused by excessive exercise. It is also a good practice to wipe your child's sweat more and put on a sweat towel. In addition, children are more likely to catch colds if they have too much food or lack of sleep.

If your child already has food or doesn't sleep well in those days, don't let your child get too excited. The impact of emotions on the human body is very direct, and the performance of children is even more obvious. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to their children's diet and rest habits, ensure that their children have enough sleep and a healthy diet, improve their children's resistance, and reduce the chance of catching a cold. In short, in addition to parents grasping the details of their children's daily life, improving their children's physical fitness is also the key. For example, some Chinese herbal diet therapy can be used to enhance the child's physique. For example, use 15 grams of atractylodes, 1 gram of tangerine peel, 10 grams of yam, 5 grams of prince ginseng, and 5 grams of grain sprouts to make soup or decoction water, and eat some foods with warming and tonic effects, which will also help enhance children's resistance and reduce the occurrence of colds.

To sum up, winter is a period when children are prone to colds, and parents need to pay attention to their children's clothing and work habits to avoid children getting cold in cold weather. In addition, it is also important to control the intensity of your child's exercise and avoid excessive exercise that can lead to colds. The most important thing is to continue to improve the child's physique, improve the child's immunity, and reduce the occurrence of colds. How do you think it is effective to prevent children from catching colds in winter?