
There are 3 employees left in the former TV giant, and netizens predict that the industry will end, do you agree?

author:Theory of water play

Microwhale Technology, a once-high-profile Internet TV brand, has once again attracted public attention due to Tencent's sale of its shares. This giant, which once had more than 700 employees, now has only 3 employees, which is embarrassing. What's even more interesting is that in 2022, the start-up rate of mainland TV has dropped to 30%, and TV seems to be gradually "disappearing".

There are 3 employees left in the former TV giant, and netizens predict that the industry will end, do you agree?

Founded in 2015, Microwhale Technology has risen rapidly and achieved a significant market share with its innovative content subsidy hardware model. However, with the intensification of market competition, Microwhale Technology has gradually faded out of public view. In January 2023, Alibaba also withdrew from the ranks of shareholders of Microwhale Technology. At present, there are only three shareholders left of Microwhale Technology, namely Shanghai Micro Particle Technology Co., Ltd., Chinese Culture Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Industrial Park Purple Cat Information Consulting Co., Ltd.

There are 3 employees left in the former TV giant, and netizens predict that the industry will end, do you agree?

The fall of Microwhale Technology is not an isolated case. In recent years,The pattern of the mainland smart TV market has changed dramatically,The cliff-like decline in the TV boot rate is the best proof。 Data shows that since 2016, the operating rate of mainland TV has dropped from 70% to less than 30% in 2022. At the same time, the color TV market has also shrunk sharply, with sales of 50.89 million units in 2016 and a plummeting to 36.34 million units in 2022.

There are 3 employees left in the former TV giant, and netizens predict that the industry will end, do you agree?

So,Why is TV gradually "disappearing"? In the editor's earlier related articles were praised by netizens,The comment area also summarized the reasons why netizens gradually do not watch TV:Smart TV has complicated functions,Many consumers will not use it;The phenomenon of extra-long advertisements and ad inserts is unbearable;Random charges、The phenomenon of nesting dolls makes consumers complain. Especially for many loyal retired elderly viewers, the functions and interfaces of TV are too complicated to adapt. As a result, they have chosen to abandon television in favor of mobile phones, which are more convenient and informed.

There are 3 employees left in the former TV giant, and netizens predict that the industry will end, do you agree?

TVs are getting smarter and smarter,But every household bought it only to find out,This TV"Not simple",The basic functions that can be obtained for free have to be charged,Who can stand this? So slowly everyone began to resist this kind of TV,Even live in a new house、Marriage and other smart TVs are not in the ranks of standard household appliances。 Many netizens began to predict that the TV industry is coming to an end, and TV will eventually be abandoned like newspapers and radios. However, it is not abandoned by the times, but by oneself.

There are 3 employees left in the former TV giant, and netizens predict that the industry will end, do you agree?

In the face of such a market situation, is there any salvation? It depends on whether TV manufacturers can reflect on their own development strategies in a timely manner, and it also depends on the attitude of the majority of TV users. Organize the comment area of related articles,In fact, the user's appeal is very simple-let TV return to its essence。 Correspondingly, TV companies can make more fuss about innovating technology and improving user experience in order to win back the hearts of consumers. It is natural for enterprises to make money, and they can't pinch the throats of ordinary people. For example, can the generation industry or relevant management departments follow a regulation,The basic functions of TV are still free,And then expand other charging items,For example, dozens of dollars a year to advertise function、More diversified functions such as mobile phone interconnection video call?

There are 3 employees left in the former TV giant, and netizens predict that the industry will end, do you agree?

I don't know if the predictions of netizens will really come true, but it is true that the experience of the vast majority of users is extremely poor. The fall of Micro Whale Technology and the decline in the TV boot rate indicate that the smart TV market pattern is undergoing profound changes. If TV manufacturers want to gain a foothold in this change, they must keep up with market trends, continue to innovate, and more importantly, listen to users' voices and improve user experience, otherwise they will be eliminated from the market.

At the same time, industry regulatory authorities should also strengthen the supervision of the smart TV market, standardize market order, and provide consumers with a better viewing experience. Do you agree with the editor's point of view? Do you feel smooth watching TV? Or what do you think about this, let's talk about it in the comment area. #实话实说#

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