
"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

author:Decoration design helper

"When you wash your hair, you have a life like paper" is a folk saying that warns people that washing their hair for a certain period of time may have a negative impact on their health.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

According to this folk saying, we can try to avoid washing our hair during these three time periods to protect our health.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

The first time is late at night, between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. This time period is the slowest time for the body's metabolism, and if you wash your hair at this time, it is likely to cause cold to enter the body, causing dizziness and headaches.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

If you lie down without completely drying your hair at this time, the cold water will irritate the scalp, which will cause the scalp blood vessels to constrict, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, and symptoms such as dizziness and headache are prone to occur.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

Especially for those who are already weak, such as middle-aged and elderly people and people with poor digestive systems, they should avoid washing their hair during this time.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

The second time period is early in the morning, which is between six and eight o'clock in the morning. This is the time when the temperature is relatively low, and washing your hair after waking up in the morning will cause your head to catch a cold, which can easily cause cold air to invade and cause colds and other diseases.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

When we wake up in the morning, our body is still in a state of sleep, and the blood circulation is relatively slow. If you wash your hair at this time, the water temperature is too high or too low will cause irritation to the scalp, which will lead to accelerated blood circulation, causing discomfort in the head and making the mental state of the day poor.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid washing your hair as much as possible in the morning, especially after waking up in the early morning, to prevent your body from getting cold.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

The third time period is before going out, that is, within half an hour before going out. If you go out without drying your hair, it is likely to cause cold on your scalp and cause colds and other illnesses. It is advisable to allow enough time to blow dry your hair before going outside.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

In particular, don't rush to take a shower just after eating in order to go out, as taking a shower after a meal will affect food digestion and gastrointestinal problems. Taking a bath after a meal, due to the stimulation, the blood circulation will be accelerated, and in this way, the digestive system will be affected, which will make the food difficult to digest, which may cause symptoms such as stomach pain and bloating.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

In addition, if you go out without drying your whole body and hair completely, it is easy to get sick such as colds.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

Therefore, in order to protect our physical health, we should take care to avoid washing our hair during these time periods, and also pay attention to controlling the frequency and method of washing our hair.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

1. Choose the right shampoo for your hair type: Use a shampoo that suits your hair type, such as dry, oily, normal, or sensitive scalps. Choose a gentle shampoo that is free of sulfates, silicone oils, and harsh ingredients.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

2. Wash your hair with lukewarm water: Use lukewarm water instead of overheated water. Excessively hot water can damage the scales of your hair, causing it to become dry and brittle.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

3. Gently massage the scalp: Gently massage the scalp with the tips of your fingers instead of scratching with your fingernails. This will increase blood circulation to the scalp while avoiding scratching the scalp.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

4. Avoid washing your hair frequently: Washing your hair every day is not necessary, washing your hair too often will deprive your hair of its natural oils and make your hair dry. Depending on your hair type and activity level, washing your hair 2-3 times a week is usually sufficient.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

5. Use conditioner correctly: If you need conditioner for your hair, apply it only to the ends of your hair and avoid touching your scalp. Conditioners can help smooth hair, but if applied to the scalp, it can cause a greasy scalp.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

6. Rinse thoroughly: Make sure all shampoos and conditioners are rinsed thoroughly to avoid residue. Residual shampoo or conditioner may cause scalp problems.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

7. Avoid over-combing and pulling your hair: During the process of washing your hair, avoid over-combing and pulling your hair to avoid hair breakage.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

8. Pay attention to hair drying skills: If you use a hair dryer, choose a low temperature setting and keep an appropriate distance. Avoid blowing the hair dryer directly on your hair to avoid heat damage.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

9. Trim the ends regularly: Trimming the ends regularly can remove split ends and damaged parts and keep the hair healthy.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

10. Pay attention to sun protection for your hair: Hair also needs sun protection, especially when the sun is strong. You can use hair products with sun protection, or wear a hat to protect your hair.

"People wash their heads three times, and their lives are as thin as paper", in winter, don't wash your hair during these three time periods!

In short, in life, we should pay attention to controlling our behavior and not doing certain activities at some inappropriate times or ways so as not to cause damage to our physical health. When it comes to washing hair, we should choose a gentle and moisturizing shampoo, pay attention to the care after washing our hair, don't scratch the scalp too hard, and don't sleep with wet hair to avoid some unnecessary health problems.