
The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

author:Lao Mu looks at the world

The background of his father, Mr. Zhang, was raised

My father's upbringing was closely linked to his family background. He was born into a rural family, and although the family was not wealthy, the emotional bond between the family members was very strong. He has an older brother and two younger sisters, he is the eldest son in the family, and his parents attach great importance to his education, although they do not have a high income.

Living conditions in the countryside were very difficult, but my father never complained. He excelled in school and excelled. His parents encouraged him to study hard and Xi and hoped that he could change his destiny through Xi.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

After graduating from high school, my father successfully got into a local university. He chose a major in medicine because he wanted to be a doctor and be able to help people. During his college years, he studied hard and Xi, actively participated in various social activities, and worked hard to improve his overall quality.

After graduating, my father went to work in a hospital. He works hard to constantly improve his professional skills. He also continued to learn Xi in his spare time and constantly improved his overall quality. He hopes that through his own efforts, he can become an excellent doctor and provide better medical care to people.

My father's upbringing was full of tenacity and perseverance, and he achieved his dreams through his own hard work and continuous Xi. His upbringing had a profound influence on me and taught me the importance of working hard to Xi and constantly improving myself.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Mr. Zhang was born in a small fishing village in the late forties, where life was very difficult. Due to the poverty of his family, Mr. Zhang's mother died of childbirth when he was an infant, and his father died of hatred soon after, so he became an orphan without any blood relatives, and barely survived with the help of villagers and well-wishers.

Luckily, a pair of kind fishermen adopted him in that seaside village. Despite their lack of education, the fisherman couple loved the new child very much and gave him endless love and attention. Not only did they take good care of him, but they also taught him all the skills they were good at, such as fishing and repairing boats.

From then on, the child began to follow his adoptive parents to fish, repair boats, and spend his childhood and youth by the sea.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Mr. Zhang's adoptive parents passed away when he was a teenager, and he was left alone to shoulder the burden of the family and face this cruel and tragic reality. However, the years of hard life did not give him a succumb, but instead trained his tenacious character and the spirit of courage to face difficulties. Despite the difficult circumstances of his life, he never gave up the pursuit of happiness and a better life, and he firmly believed that as long as he worked hard, all difficulties could be solved.

He grew up in a poor rural family, and his adoptive parents were hard-working and simple farmers. He was well aware of the hardships of life and the pain of poverty, so he made up his mind to change his fate with his own hands, fishing hard in the lake every day, using the methods taught to him by his adoptive parents. Although he sometimes achieved nothing, he was never discouraged and set off the next day full of spirit, full of confidence and courage for his future life.

He knows that only through hard work and hard work can he truly change the life of himself and his family, and he fishes in the lake, not only to survive, but also to achieve his dreams and goals, and he believes that as long as he does not give up, he will one day realize his dreams.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

He was just twenty years old that year, and the elders of the village arranged a family affair for him, a distant cousin who was mediocre-looking but also from an ordinary family. This type of marriage was known as a "family match" in the countryside at that time, and both families were very supportive of this form of marriage. However, surprisingly, the relationship between these two young people quickly warmed up, and they became the most enviable couple in the village.

Mr. Zhang and his cousin are a husband and wife who met through a relative's introduction. My cousin is a very virtuous person, and in Mr. Zhang's heart, she is a very diligent person, who can always keep the house in order and take good care of the family's life. Mr. Zhang also loves his cousin very much and takes good care of her. Soon after they got married, they gave birth to a lovely son, Xiao Ming, and Mr. Zhang was so happy that he hugged Xiao Ming and kissed him.

My cousin also likes her son very much, and every time she sees Xiao Ming's smiling face, she feels very happy.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

In order to give his family a better life, Mr. Zhang and his cousin decided to start a business. They chose an industry and started their own business. For the sake of the children, they work very hard and are not afraid of hard work. With their hard work, their careers have gradually improved. The cousin is also becoming more and more virtuous, and she has to take care of not only her son, but also Mr. Zhang and his family.

She has given a lot to this family, and Mr. Zhang and his family are very grateful to her.

In the process, the relationship between Mr. Zhang and his cousin is getting better and better. Together, they face the difficulties in life, work hard together, and create a better life for their families together. Their relationship grew deeper and deeper, and they became the closest people to each other. Their son, Xiao Ming, also grew up healthily in such a family environment and became a smart and lovely child.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Mr. Zhang and his cousin felt very satisfied, they felt that their efforts were not in vain and that everything was worth it.

Son Xiao Ming's study and study abroad encounters

Xiao Ming has been smart and studious since he was a child, and his grades have always been among the best, and he was admitted to a well-known university with excellent results in the college entrance examination. However, during college, Xiao Ming's grades declined, which made his parents very worried. With the encouragement of his parents, Xiao Ming decided to study abroad, hoping to regain his Xi in a different cultural environment.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

However, the life of studying abroad was not as smooth as Xiao Ming imagined, his study Xi and living environment abroad have changed a lot, language barriers, cultural differences and social pressure and other issues made him feel very lost and helpless, however, Xiao Ming did not give up, he gradually adapted to the new environment and rhythm of life through continuous efforts and adjustments, and achieved excellent results in his studies.

Xiao Ming has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child, both in his academic Xi and in other aspects, showing intelligence and excellence that does not match his age. He was able to recite Tang poems at the age of four, and not only was he familiar with traditional enlightenment books such as "Three Character Classics" and "Hundred Family Names", but also developed a strong interest in modern literature and history, and often read various extracurricular reading materials to enrich his knowledge.

In addition, he is very curious and exploratory, often asking questions that surprise and surprise both parents and teachers.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Xiao Ming's parents, Mr. Zhang and his wife, are very proud of his intelligence, but they also have high expectations for him. In order to allow Xiao Ming to get a better education and training, they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to let him receive a variety of training and Xi, including painting, music, programming and other courses, and strive to make Xiao Ming involved in various fields and achievements.

In primary school, Xiao Ming achieved excellent results in various science Xi with his intelligence and hard work, and became a leader in the school. His parents are also deeply relieved and full of anticipation and confidence in his future. After graduating from primary school, Xiao Ming was admitted to the best middle school in the county and began his more exciting and challenging junior high school career.

Every day after school, he would stay and study on his own for a few more hours until late when he came home. He always keeps his time organized and doesn't waste a minute. In the process of self-study, he often summarizes and reflects on his own learning Xi experience, and makes up for his shortcomings in a timely manner. This will not only help him better understand and grasp the knowledge that the teacher explains in class, but also allow him to think more deeply about certain issues.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

As a result, his Xi progress is often much faster than the teacher's content.

When he graduated from junior high school, his teacher suggested that Xiao Ming apply for the city's key high school. Mr. Zhang and his wife knew that it would be difficult for them to bear the pressure of higher tuition fees, but they encouraged Xiao Ming to give it a try. Despite the heavy burden of school fees, the couple decided to support their children in their quest for a better education no matter what. In the end, after unremitting efforts, Xiao Ming was successfully admitted to the city's key high school, and his science score ranked first in the class.

Mr. Zhang and his wife were very happy with this news, and they understood that this was the reward of Xiao Ming's years of hard work and a precious gift to the family.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

During the three years of high school, he has been persevering in participating in various Olympiads, and finally won several awards with excellent results. These awards not only prove his quality, but also provide him with more opportunities to face the future with more confidence. In 1996, he scored second highest in the county on his high school leaving exam, a result that gave him more options.

Eventually, he chose Tsinghua University to major in computer science and began his college career.

While in college, Xiao Ming joined a research team dedicated to the development of AI for teachers. After graduating with his Ph.D. in 2003, he was admitted to the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University as a postdoctoral fellow.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

While studying in the United States, Xiao Ming struggled to make ends meet through scholarships and teaching assistant work, and after years of Xi hard work, he earned his highest degree in computer science with a groundbreaking thesis.

After graduating with a Ph.D., Xiao Ming successfully joined an artificial intelligence startup in Silicon Valley. With his excellent technical strength, he quickly became the company's core technical expert. Only two years later, the company was successfully listed, and Xiao Ming was worth tens of millions of dollars, becoming one of the most popular talents in the industry.

After the death of his mother, his father was in great trouble.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

When Xiao Ming graduated from high school, Mr. Zhang's wife suddenly suffered from terminal lung cancer and could still get up and cook, but after a few months, she was so weak that she could only be trapped in bed.

Mr. Zhang sold his cattle and sheep and raised money to buy medicine for medical treatment, but his condition continued to deteriorate. His wife was very distressed when she saw Mr. Zhang running around, and decided to give up the treatment on her own initiative and let him keep the money for herself.

Witnessing the death of his beloved wife in excruciating pain, Mr. Zhang was overwhelmed with grief and pale. Day after day, with a blank face, he paralyzed himself by mechanically repeating the work of fishing.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Every time he returned to his empty home, Mr. Zhang's eyes were full of his wife's shadow, and he would sit in front of her closet all night, reminiscing about her life.

Mr. Zhang felt the difficulties of life and felt that Xiao Ming was getting farther and farther away from him. After his wife left, Xiao Ming became his only spiritual sustenance in this world. Every time he calls Xiao Ming, he will prepare carefully, for fear that he will accidentally lose this only spiritual sustenance.

He began to keep an eye on every child in the village, preferring to act as their temporary speaking coach rather than let the long hours pass aimlessly.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Mr. Zhang began to worry about Xiao Ming's future development, and he couldn't imagine what he would be like if Xiao Ming chose to leave one day.

The thought kept him awake at night. For the sake of his son, Mr. Zhang tried his best to cheer up and continue this boundless wait.

After the father suffered a stroke, the son felt very guilty and blamed himself.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Mr. Zhang's plight made the village cadres deeply sympathetic, so they took the initiative to help contact his son. In the first few video calls, Xiao Ming could barely maintain his composure. But seeing his father's skinny appearance, his heart seemed to be crumpled.

In the end, at the fourth meeting, Xiao Ming looked at his father's curved body and misty eyes, and could no longer suppress the pain in his heart, and cried loudly.

Xiao Ming burst into tears and said to his father: "Dad, please forgive me for not fulfilling my responsibilities as a son over the years and not accompanying you to the last journey of your life." He deeply remembered his mother's nurturing kindness and vowed to remember it forever.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Mr. Zhang tried his best to raise his hand to comfort his son, but he was unable to move due to numbness in his hand. He is very aware of his son's difficulties and does not want to drag down his development because of himself.

Xiao Ming was crying on the other end of the screen, and I couldn't help him.

After examination, Mr. Zhang was diagnosed with advanced cerebral infarction, which had left him partially paralyzed and required others to take care of his daily life. Xiao Ming was deeply distressed and immediately urgently called back a professional nurse from the United States.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

At the same time, for the treatment of his father, Xiao Ming spent a lot of money to invite authoritative experts in China for consultation. The cost of initial treatment and monthly care was as high as 50,000 RMB, but he did not hesitate to pay in full in US dollars.

Despite the best efforts of doctors and nurses, Mr. Cheung's health continued to deteriorate. When he was sober, he would constantly miss his wife and the slice of his past life, and he was extremely tired of the meaningless existence of the present.

Although Xiao Ming's feelings are sincere, they can't heal the wounds in his heart.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

The father's desperation, the son's remorse

Mr. Zhang was conscious that day, and he suddenly realized that he could continue to be in this terrible state for many years, and his son would not be able to stay with him for a long time.

He was thrilled, unable to anticipate the endless darkness, despair, and pain that lay ahead.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

"Is there any point in my life?" Mr. Zhang said to himself, knowing that even if a miracle occurs, he will not be able to return to the glory of the past. Now, he is just a burden to his son, and he has no pursuit of life.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhang suddenly realized. He dragged his crippled body and moved little by little towards the bedroom. There was a stiff rope that he had left behind when he was weaving his nets.

Early the next morning, the nurse found Mr. Zhang's cold body, and the news of the tragedy quickly spread to the United States, Xiao Ming received a call, he was so frightened that he almost passed out on the carpet.

The son has successfully studied and settled abroad, with an annual salary of millions, but the father who stayed in his hometown is lonely

Xiao Ming cried bitterly and said to his father: "Father, I'm sorry for you, I can't make up for the debt to you in my life." ”

He hurried back to the village, failed to attend his father's funeral, and standing in front of his father's grave, Xiao Ming felt his heart eroded by heart-rending pain. It was then that he realized that success and money could not make up for the loss of his loved ones.

However, that distant greeting did not soothe the desolation of my father's heart.