
Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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One late spring morning in Beijing, Li Ming, a diligent taxi driver, woke up feeling weak because of a cold falling off his quilt at night. He decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up so as not to delay his work.

When he arrived at the hospital, he met Dr. Wang, a well-known internist, a middle-aged man known for his sense of humor.

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

Dr. Wang gave Li Ming a series of tests, including blood draws. After the test results came out, Dr. Wang said, "You have a common cold, but there are some problems in your blood, and we need further examination." ”

During a follow-up examination, Dr. Wang found that Li Ming had a slight kidney function problem. He frowned and said to Li Ming: "Do you know, kidney disease is becoming more and more common now, and many people think that it is a problem with drinking water. Have you ever paid attention to your usual Xi of drinking water?"

Li Ming shook his head, indicating that he didn't pay special attention.

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

Dr. Wang continued: "Everyone thinks that tap water is harmful to the kidneys, but in fact, it is the other three 'waters' that really harm the kidneys. ”

"Which three?" asked Li Ming curiously.

"The first is a high-sugar drink. Did you know that high-sugar drinks contain a lot of sugar and additives, and long-term consumption will not only cause obesity and diabetes, but also increase the burden on the kidneys and lead to kidney disease.

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

According to studies, people who drink a lot of high-sugar beverages for a long time have a nearly 40% higher incidence of kidney disease than the general population. ”

Li Ming was dumbfounded when he heard this, he did like to drink Coke and all kinds of sweet drinks before.

"The second is a variety of energy drinks. ”

Dr. Wang continued, "These drinks usually contain high concentrations of caffeine and other irritating substances.

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

They can overwork the kidneys, and over time, can lead to decreased kidney function.

Studies have shown that people who regularly consume energy drinks have a high incidence of kidney problems. ”

Li Ming remembers that he often relies on energy drinks to refresh himself in order to drive at night.

"The last one, which may surprise you, is alcohol. ”

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

Dr. Wang said, "The damage of alcohol to the kidneys is accumulated over a long period of time. It causes blood vessels to constrict in the kidneys, and long-term consumption of high alcohol can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys.

A study in adults found that more than 30% of long-term drinkers had varying degrees of renal impairment. ”

Li Ming was shocked, although he was not usually an alcoholic, he often drank at parties.

Seeing Li Ming's shocked expression, Dr. Wang smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not too late for you to realize these problems now."

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

Adjust your diet Xi habits, drink more water, and drink less of these harmful 'waters', and your kidneys can still be restored to health. ”

Li Ming nodded gratefully and decided to change his lifestyle from today.

Later, Dr. Wang told Li Ming some stories of patients he had met before.

There was a young man who had to undergo long-term dialysis treatment because of the long-term consumption of large amounts of high-sugar drinks and energy drinks, which eventually led to severe kidney failure.

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

There is also a middle-aged man, because of the pressure of work, perennial alcoholism, as a result of kidney disease, even affecting his family life.

After listening to these stories, Li Ming strengthened his determination to change his life Xi.

In the end, Dr. Wang prescribed Li Ming some medicines to recuperate his body and suggested that he come to the hospital regularly for follow-ups.

On the way home, Li Ming pondered Dr. Wang's words. He decided to quit high-sugar drinks and energy drinks, drink less alcohol and drink more plain water, and he also plans to join a health club and start exercising regularly.

Doctor: These three kinds of water really hurt the kidneys

At this point in the story, there is a question: do you know why ordinary plain water is more beneficial to the body?

This question may seem simple, but the principle behind it is actually very profound.

Plain water is the most natural and purest liquid, which can effectively help the body maintain water balance and promote metabolism.

At the same time, boiled water does not contain any sugar, additives or irritating substances, and does not have any burden on the body.

Drinking plain water for a long time can help remove toxins from the body, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and effectively prevent kidney disease. Therefore, plain water is the easiest and healthiest drink.

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