
The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

author:Professor Kwan Quan

The article is about 2000 words in total, and it is expected to take about 7 minutes.

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

How bold and prolific man is. On the international stage, apart from the United States, India can definitely be said to be a different existence in the world. India, which has failed to join the permanent state six times in a row, has made a comeback again, which can be said to be quite admirable, after all, no country has been able to do it, and has applied for permanent membership six times.

Repeated defeats are arguably the most intuitive description of India. Recently, India has once again raised its courage to prepare for the seventh time to join the normal state, and we all know that the first six times were rejected in turn, but this time India has received Russia's affirmation and the acquiescence of the United States, will India's dream of becoming a normal state come true? Will Russia and the United States really hope that India will join the normal state or will they have other plans? China will become the key?

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

India is a dream

For the United States, if it can't put America first, what is the meaning of the American dream? But for India, if you can't get into the norm, what's the difference between it and salted fish?

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

It can be said that the United States is obsessed with America First, and India is as obsessed with becoming a permanent citizen. Moreover, India has made a lot of concessions in order to become normal.

Because we all know that the essence of the international community is the division of interests, and India naturally needs to show sincerity if it wants to become normal. Therefore, India has spent a lot of money in order to become normal. After all, if you want to be normal, at least you have to make the five permanent happy.

So we see that in the past, India was once a universal exposition. The main manifestation of this is that India buys almost every model of military equipment from all over the world. And we all know that in this regard, it is naturally the P5 that occupies almost all of the share, and India, in order to curry favor, naturally needs to buy at a high price.

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

That's why we often said on the Internet that India bought an aircraft carrier with a minimum of $1, but spent billions of dollars for maintenance, so to speak, India paid the price. After all, India is not stupid, but is there a way? If you want to do it but have no ability, you can only suffer losses, and you have to accompany a smiling face.

And today India finally has an opportunity, and that is that the P5 may need India. So we see that after being rejected for 6 times, India has once again raised its courage and wants to hit the 7th time, hoping to succeed.

Moreover, earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed his support for India's entry into the permanent state during his visit to India, and it can be said that India has finally got a ticket. This makes India very happy, because India once again sees hope for normalcy.

At the same time, after getting Russia's affirmation, India did something that seemed rather unbelievable, that is, India sent its own warships to cooperate with the United States in escort operations in the Red Sea. It can be said that India knows how to send charcoal in the snow.

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

Although India pretends that it was attacked because of itself, it is perhaps much more likely that it will be attacked around its own seaport than it is by its own people. And we all know that it's impossible to extrapolate from distance.

So this is just a trick by India to stand up for the United States when the whole world abandons the United States, and then get the consent and support of the United States.

And we all know that as early as last year, the United States released rumors that the Security Council was going to expand its membership, and it also openly and secretly sent a message to India, and this time India's operation can also be seen that India wants to get the approval of the United States. Although the United States does not say it explicitly, it is natural that the United States will do something in its own interests at this time of isolation.

Since it was able to exchange such a vote for India's embrace, the United States was naturally very happy. Moreover, at the moment of confrontation between China and the United States, the United States naturally does not want to offend India, not to mention that the United States sees that there will be various frictions between China and India, so the United States will turn a blind eye to what the purpose is. And in the end, China will be the most critical link.

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

China becomes the key

India has done a lot in order to become a normal country, and even does not hesitate to give a big gift to China, but China has already made its attitude clear, and India's dream of becoming a normal country may continue to exist.

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

We all know that it is easy to dream, but it is very difficult to achieve it, and since India wants to realize the dream of normalcy, it is naturally very difficult.

In order for India to be able to achieve this, we see that India is also making some efforts, such as on the Sino-Indian border issue, and at the same time on the Sino-Indian trade issue, especially after China raised the issue of India on Chinese enterprises, India has also made changes.

But can all of this really be exchanged for India? I think that's more difficult. This difficulty does not mean that India has not paid enough price and given not enough gifts, but that India itself is not qualified. The essence of the P5 is to deal with global affairs, and does India have the ability to do so?

Moreover, the mainland has also said before that it is necessary to consider the interests of all countries around the world, not only for its own interests. In other words, India's membership must be in the global interest, but is India really in line now?

And let's talk about it again, is the acquiescence of Russia and the United States really supporting India's entry into the norm? I think they have other intentions in their hearts.

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

After all, can this benefit really be compensated for by the discretion over global affairs? I think they all know that the one is lighter and the other is important. So why do they support and acquiesce?

Because they are very sure of the outcome, and India must be approved by all five countries to become a permanent member, and if there is one country, India will naturally not be able to become a permanent country. And for them, they still get benefits, so why not?

So, it's more of a dream trip to India. India has not developed itself well in order to promote the development of the global economy and become an indispensable member of the international community. Instead, I have always wanted to take shortcuts and strengthen my global influence by becoming a regular person.

The United States and Russia have agreed that India will play a role in the regular future, and Modi will give a big gift, but China's attitude has long been clear

It can only be said that India has a reverse understanding of the P5. The P5 exists not because they have a certain influence on the international community after becoming the P5, but because they have a great influence on the international community, so they have become the P5.

How much influence does India have on the international community today, and how much has it contributed to the international community? Therefore, India is just trying to fulfill its dream of taking a shortcut through the exchange of interests. However, it is estimated that the result may be regrettable, and India should take its time with its feet on the ground.

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