
The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

author:Fumishi Nangi

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In a vegetable market in Lingxi Town, Zhejiang, there is a noodle shop with an inconspicuous face.

Jinshan Fresh Noodle Shop, this noodle shop is a bit quirky in the eyes of the locals.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Every day at dawn, the shopkeeper Li Guose and his wife start to work like clockwork, mixing and pressing noodles, no different from other noodle shops.

But what is unusual is that every few days you can see a thin old man appearing in front of the store.

The old man's eyes were wandering and his hair was messy, which was particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

And every time he took out a stack of 100 yuan bills that looked like children's drawings to pay.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Of course, this money must be fake, not even a "fake money", just a piece of graffiti paper with "100 yuan" written on it.

Who was that old man, and why did he use such "hand-painted money"?

And the most puzzling thing is that why did Li Guose and his wife silently accept "counterfeit money" for so long?

Born poor, helpful

Li Guose, the owner of this noodle shop, has suffered a lot since he was a child.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

His father also tried his best to prop up this store.

Li Guose grew up in a mountain village in Cangnan County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, and that place was not very rich.

When he was a child, his family was very poor, but the family lived together, which was considered happy.

But God just doesn't have long eyes, and when he was still a little younger, his mother had a serious illness.

In order to cure my mother's illness, the family threw all the money into it, and I owed a lot of debts.

But after spending so much money, his mother's illness was not cured, and finally it was gone.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

In order to repay his debts, his father had to go out to work, leaving the young Li Guose and his grandfather to rely on each other.

His grandfather was a good man, and he did not hesitate to lend a helping hand every time the people in the village were in trouble.

Li Guose remembers that once, his grandfather was busy in the field for a day, and when he came back, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

But at this moment, a homeless man came to the door to beg for food.

Without saying a word, the grandfather gave his own meal to the homeless man, and he endured hunger to make another meal.

Li Guose was still young and ignorant at the time, so he asked: "Grandpa, you haven't eaten yet, why do you give him food?"

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

His grandfather said, "Son, if a man opens his mouth to beg for food, then he must be in real trouble." We can help. ”

Grandpa's words had a particularly great impact on Li Guose.

Later, when Li Guose grew up, his father opened this noodle shop, and he followed his father to sell noodles.

He also did not forget his grandfather's teachings and often helped the people in the village.

The people in the village also thought of him and often helped take care of his father's business.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Therefore, Li Guose can have today, and he really has to thank his grandfather for his selflessness and kindness.

Li Guose has been selling noodles with his father since he was a child.

His father is also a very kind person, every time he sells noodles, he will give more noodles to others, and never makes people feel that they are taken advantage of.

When he encounters someone in difficulty, he will not hesitate to lend a hand.

For example, the neighbor Lao Zhang, his wife is sick and needs a lot of medical expenses.

After Li Guose's father found out, he lent him a sum of money without saying a word.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

At that time, Lao Zhang was about to cry and kept thanking him.

As a result, it didn't take long for Lao Zhang's wife to recover from her illness, and he also reopened a small shop.

Every day, at the door of Li Guose's father's noodle shop, he sells some home-grown fresh vegetables.

Seeing that the relationship between his father and his neighbors is so good, Li Guose also feels very warm in his heart.

Running a noodle shop meets a strange old man

Later, as Li Guose's father became old, this noodle shop was taken over by Li Guose.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Li Guose and his wife get up early every day and start to work, making and pressing noodles, although they are busy, the couple is very harmonious.

On a sunny noon, a strange old man suddenly came to the door of the noodle shop.

I saw that this old man was short in stature, ragged, and looked a little down.

He clutched a crumpled dollar bill in his hand, with a hint of timidity and confusion in his eyes.

The old man lingered in front of the store for a few moments before he mustered up the courage to walk in.

He silently handed over the crumpled one-dollar bill and told Li Guose that he wanted to buy two catties of noodles.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

The money handed over by the old man was already worn, and this dollar was not enough to buy two catties of noodles.

But after Li Guose saw the old man's state, he still quietly weighed two catties of noodles and handed them to the old man.

Since this old man bought two catties of noodles with a shabby dollar, he came to Li Guose's noodle shop every once in a while to buy noodles.

Every time, Li Guose would weigh two catties of noodles for the old man, and then silently took a dollar from the old man's hand.

Seeing that Li Guose often "loses money and trades", his wife always complains that Li Guose can't do business.

But Li Guose felt that the old man must have encountered some difficulties if he couldn't get the money.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

The teachings of his grandfather and father, Li Guose has always remembered in his heart.

"We just lose a few dollars, maybe we can help the old man a lot!"

He always told his wife that when others were in trouble, he could help them if he could, and maybe he could help others through them.

However, Li Guose's generosity made this strange old man more and more "intensified".

In the past, the old man only used a shabby dollar to buy noodles, and once the old man actually took a hand-painted "banknote" to buy noodles.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

That day, as usual, the strange old man came to the shop to buy noodles.

The old man handed Li Guose a banknote as usual, and when Li Guose took the banknote, he was suddenly stunned.

It was a hundred-dollar bill, but the old man gave not real money, but a bill that he drew himself!

The style of painting is just like a child's graffiti, how childish and naïve it is.

Do you think it makes people laugh and cry? Do you think it can be used as money?

But Li Guose still remained silent, and still weighed two catties of noodles for the old man as usual.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Since that day, whenever the elderly come to buy noodles, they will carry their own hand-painted "counterfeit money".

Although the money could not be used at all, Li Guose quietly accepted all the orders.

Then weigh two catties of noodles for the old man, and sometimes secretly put a few eggs for the old man.

Helped the elderly with dementia for 9 years

After that, as long as the old man came to buy noodles, Li Guose would accept whatever money he gave.

Why did this strange old man use hand-painted banknotes to buy noodles?

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

"This man is a poor man, since he was a child his brain was burned out, and his intelligence was forever stuck at 5 years old. ”

"He was able to take care of him when his parents were still there, but now he has to wander around alone. ”

After some inquiry, Li Guose learned that the old man's name was Zheng Zulong, and he was a lonely old man with dementia.

Hearing this, Li Guose's heart couldn't help but feel a sourness.

Later, whenever the old man Zheng Zulong came to buy noodles, Li Guose would give him more noodles.

Once, Li Guose bought some fruits for Zheng Zulong, but he resolutely refused.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Zheng Zulong gently placed the fruit on the noodle stand and turned to leave.

Looking at his departing back, Li Guose suddenly understood that although Zheng Zulong's intelligence was limited, he had his own dignity and persistence.

He is not willing to accept handouts from others, nor does he like to take advantage of others.

Although his world is simple, his heart is stronger than anyone else.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Li Guose also accepted Zheng Zulong's hand-painted "banknotes", and even at a fixed time, Li Guose would look forward to Zheng Zulong to buy noodles.

In this way, Li Guose received more and more "banknotes", with face values of 10 yuan, 100 yuan, and 1,000 yuan.

The paintings on these banknotes are more exquisite than the other, look at the 1,000 yuan banknotes, it is just like the real thing!

One day, Li Guose took a video of Zheng Zulong's hand-drawn banknotes and posted them on the Internet.

This video went viral all at once!

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Netizens said that this Li Guose is really kind and caring.

However, some people think that Li Guose is putting on a show and consuming the elderly.

Some people even say that Li Guose is stupid.

But Li Guose never explained, he felt that he just had a clear conscience.

This matter caused a stir on the Internet, and the media came to interview him.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

When the reporter asked about this, Li Guose smiled and said:

"It's much easier for us young people to make money than for the elderly, and it's the right thing to do when we meet the elderly who need help. ”

He added: "And ah, I'm not going to debunk it. ”

In this way, Li Guose silently helped Zheng Zulong, while carefully maintaining the dignity of the old man.

Li Guose helped Zheng Zulong like this, and the gang was 9 years.

The old man passed away, and Li Guose's kindness touched netizens

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

Many people were touched by Lee's kindness and came to the noodle shop to support his business.

Li Guose's good deeds were also rewarded, he was named "the most beautiful Cangnan person" and received a bonus of 3,000 yuan.

However, just when everyone thought that Zheng Zulong would be able to spend his old age in peace, an accident happened.

In the early morning of January 7, 2022, Zheng Zulong was in a car accident at a traffic light intersection and unfortunately passed away.

And on this day, Li Guose, who didn't know it, was still waiting for Zheng Zulong to come to the store to buy noodles, but he didn't wait.

It wasn't until he saw the private messages sent to him by netizens that he knew that Zheng Zulong had passed away.

The elderly with dementia hand-painted "fake money" bought noodles for 9 years, and the owner of the noodle shop received all the orders, why?

After learning the news, Li Guose's eyes turned red all of a sudden, obviously he saw him well two days ago, how could it suddenly be gone?

That night, Li Guose updated a video, which was the 138th and last video he posted.

In the video, he lit a piece of money drawn by an old man, and watching the paper money keep burning, his mood became more and more sad.

He said sadly that he was used to waiting for the old man to buy noodles Xi, but he couldn't wait any longer......

What do you think of the touching story between Lee Kok Seok and Jung Jo Long?

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