
The winners of the 2023 "West Lake Outstanding Female Postdoctoral Award" were announced

author:Web of Science

According to the release of Westlake University on January 8, the winners of the 2023 "Westlake Outstanding Female Postdoctoral Award" were officially announced recently. Huang Shijia, postdoctoral fellow of the School of Life Sciences, Westlake University, Yang Qingyun, postdoctoral fellow of the School of Science, Westlake University, and Zheng Bizhu, postdoctoral fellow of the School of Engineering, Westlake University, won the award.

The winners of the 2023 "West Lake Outstanding Female Postdoctoral Award" were announced

Huang Shijia

Shijia Huang is a postdoctoral fellow in the research group of Chai Jijie, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University. She has long been committed to the study of plant immune signaling pathways, and has discovered the important immune second messengers pRib-AMP/ADP and ADPr-ATP in the immune response triggered by plant effectors. Up to now, he has published 5 SCI papers as the first author, and the main research work has been published in the journal Science in the form of two research articles. In the postdoctoral stage, she will continue to work in the field of plant immunity, hoping to further elucidate the signaling process of TNL-based disease resistance proteins-mediated immune responses, and lay the foundation for breeding crops with higher disease resistance.

The winners of the 2023 "West Lake Outstanding Female Postdoctoral Award" were announced

Yang Qingyun

Qingyun Yang is a postdoctoral fellow in Mingxuan Wu's research group, School of Science, Westlake University. She has been focusing on protein post-translational modifications, and has developed a novel mechanism-based method for precise editing of histone modifications using transpeptidases and cell-permeating peptides, overcoming the limitations of existing methods that cannot introduce multiple modifications in situ chromatin.

Up to now, he has published 3 SCI papers as the first author. At present, he is committed to deciphering the function and mechanism of pyrophosphorylation modification on nucleolar proteins, and preliminarily finds that this modification is related to the liquid-liquid phase separation of nucleolar proteins. In the future, she will continue to use or develop chemical tools to get a glimpse of the secrets of protein modification hidden by more living organisms.

The winners of the 2023 "West Lake Outstanding Female Postdoctoral Award" were announced

Zheng Bizhu

Zheng Bizhu is a postdoctoral fellow in Yuxuan's research group at the School of Engineering, Westlake University. Her research focuses on the mechanism and performance regulation of the interface of high specific energy alkali metal anodes, and deeply explores the inactive components, structure and formation mechanism of the lithium/sodium metal anode interface, and is committed to solving the problem of medium and long-cycle failure and safety of lithium/sodium metal batteries. Up to now, he has published 3 SCI papers as the first author, applied for 7 patents, and authorized 1. In the past, he worked as a senior engineer in a world-renowned lithium battery company, and has rich experience in industrial practice. In her future research and work, she will continue to focus on the field of lithium/sodium metal batteries, deepen her understanding of the key factors of battery performance, and hope to make more contributions to the innovation and progress of electrochemical energy storage technology.

According to reports, the "West Lake Outstanding Female Postdoctoral Award" is a sub-project of the "West Lake Women Scientist Development Support Program" initiated by the Hangzhou West Lake Education Foundation, and the review work is jointly implemented by Westlake University and the West Lake Education Foundation. The award is donated and supported by the Guangdong Vipshop Charity Foundation, which aims to provide support and encouragement to outstanding female researchers at home and abroad engaged in postdoctoral research, so as to help them better realize their potential, devote themselves more to their scientific research careers, and maximize their talents.