
Video | Zero-distance police-citizen interaction! On the occasion of Police Day, citizens immerse themselves in the experience of "hard-core protection"

author:Hualong Net


In order to celebrate the fourth Chinese People's Police Day, today (10), the Shapingba District Public Security Sub-bureau launched the theme activity of "Forge ahead 110 and devote oneself to the security and tranquility of the people" in the Three Gorges Square. More than 300 people experienced the public security work and police barracks culture at the event site "immersively", and personally felt that safety is around them.

Video | Zero-distance police-citizen interaction! On the occasion of Police Day, citizens immerse themselves in the experience of "hard-core protection"

The event attracted many members of the public to stop and take pictures. Photo by Hualong Net reporter Luo Shengjie

At the event site, through the establishment of consultation desks, display boards, and the distribution of publicity materials, the scope of acceptance of "110" was popularized to the masses, and the relevant knowledge of anti-fraud, anti-narcotics, and transportation was explained;

"Can you believe that you are teaching you investment and financial management through online dating?" "Don't believe it!" "If someone calls you and claims that the customer service wants to give you a refund, do you believe it?" "Don't believe ......" In order to further purify the network environment, crack down on the special action to rectify online rumors and the "Clean Network 2024" special action, the police and the public actively interacted at the event site, and everyone was enthusiastic, asking and answering, which further narrowed the distance between the police and the people and strengthened the relationship between the police and the people.

Video | Zero-distance police-citizen interaction! On the occasion of Police Day, citizens immerse themselves in the experience of "hard-core protection"

The scene of the event. Photo by Hualong Net reporter Luo Shengjie

"What we pass to you is not only a leaflet, but also to let everyone understand the significance of the existence of the 110 police call, and enhance the public's understanding and support for 110." The relevant person in charge of the command center of the Shapingba District Public Security Bureau introduced.

Video | Zero-distance police-citizen interaction! On the occasion of Police Day, citizens immerse themselves in the experience of "hard-core protection"

Citizen Li Yaqiong answered the question and successfully won a gift. Photo by Hualong Net reporter Luo Shengjie

"Generally speaking, the four steps of illegal fundraising are: drawing cakes, building momentum, absorbing money, and running away. At the beginning, criminals will generally fulfill the promised principal and interest 'on time', and then slowly lure people into the trap of illegal fundraising, which eventually leads to the loss of the victim's money, so everyone must be vigilant. In the propaganda area, the police of the Shapingba District Economic Investigation Detachment made brochures and distributed them to the masses according to the types of illegal securities and futures, illegal fundraising, pyramid schemes and other crimes that have often been issued online and offline in the field of economic crimes in recent years, and explained in detail to the masses from the harmfulness, criminal methods, manifestations, identification and prevention countermeasures, etc., so that the masses can enhance their awareness of fraud prevention and keep their "money bags".

Video | Zero-distance police-citizen interaction! On the occasion of Police Day, citizens immerse themselves in the experience of "hard-core protection"

The people's police publicized and distributed the "anti-fraud" manual to the citizens. Photo by Hualong Net reporter Luo Shengjie

It is understood that more than 3,000 copies of relevant publicity materials were distributed at the event site, and more than 300 people were publicized and explained to the masses on the spot. Through this activity, the important role of "110" in fighting crime, maintaining public order, and serving the masses has been further played, and the public's awareness of safety has been improved, and at the same time, the interaction between the police and the people has been promoted, and a safe social environment has been jointly created, which has effectively enhanced the people's trust and satisfaction with public security work.

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