
I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

author:Interviews with real people

#Overseas Life##Entrepreneurship Story##Overseas Struggle##在日本创业什么行业好? #

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

This is the 3,183rd real story we have told

Recently, it has become popular to say: "When you meet a good person, you get married first, and when you meet a noble person, you start a business first." "And I, especially lucky, except for my parents, my lover and the greatest nobleman, are the same person, she is my daughter-in-law.

It was also because I met her that I stayed in Japan after graduating from university. I've brushed plates, planted fields, driven a tractor on a farm...... Later, I started a business with her, got the right to live permanently in Japan, and lived our own "slow life".

My name is Brother Fei, I am 35 years old this year, and I am from Jilin, Northeast China.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(It's my luck to meet my wife)

I had a simple happy childhood.

Our family of three lives in a chemical fiber factory compound on the outskirts of Jilin City in Northeast China. The chemical fiber factory is a state-owned enterprise, the factory benefits are good, and many neighbors in the compound are also colleagues, and the relationship is harmonious.

My parents are cheerful and talkative, and I remember that there are often some uncles and aunts in the house, sometimes with their children. There was a lot of laughter and laughter in the house.

Dad's favorite thing to do is to ride my mom and me around the streets with his 28-inch permanent bike. One day, the car passed through the ridge, and because he didn't grasp the front of the car, all three of them fell down together with the car.

My mother's hand was bleeding, and I tumbled down the field. Everyone looked at each other's embarrassment, and they were all amused, laughing, helping the car up, and walking home happily.

Dad is a fan of boxing matches, every Sunday at around 12 noon, Central Channel 5 will broadcast boxing matches, and he will often cook a bunch of delicious and several meat dishes. It would be more than nine years, and it was usually difficult to eat meat once, but on Sunday, the whole family got together to watch TV, eat meat, chat, and have a good time.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(My parents and I when I was a child)

At home, my father and I have a traditional father-son relationship, and my mother and I are more like friends. I rarely even called her "Mommy", but I used her nickname like my uncle. Mom wasn't tall, and I sometimes walked with her a little bit of a hook.

In such a growing atmosphere, I have developed an optimistic and cheerful personality, determined in the face of things, and likes to make friends.

The time when the family was intimate every day was broken because the chemical fiber factory moved back to the city. Mom and Dad spend a lot of time commuting to work every day, leaving the house at 5 a.m. and arriving home around 8 p.m.

From the time I was close to graduating from elementary school to graduating from junior high school, I needed to "self-manage".

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Photo with parents before leaving abroad)

At first, it was okay, and the graduation results of primary school were also quite satisfactory, and I was admitted to an upper-middle junior high school in Jilin. However, I don't have strong self-control, so I became addicted to online games after junior high school.

In the three years of junior high school, I basically didn't focus on Xi, and every time I had a parent-teacher meeting, it was a negative teaching material in the class. When I graduated from junior high school, the full score in the high school entrance examination was 800 points, and I only scored more than 300 points.

The results of the high school entrance examination are a little unacceptable to my parents with relatively high academic qualifications, and many people suggest that I go directly to a technical secondary school or technical school to learn a craft. But my parents still managed to get me to high school.

But because of the basics, I didn't study much Xi in high school, so I didn't study much, so I just had fun.

My parents were worried about my Xi situation, and they secretly prepared for my future path.

But I didn't know it at the time, and when everyone thought I couldn't get into the junior college, I was actually admitted to the second line. After a few months of enjoying college life, one day, my dad called.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Study tour with classmates in Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Park)

My dad asked me to go to the study abroad interview.

From 2006 to around 2010, it was just in time for the boom in studying in Japan. My parents quietly discussed, and between a country in Africa and Japan, Japan was finally settled for me.

I was stunned when I answered the phone, but at that time I was not allowed to choose, because when I was notified, my family had already spent almost 200,000 yuan.

What kind of concept was 200,000 yuan at that time, the first house our family bought in Jilin City at that time, 99 square meters, was less than 100,000 yuan. Moreover, since 2000, with the development of the market economy, the wage income of state-owned enterprises has decreased sharply compared with other enterprises. 200,000 is a big expense for the family.

In addition to feeling sorry for the money spent by my family, my heart has been influenced and nurtured by my father since I was a child, and I also want to go out to see the outside world. It's just that I feel that studying abroad seems very far away for an ordinary family like us, but the opportunity suddenly appeared in front of me, and I took it.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Group photo of the graduation of the language school)

Before going to the interview, the teacher explained that Japanese people care more about attitude, even if they don't understand, but they should have a good attitude and be polite.

I went to the interview in a daze, and although I didn't have any knowledge of Japanese and didn't speak the language, I was able to pass without any problems.

In order to study abroad, my family borrowed a total of 160,000 yuan from relatives and friends, and in 2008, I took 600,000 yen (about 49,000 yuan at that time) and embarked on the road of studying abroad. I had to go to a language school for 2 years and then go to university for 4 years before I graduated.

When I arrived in Japan, I realized that studying abroad was not what I expected. "Being alone in a foreign land as a stranger, thinking of relatives every festival", a person in a foreign country, it is especially easy to feel lonely in his heart.

At that time, we had 6 people from Jilin City who went to Japan to study in the same batch, except for one who dropped out in the middle of his sophomore year, and the other 4 have all returned to China. The reason for returning to China is basically that I can't stand the loneliness of being overseas.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Farm farming in Japan)

When I study abroad alone, my attitude is to "report good news and not bad news" to my family. Because even if you say it, you can only worry your parents. However, because my peers have similar vision and knowledge, they can't give themselves ideas when they encounter things, and when I am alone, I begin to understand the meaning of the word "self-reliance".

In order to ease the financial burden on my family, I studied during the day and worked at a convenience store at night. I work from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning. The people on my shift would leave work at 2 a.m., and I would be alone in the store for five hours a day.

Lonely and depressed in my heart, in a bad state, in no state at school, chaotic every day, I always feel as if I am half asleep, and I don't like to talk to the people around me, and I often sleep on the table in class, like a "walking dead".

There was a time when I went back to the rental house alone, and I would suddenly cry and my mind was spinning, all of which were negative thoughts, probably because of what people call depression now.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Group photo when I met my wife for the first time)

Why did I come to Japan? I had no relatives and no reason, so hard, I could only sleep four or five hours a day, at 3 o'clock, go to school, work part-time, and go home and fall asleep...... All the money I earn is used to pay for tuition, and I haven't learned anything in school, day after day, what's the point of living like this? I just want to get through until I graduate and go back to China.

What made me decide to stay in Japan was because of a girl I liked. She later became my wife and my "nobleman". If I hadn't met her, my life might have been different.

In the summer of 2011, a friend saw that my mental state was getting worse and worse, and dragged me to a barbecue event. It was at this event that I met my wife.

When we first met, she was wearing proper makeup, and her figure was slender, which was more conspicuous in the crowd. She smiled, especially kindly, with a hearty laugh. I probably fell in love with her at first because of her smile and laughter.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(In Japan, I bought land and built a house, and held a town festival)

After getting to know each other, we got along for a while. They all feel more in love with each other, and they are together.

With my beloved, I began to have a plan for my future life.

Because my wife is two years younger than me, after we got together, we started to think about how we could put down roots in Japan, because in the future, we want to start a family, buy a house, and live the good life we want.

I graduated from university in 2014 and 2 months later, I got my first job and joined a company. The company's main business is restaurants and wagyu beef.

I worked for that company for a year. In the first half of the year, he farmed and planted rice on the company's farm. For the first time, I learned that the seeds of spinach are blue. He also drove a farming tractor, and even drove the tractor on its side......

The work on the farm is quite interesting, it increases my knowledge and exercises.

In the second half of the year, I worked at one of the company's restaurants. During that time, it felt a bit "wasted time". I went to work at 9 o'clock in the morning and left work at 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, and I couldn't learn anything in that small shop every day.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(In the process of building his own house, he wrote blessings on the iron bone)

The company was treated particularly badly, often working long hours without a penny of overtime pay, and I worked hard for a year, only to find that my income was very limited.

At the same time, although my wife was still in school, she earned much more than my salary through the part-time job of purchasing agents. I have to admire her vision for being longer than mine.

She believes that selling a lot of labor time every day and achieving such low results is meaningless work, and she must change her thinking. I listened to her analysis and felt very reasonable, the family "smashed the pot and sold iron" and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to send us to study, just to do coolies for my graduation?

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Handover Ceremony)

My mind was changed, but I really didn't know where the road was at that time.

Luckily, my second noble person in Japan appeared at this time. This is really in response to the sentence "It is better to read 10,000 books than to travel 10,000 miles, it is better to read countless people than to read 10,000 miles, and it is better to read countless people than to guide the way." ”

He was a classmate at my language school, and we had actually been disconnected for three years at the time, and we got in touch by chance. When he found out about my situation, he said to me, "Why don't you open a company in Japan?"

When I heard it, my heart suddenly opened up and was immediately full of confusion. I have just come out of school, what kind of graduates do I want, what qualifications do I have to open a company? How to open a company?

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Wife prays for a prosperous business while sleeping)

My classmate explained to me that since we are all doing daigou, it is better to make it a company business, which not only solves the visa problem, but also has more free time to do what I like, so why not do it.

This classmate of mine not only pointed out my development ideas, but also introduced me to a couple. The couple is mainly responsible for visa processing. They were very enthusiastic and taught me how to start a company, how to run a company, and later taught me to add some income-generating projects.

The idea was clear, but when I really started to get started, it was thanks to the support of my parents and wife.

At that time, the policy of starting a company was relatively relaxed, and the biggest challenge was start-up capital. Because the registered capital required to start a company is 5 million yen, which is about 300,000 yuan according to the exchange rate at the time.

The money I earned from working part-time in college was basically enough to pay the tuition fees, and I had no money to spare. My parents basically paid off the money they borrowed from my relatives and friends to study abroad when I was in college. But after they knew that I planned to start a company, my father still supported me without hesitation, and I was saddled with a debt of 200,000 yuan again.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(When we first bought a car, my wife took a photo with the car)

When I got the money from my father, I felt very uncomfortable. I secretly made up my mind that I must earn money as soon as possible so that my parents can live a good life.

With start-up capital, it is necessary to run various approval procedures. Cumbersome but not difficult, the company was soon up and running.

The company opened, but my wife and I had no experience in running it, so it felt like we were doing a small business at first. At the beginning, due to accounting problems, the employees left at the end of the day, leaving my wife and I to stay and work overtime, often until late at night.

The hardships in the early stage of entrepreneurship are still vivid in my mind when I recall them now. Fortunately, no matter how hard and tired I was, my wife was always with me and supported me.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(My wife brings the grapefruit peel mask I made for her)

Once, in order to catch up with a very important document, I had been working hard, and my heart was very anxious, so I was also a little upset, and I didn't remember that it was late and I hadn't eaten.

At that time, my wife was directly emotionally broken, and she cried aggrievedly on the table, "I'm going to starve to death, when will I be able to eat?"

How can I ignore my body for the sake of work? Seeing her aggrieved appearance, I felt both self-reproach and distress. There weren't many restaurants open at that time, so we had to buy bento boxes, instant noodles, and fried chicken at convenience stores.

Although we hired employees later, we still often work about 20 hours a day when we are very busy, with only 4-5 hours of rest every day, and this state of high-intensity work lasts for about 8 to 10 months.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Watching the sea with my wife)

There is an old Chinese saying: "If you want to be noble in front of others, you must suffer from behind your back." "Many people have succeeded, but everyone only sees his glamorous side, and only they know the bitterness behind it. After all, no one will show their bitter side.

For a while, because I had to do written copywriting on the computer for a long time, I was sedentary, which caused me to fall into the root of my lower back.

The direct slit in the spine, the spine and the cartilage tissue between the spine are all inflamed. At the worst time, I couldn't sit or stand, and I couldn't feel uncomfortable up and down. In order to get better, I took medicine for a long time.

Until now, I couldn't sit on that kind of fixed desk, I needed a desk with electric lifting, and I needed to sit and stand for a while. Although I am only in my thirties, my "old waist" can't stand the toss.

In fact, I didn't really like to fight hard in my bones, but I was what others called "Mr. Almost", and I was almost good at doing anything. Because of my wife's silent dedication and companionship all the way, I have today's small achievements.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(On the streets of Japan)

In the second year of the company's opening, I wanted to raise feng shui fish in the office. On my birthday, my wife took the subway to the mall to pick out a set of fish farming equipment for me, and also bought stones and ten fish at the bottom of the tank. weighed at least more than 20 pounds, and she carried it back alone, and the next day her arms were so tired that she couldn't lift them.

In fact, when I am abroad, my partner can be by my side every day, even if I don't have to do anything special, it can make me feel that I am not alone. Having family by your side, warm encouragement, and warm hugs is already a very beautiful thing.

My company is not big, and when there are many people, it is only five employees, but at least I have successfully changed from being a "part-time worker" to a "business manager".

In addition to the main business of the company, in my free time, I sometimes do independent tours, real estate sales, student visas, and business management visas.

At present, the company is doing well, so we have also purchased some properties in Japan, and we can get a certain rental income.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Outdoor barbecue with wife)

After so many years of hard work in Japan, I feel very deeply. Whether it is doing business or living life, there will be peaks and troughs, and ups and downs are the norm. What we have to do is nothing more than to follow the trend, in the upward trend, work hard, break through, and slow down and enjoy life in the downward trend.

Now the social environment is a bit impetuous, the pace is very fast, it seems that time has become fragmented, and it is easy to be anxious in my heart. Nowadays, whenever I'm not too busy, I drink a cup of coffee, read a book, and do something slower on my little balcony.

Or go to people who have more life experience than you and are more successful in some aspects to talk to, listen to their insights and views on life, and enrich yourself.

My wife and I met in August 2011, registered our marriage at the Japanese Embassy in Fukuoka in 2015, and got married in 2019. I will not forget the days when we endured hardships together, but I want to enjoy the long stream of a better life in the future with her.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(I went to watch the summer fireworks festival with my wife)

Everyone says "read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles", both are important, and if I had to choose which is more important, I would choose the latter.

Usually when my wife and I have time, we travel to other cities. So far, we have visited all other cities in Japan, except for Hokkaido.

What I like the most is Fukuoka City, where I live now, where prices are not high, the population density is not particularly large, and the pace of life is not so fast. At heart, I just like to live a slower life.

The second city I like is Osaka. Osaka's business is relatively developed, the urban planning is relatively large, and the people of Osaka are relatively enthusiastic, a bit like the northeastern villagers of China, who speak boldly and informally. Also, the food, drink, and entertainment in Osaka are good in every way, and I really like Universal Studios there.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Going to a sumo wrestling match with my wife)

During this year's National Day holiday, we went to Amakusa in Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu, to enjoy the long stretches of beaches, turquoise waters, and magnificent mountains, and watched pods of dolphins leap out of the water. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and feel the beauty and happiness brought by nature.

Many people will ask me why I don't consider returning to China now that the mainland is developing so well.

What we are more obsessed with is the "low desire" environment of Japan. You don't have to be anxious about your age, you won't be bound by the world's eyes, such as the time of marriage and the time of starting a business, there will be no "conventional" requirements, and there are various ways of life, which can be accepted by society.

In fact, there is no right or wrong between "involution" and "no involution". It's just that we don't want to roll in, I'm in my thirties, I've already gone through a third of my life, I just want to enjoy the moment and enjoy the surprises of looking forward to every day in life.

I am a young man born in the 80s, who went to Japan to study and work at the age of 19, and successfully started a business at the age of 26, and my wife is my nobleman

(Welcome to follow the hero of this article)

[Dictation: Fat Brother]

[Editor: Xia Feng]

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(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )

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