
The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

author:Straightforward Maple Leaf nVK

I can't laugh anymore, the reason why everything is exactly the same in the twins, the comment area is too real

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

To raise twins, you have to pick up two pieces of shit

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

It's not easy to raise twins, and you have to divide them into two pieces even if you pick up dog shit. This is an experience shared by a father on social media that struck a chord with netizens. He complained that every time he walked his dog, he had to pick up two pieces of dog poop at the same time because there were twins in the house. Netizens have expressed their understanding that even if it is a small matter, the hard work of raising twins should not be underestimated.

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

The same scholar who gave birth to triplets did not dare to buy whole chickens

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

Giving birth to twins is already a headache, let alone triplets. In order to avoid picking bones in the eggs, a classmate simply did not dare to buy whole chickens. Because the triplets in the family, whether they eat chicken legs or chicken wings, they must maintain a fair distribution. This made the classmates' families pick and choose left and right in the supermarket, and finally had to give up the idea of whole chicken. Many netizens said in the comments that they also felt a headache in the face of such a situation.

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

If you wear the same clothes, you will be beaten by one person

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

Quarrels between the twins seem unavoidable, especially when it comes to clothing. One mother complained on social media that her twin daughters had to be exactly the same, whether they had long or short hair. What's even more laughable is that they also demand that when they are beaten, they will also be beaten by one person. This made many netizens can't help but joke that this is really a doubles match.

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

I made a pot of spicy crayfish at home, and the twins divided the shrimp for 5 minutes

The trouble of raising twins, even picking up dog poop has to be divided into two pieces!

There are twins in the family, but everything has to be divided into two parts. A parent recounted his experience in the WeChat circle of friends. The family made a pot of spicy crayfish, but the twins demanded that both the lobster and the spice be separated. As a result, the shrimp and seasoning were divided for a full 5 minutes. This made many netizens sigh that raising twins is really a test of parents' patience.

Brother and sister, who are two years apart, must buy the same thing

The existence of twins makes family life more interesting. A pair of siblings who are two years apart must buy the same for almost everything. Whether it's toys, clothes, or accessories, as long as one person has it, the other has it too. This makes many parents have a headache when shopping, and they have to buy double portions at every turn. Netizens jokingly said that this brother and sister seem to be going to become "two molds".

Only one of the twins downstairs touched the dog's head

The differences between twins are also hard to ignore. Some netizens broke the news that there are twins living downstairs in their house, but only one child can often touch the dog's head downstairs. The other child was never touched. It has aroused many onlookers and heated discussions among netizens. Someone joked that it may be that the dog head is more picky and only likes to touch a child.

For these interesting facts about the twins, netizens enthusiastically left messages and shared their experiences and insights. Some people lamented that they missed the opportunity to raise twins back then, and some people praised the hard work of the parents of the twins. In any case, these anecdotes are enough to make us laugh and make us even more curious about the unique relationship between the twins.