
The less you ask, the more blessed you are: the wise don't ask philosophy

author:Win the title

Life is like a journey, and only those who follow the trend can remain calm and composed.

Many people's lives may seem like a pile of chicken feathers, but they enjoy it very much, and there are many people whose lives seem complete but gradually wither and get worse.

Because when faced with various unexpected situations, these people are always in a hurry to find a clear answer, but don't know how to gain experience through exploration, and actively look for solutions.

On the other hand, smart people know how to make things happen. Only by taking advantage of this situation can they move forward without asking about the outcome or the future. The less they ask, the luckier they are.

The less you ask, the more blessed you are: the wise don't ask philosophy

01: Don't seek results, only focus on the process

Some people are afraid of doing more with less, so they rush to find results and then decide how to work hard.

However, everything did not have a clear ending at the beginning, as Keigo Higashino said, don't jump to conclusions with wishful thinking. Without challenges, it is impossible to predict the outcome of anything.

Therefore, these people are afraid that all their efforts will be in vain, so they stay at the stage of imagination. After a long time, they remained at the starting point and did not take any action.

Smart people value the process because even if the results are unsatisfactory, they gain experience in the development of the whole situation, making the person grow.

They are not afraid of the final conclusion, but focus on summarizing each step, enriching and improving themselves, which is an experience of empowerment and growth.

It's more like a positive attitude towards life, where people forget their fears and choose to move forward bravely.

When we focus all our attention on the process, we are more focused on fighting for every opportunity and facing every challenge.

And the final result, whether it is success or failure, we accept it calmly and with a clear conscience.

Of course, this requires us to have enough courage to bravely accept challenges, face difficulties head-on, and take responsibility.

Through these experiences, we continue to reflect and summarize, continue to learn Xi and progress, so that we can go further and smoother on the road of life.

The less you ask, the more blessed you are: the wise don't ask philosophy

02: Don't ask about the future, just focus on the present

People say that the only constant in this world is change.

The future is unknown, full of variables and uncertainties.

We are not prophets and cannot predict the future. We can only plan rationally, and in the meantime, we must be ready to respond to changes at any time.

Smart people are well aware of this principle, so they don't hope for an imaginary future, but focus on the present, seize the present, and give everything they have to create the future.

Focusing only on the present and not about the future is an open-minded attitude towards life.

Now is the only moment we can control, and only by giving our all in this moment can we change the direction of the future.

Therefore, if we are always worried about the future, we will become restless, unable to concentrate, unable to do our best.

So, even as we step into the future, we will still regret the setbacks of the moment.

It's like a vicious circle that gets us lost in illusions and regrets.

A wise person would never allow himself to be in such an embarrassing situation. They will do their best to achieve every small goal they have now.

In their view, only now is the real existence.

This requires us to have rock-solid perseverance and confidence, to believe in our own strength, and to believe in the efforts we have put in.

The less you ask, the more blessed you are: the wise don't ask philosophy

A wise person, who does not ask about the outcome or the future, is a wise philosophy of life.

When we stop dwelling on meaningless questions, our hearts become calm and strong.

It is far wiser and more pragmatic to prove one's worth and ability through practical actions than to live in illusory imagination and expectations.

People say that God rewards hard work.

In fact, it's because we're trying to bless ourselves.

Therefore, not being anxious or daydreaming is the only way to make our life path clearer and broader.