
At the age of 40, do you have to arrange a gastrointestinal endoscopy? Popular science time

author:Longnan Liangdang released

As we age, the incidence of gastrointestinal disorders increases. Nowadays, many people have a misconception about gastrointestinal diseases, thinking that no symptoms are fine. In fact, early gastrointestinal tumors often have no obvious symptoms, and this "asymptomatic" manifestation is a major feature of early gastrointestinal tumors.

So, how to detect gastrointestinal diseases early? Gastrointestinal endoscopy is the best option. However, the problem arises again. Some people say that after the age of 40, you have to arrange gastrointestinal endoscopy screening. Is that correct? Look down.

At the age of 40, do you have to arrange a gastrointestinal endoscopy? Popular science time
At the age of 40, do you have to arrange a gastrointestinal endoscopy? Popular science time

Is gastrointestinal endoscopy screening necessary?

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is the most effective screening method and important diagnosis and treatment method for gastrointestinal diseases. A large number of studies and practices have shown that early screening and timely treatment of gastrointestinal tumors are effective measures to reduce the mortality rate of gastric cancer and colorectal cancer in the population.

Current research shows that most colorectal cancer progresses from polyp to carcinoma. There is a certain time window from precancerous lesion progression to cancer, which provides an important opportunity for early diagnosis and clinical intervention of the disease. In addition, some colorectal tumors progress very quickly, and once found, endoscopic treatment should be carried out as soon as possible to avoid delaying the best time for treatment.

In addition, the prognosis of gastric and colorectal cancer is closely related to the stage of diagnosis. The prognosis for early-stage and late-stage tumors varies greatly, which underscores the importance of early gastrointestinal endoscopy screening.

At the age of 40, do you have to arrange a gastrointestinal endoscopy? Popular science time

Who are at high risk of gastrointestinal cancers?

Gastrointestinal endoscopy screening for high-risk groups of gastrointestinal tumors can not only detect and diagnose diseases early, but also provide timely and effective treatment, improve the quality of life of cancer patients, and prolong survival.

At the age of 40, do you have to arrange a gastrointestinal endoscopy? Popular science time

At present, the guidelines for early diagnosis and early treatment of gastric cancer screening in mainland China have revised the starting age for gastric cancer screening from 40 to 45 years old. The starting age for colonoscopy screening in the general population is 40 years.

In some European and American countries and some economically developed provinces in the mainland, gastrointestinal endoscopy has been included in the routine physical examination of people over 50 years old. However, due to the large population base in mainland China and the aging of the population, it may be more reasonable to appropriately postpone the starting age of screening considering the cost-benefit ratio.

At the age of 40, do you have to arrange a gastrointestinal endoscopy? Popular science time

Is gastrointestinal endoscopy safe?

Some people find gastrointestinal endoscopy less safe. In fact, there is a risk of complications with any medical procedure, and gastrointestinal endoscopy is no exception.

However, overall, gastrointestinal endoscopy is relatively safe. Complications include possible bleeding, infection, and, rarely, perforation of the digestive tract. In painless gastrointestinal endoscopy, there are also risks associated with drug allergies or anesthesia. However, for experienced physicians, the risk of these complications is extremely low and can usually be avoided and managed with standardized procedures and care.

Important: You can't ignore a gastrointestinal endoscopy just because you don't have symptoms. In particular, people at high risk of gastric cancer and colorectal cancer should undergo gastrointestinal endoscopy as soon as possible after reaching a certain age.

Source: Healthy China