
How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

author:Everybody is a product manager
In order to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises, more and more enterprises are focusing on customer experience management (CEM). So, how to understand the service support behind customer experience management and the digitalization of customer experience management? In this article, the author interprets it in combination with cases, let's take a look.
How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

In China, there are two companies that will achieve the ultimate in user service, one is the "Haidilao" in the catering industry, and the other is the "Fat Donglai" in the retail industry.

In the early years, there was a lack of high-quality products, the goods themselves are golden signs, and good quality is better than overwhelming publicity, at this stage, various industries have been rolled up to the sky, it has long been a red sea, there are too many high-quality goods, and the channels for users to obtain product information are also scattered, online malls, offline stores, new media, circle of friends, etc., so if you want to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises, you must pay more attention to user experience management.

How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

The purpose of customer experience management (CEM) is to establish a fully real-time way of customer interaction by fully integrating the various online and offline touchpoints along the customer journey, as well as the experience and behavioral data associated with them.

Because the phenomenon of customer churn can occur at all stages of enterprise interaction with customers, the importance of the entire process experience is illustrated by using the member lifecycle journey (e.g., potential customers, new members to the store, old members, high-value members, silent members, and churned members) as an example.

How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

1. Potential customer training

1) New media cultivation: It mainly involves the experience sharing of KOLs and KOCs and the placement of information flow advertising, which together constitute the key links of potential customer training. However, in this process, potential customers may choose to give up because they are not interested in the content of the influencer, or the advertising benefits are not attractive enough, which will lead to the loss of potential customers.

2) Offline store product selection: Customers usually choose products by shopping and visiting stores, so the display position of products and the recommendation of shopping guides are particularly crucial. If the product is not placed properly, the recommendation of the shopping guide is not in place, and the company may lose this potential customer.

How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

2. Recruitment of new members

1) Store customer reception: When customers walk into the store, the whole process of parking, finding a store, seating, ordering, dining environment, dish taste, service process, checkout, and leaving the store plays an important role in customer retention.

2) Online home-delivered customers: For takeaway users, product selection, package combinations, discounts, delivery speed, take-out packaging, pick-up process, home dining, post-meal evaluation and other links are also crucial.

High Value Membership Services:

3) Member service: whether the care of holidays, birthdays, service care and other aspects can make customers feel the sincerity and difference of the enterprise will become the key to retaining customers. This may determine whether a user can be retained.

With regard to customer experience management, its core lies in closely linking the whole life cycle journey of enterprise and user services, covering various fields such as online shopping malls, offline stores, new media, social media and advertising through refined data collection, data recycling and processing of service experience, deeply mining information including each process node of service experience, realizing whole-process data tracking and customer interaction, and creating a unique high-quality service experience for customers.

How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

Take the catering industry as an example:

After consumers enter the store ordering system, their behavior data on the addition and deletion of items on the menu can be collected in real time and in-depth analysis of customer profile information can be carried out, so as to accurately understand the true intentions of customers.

How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

Menu add-on: On the interface where users submit orders, we can recommend packages or coupons to them based on their historical orders or behavior paths. For example, you can recommend "your favorite dishes" to them, or combine them with offers to increase their likelihood of trying new products, such as "great deals".

Order cancellation retention: For customer behavior that has been selected multiple times but ultimately canceled the order, we can formulate corresponding marketing strategies, such as providing coupons to retain customers. If the customer cancels the order (the reason may be that they don't want it anymore...) Or if they don't pay for the add-on, the system will automatically issue them a coupon.

We will continue to follow up on the customer's subsequent orders, dig deep and analyze the user's characteristics, and if the customer is retained, we will identify the customer's user profile in detail and define it as a user group that is "sensitive to promotions", so as to improve the shopping experience of such users.

How to design the user journey in digital customer experience management

At the moment, research on customer service experience within the industry is still in its infancy. With the advent of the development stage of the retail industry guided by the idea of "user-centric", customer service experience will definitely become a new trend.

This article was originally published by @闯爷 on Everyone is a Product Manager. Reproduction without permission is prohibited

The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0

The views in this article only represent the author's own, everyone is a product manager, and the platform only provides information storage space services.

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