
North Korea fired more than 200 shells, and war will break out on the Korean Peninsula this year?


Recently, the DPRK's artillery test firing in the West Sea has aroused widespread public concern. In this regard, various analysts believe that the possibility of war on the Korean Peninsula in 2024 is unlikely, and the main reasons include that North Korea has nuclear weapons to defend itself, Japan and South Korea expect to avoid conflict because they are worried about their own security, and China and Russia maintain consensus on this issue and hope to maintain peace and stability on the peninsula. However, if the United States, South Korea, or Japan dare to take action, anything could happen.

According to information from North Korea, on the 18th local time, North Korea successfully tested as many as 200 howitzer shells in the West Sea area. It is reported that the shooting was aimed at showing North Korea's determination to defend its motherland, and at the same time warning other countries not to act rashly. Although the test was not far from the North-controlled area on the maritime border between South Korea and North Korea, South Korea has asked nearby residents to evacuate urgently.

North Korea fired more than 200 shells, and war will break out on the Korean Peninsula this year?

There are also many people who wonder why North Korea can't put pressure on the international community through the nuclear issue or reach a ceasefire agreement with other interested parties, as it has done in the past? With the continuous advancement of technology, the North Korean nuclear issue can no longer be easily resolved in a moment. All parties should face up to the current situation and properly handle this matter. In the process, both China and Russia have been staunchly supportive of a peaceful solution to the North Korean nuclear issue.

North Korea fired more than 200 shells, and war will break out on the Korean Peninsula this year?

In addition, issues such as the negotiation of a peace treaty between Japan and South Korea and the development of the northern part of the peninsula are also worthy of attention. On February 9-10, 2023, the foreign ministers of the United States, Japan, and South Korea held the first round of negotiations on the signing of a peace treaty. However, whether the relevant agreement can be successfully reached depends on whether the three countries can make substantial progress on key issues such as economic interests and security guarantees. Against this backdrop, Japan and South Korea are also concerned about the security of their capitals and their environs.

In spite of the many complex factors and variables, we still have reason to believe that with the efforts of China, Russia and other parties, the Korean Peninsula will surely usher in a glorious prospect of peace and stability in the near future.

North Korea fired more than 200 shells, and war will break out on the Korean Peninsula this year?

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