
As the saying goes, "If you don't give away the four things for the New Year, you will give away the people and money", which four things do you refer to? Be careful not to commit taboos

author:An Ann tells a story A2lK

In China, there are many traditional Xi and taboos, including "four days of the New Year". The meaning of this statement is that there are four things that cannot be given away casually during the Chinese New Year, otherwise it will bring bad luck. So, what are these four things, and why can't they be sent? Let's talk about them.

We can't send clocks. In traditional Chinese culture, the pronunciation of a clock is similar to that of "sending people to death", which means to send people to death, which is very unlucky. Therefore, it is not appropriate to give it to friends and relatives or to customers.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away the four things for the New Year, you will give away the people and money", which four things do you refer to? Be careful not to commit taboos

We can't deliver shoes. In traditional Chinese beliefs, the pronunciation of shoes is similar to "evil", which means to bring bad luck. Therefore, giving shoes is also seen as a taboo. Moreover, factors such as the size and comfort of the shoes will affect a person's walking, and if the shoes sent are not suitable, it may also cause trouble to people.

We can't send umbrellas. In the traditional Chinese concept, the pronunciation of the umbrella is similar to "san", which means scattering wealth, scattering families, and scattering people. Therefore, giving an umbrella is considered an unlucky act. Moreover, an umbrella is a daily item, and if the umbrella sent is not of good quality, it may also cause trouble for people.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away the four things for the New Year, you will give away the people and money", which four things do you refer to? Be careful not to commit taboos

We can't send knives and scissors. In traditional Chinese concepts, the pronunciation of knives and scissors is similar to "cut", which means to cut off relationships and wealth. Therefore, sending knives and scissors is considered an unlucky act. Moreover, knives and scissors are sharp objects, and if the quality of the knives and scissors sent is not good, it may also cause harm to people.

The above is all the content of "Four Don't Send for the New Year". Although these traditional Xi and taboos may no longer be strictly observed in modern society, understanding the cultural meaning behind them is very helpful for us to better understand and respect traditional Chinese culture. At the same time, we can also avoid these taboos when giving gifts, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to others.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away the four things for the New Year, you will give away the people and money", which four things do you refer to? Be careful not to commit taboos

In this busy modern society, we may overlook these traditional Xi and taboos for a variety of reasons. However, when we dig deeper into them, we will find that these Xi and taboos actually contain deep humanistic care and life wisdom. They remind us to respect everyone's Xi and beliefs, to value our relationships with others, and to value our wealth and health.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away the four things for the New Year, you will give away the people and money", which four things do you refer to? Be careful not to commit taboos

"Four New Year Gifts" is an important expression of traditional Chinese culture, which reflects the Chinese's awe for life and the importance of interpersonal relationships. Although these Xi and taboos may no longer be strictly observed in modern society, understanding the cultural meaning behind them is very helpful for us to better understand and respect traditional Chinese culture.