
The man lost the 6 bank cards in his wallet with full passwords, and the police reminded: Don't do it

author:I crouched in the corner and watched the world

In the small square of the city station railway station in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a warm and thrilling drama was staged.

Mr. Guo, a traveler, an ordinary person who is usually unknown, accidentally picked up a bag, which was not ordinary, containing a full 18,000 yuan in cash, 6 bank cards, and a note full of payment passwords.

Oh, this is really a "pie in the sky" good thing, but our Mr. Guo is not the kind of person who sees money, he chose to call the police.

The man lost the 6 bank cards in his wallet with full passwords, and the police reminded: Don't do it

After the police learned about the situation, they accompanied Mr. Guo back to the scene where he picked up the wallet, and sure enough, he met the anxious owner.

The owner, a year's savings from a year's part-time job were in that bag, because he was afraid of forgetting the password, so he wrote all the passwords on paper, but he didn't expect to leave the bag behind during the break.

Fortunately, the property was not lost, and the police also advised the owner not to put the payment password and bank card in the wallet at the same time in the future.

The man lost the 6 bank cards in his wallet with full passwords, and the police reminded: Don't do it

It reminds me of the little blessings and thrills that are everywhere in our lives.

Sometimes, life is like a play, we are all actors in the play, it's just that sometimes we don't know the script, and we can only rely on our own intuition and kindness to interpret it.

The man lost the 6 bank cards in his wallet with full passwords, and the police reminded: Don't do it

Mr. Guo's kindness allows us to see the beauty of human nature.

He did not lose himself because of temporary interests, but chose to call the police to help the owner find the lost property.

This kindness makes us believe that there are still many good people in this world.

The man lost the 6 bank cards in his wallet with full passwords, and the police reminded: Don't do it

The carelessness of the owner shows us the helplessness of life.

A year's savings were almost lost, but fortunately I met Mr. Guo and was able to recover them.

The due diligence of the police has shown us social justice. After learning about the situation, they immediately accompanied Mr. Guo back to the scene to help the owner recover the lost property.

This kind of due diligence makes us believe that as long as there are such policemen, society will be better.

The man lost the 6 bank cards in his wallet with full passwords, and the police reminded: Don't do it

This story allows us to see the beauty of human nature, the helplessness of life, and the justice of society.

It reminds us that in life, we still have to have a kind heart, and kindness is the background color of our life.

We also have to remind ourselves that in life, we must be more careful, not every time there will be a good person like Mr. Guo.

I would also like to thank those police officers who are doing their duty, and their existence makes our lives better.
