
[Merchant infringement] Yang Mi was accused of applying for a compulsory apology and compensation of 18,470 yuan

author:All are foam LXS

The image of the Chinese goddess Yang Mi was used infringingly by the merchant, and Yang Mi resolutely took legal action and won the lawsuit! The court sentenced the merchant to pay 18,470 yuan in compensation and asked to publicly apologize to Yang Mi. This shocking news sparked heated discussions among netizens, and everyone expressed their support for it!

Merchant infringement, Yang Mi bravely pursued!

As a high-profile star, Yang Mi has always maintained high popularity and a good image. Recently, however, she has been faced with a commercial infringement problem. A merchant used Yang Mi's image for publicity without her authorization and consent.

[Merchant infringement] Yang Mi was accused of applying for a compulsory apology and compensation of 18,470 yuan

Yang Mi did not tolerate such infringements! She actively took legal action and filed a lawsuit to protect her rights and interests. This courage to say "no" to the infringement has also won the admiration of many fans and supporters.

Win the verdict and set an example for celebrities to protect their rights!

After a period of trial, the court finally ruled that the merchant was infringing, ordered Yang Mi to compensate Yang Mi 18,470 yuan, and asked her to apologize publicly. This verdict not only serves justice for Yang Mi, but also sets an example for other celebrities to defend their rights.

[Merchant infringement] Yang Mi was accused of applying for a compulsory apology and compensation of 18,470 yuan

This verdict sends a clear signal to the whole society: no business can wantonly infringe on the image rights and interests of celebrities, otherwise they will bear legal responsibility. This also won more protection and respect for the stars, and further maintained the good order of the entertainment industry.

[Merchant infringement] Yang Mi was accused of applying for a compulsory apology and compensation of 18,470 yuan

Netizens solidarity and call for stronger copyright protection!

Yang Mi's rights protection action this time has aroused widespread attention and solidarity from netizens. Everyone has expressed their support for celebrities to protect their image rights and interests, hoping to strengthen copyright protection and crack down on infringement more severely.

At the same time, some netizens also called on the public to raise awareness of copyright, not to blindly disseminate and forward unauthorized works, and to jointly create a social environment that respects intellectual property rights.

Yang Mi has a firm attitude and protects the rights and interests of the image!

In the face of the infringement of merchants, Yang Mi showed a firm attitude and courage. She not only defends her rights through legal channels, but also actively participates in industry organizations to promote the improvement of relevant laws and regulations to provide greater protection for the image rights and interests of celebrities.

This victory is not only a victory for Yang Mi alone, but also an example for the entire entertainment industry. I believe that under the leadership of Yang Mi, more and more celebrities will stand up bravely, safeguard their image rights and interests, and make greater contributions to the healthy development of the industry.

The image of the Chinese goddess Yang Mi was infringed by the merchants, triggering a strong counterattack from her. The court's decision has set an example for celebrities to defend their rights, and has received support from many netizens and calls for stronger copyright protection. Yang Mi firmly defends his image rights and interests, so as to set an example for others!