
The time of the year is the most important time to nourish yang qi! Do 3 small things well, nourish enough qi and blood and strengthen muscles and bones

author:The world is hospitable

In a cozy cottage on the outskirts of the capital, Aunt Li was sitting quietly in front of the window, with a little tiredness in her eyes. As a retired teacher, her life should have been full of leisure and tranquility, but lately, she feels that her body does not seem to be as vibrant as it used to be. The warm spring sun shone through the window on her face, but it couldn't warm her body, which felt more and more weak.

Every morning, when she gets up to start the day, she always feels heavy, like she is carrying an indescribable weight. You will be short of breath after walking a few steps, and you will get tired easily when you do housework. What gave Aunt Li the most headache was that her joints protested from time to time, especially in the humid spring, and whenever the temperature changed, her knees were like a weather forecaster, accurately "predicting" the change in the weather.

The time of the year is the most important time to nourish yang qi! Do 3 small things well, nourish enough qi and blood and strengthen muscles and bones

In fact, many middle-aged and elderly friends like her have similar troubles. In spring, everything recovers, and it stands to reason that the human body should be at its most vigorous, but why do so many people feel unwell? Aunt Li has tried a variety of ways to improve her health, including eating health products, doing exercise, and even trying some popular fast health regimens, but the results are not very satisfactory.

Aunt Li's life seems to be getting harder and harder. Despite trying various ways to improve her health, such as changing her diet Xi habits and increasing the amount of light exercise, she still feels heavy and lacks energy. Every time she wanted to pick up the pace or try a new activity, she was always dragged down by that invisible fatigue and pain in her joints. She began to wonder that maybe as she got older, this was the reality she had to accept.

The time of the year is the most important time to nourish yang qi! Do 3 small things well, nourish enough qi and blood and strengthen muscles and bones

However, a chance encounter completely changed Aunt Li's concept. An old friend of hers invited her to a lecture on traditional wellness. At first, Aunt Li didn't expect much from this, but she thought that at least she could go out for a walk and maybe learn a useful thing or two.

During the lecture, an energetic TCM expert introduced the importance of nurturing yang qi in spring and suggested three simple but effective ways to improve health and strengthen physical fitness. Aunt Li's eyes lit up, and she felt as if this information was directly addressed to her. These three things are:

Morning Outdoor Walks: Experts emphasize that the fresh air of spring mornings is full of life and yang. He recommends spending 20 to 30 minutes walking outdoors every morning to not only absorb the sunlight of nature, but also stimulate the body's qi and blood circulation.

Eat warm food in moderation: Spring is also a good time to nourish your spleen and stomach. Experts mention that moderate consumption of some warm and tonic foods, such as red dates, ginger, green onions, and garlic, can help enhance the body's yang energy and qi and blood.

The time of the year is the most important time to nourish yang qi! Do 3 small things well, nourish enough qi and blood and strengthen muscles and bones

Gentle Tai Chi or Qigong Xi: Traditional Tai Chi and Qigong not only help relax the body and mind, but also strengthen the muscles and bones and regulate the endocrine system, which has a significant effect on improving the body's yang energy and immunity.

As Auntie Li began to practice these three little things—daily morning exercises, a reasonable diet, and regular TCM massages—she found that her life began to change subtly. What was originally thought to be a simple step is not easy to operate. Morning exercise requires overcoming laziness, adjusting diet requires changing years of Xi, and TCM massage requires finding the right master and time. Aunt Li encountered a lot of challenges and confusion in the process, and sometimes even wanted to give up.

However, just when she was feeling lost, she attended a community-organized health talk. There, she met a helpful doctor who patiently answered her doubts and encouraged her to persevere. The doctor explained that adjusting life Xi is not an overnight thing, it takes time and patience, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, the changes in the body may be more slow. But as long as you persevere, you will definitely feel the change.

The time of the year is the most important time to nourish yang qi! Do 3 small things well, nourish enough qi and blood and strengthen muscles and bones

Encouraged to pick herself up, Auntie Li began to pay more attention to methods and details, such as choosing a morning exercise program that suits her physical strength, adjusting her diet according to her personal constitution, and finding an experienced masseur for regular treatment. After a few months, she was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did she have more physical strength, but her joint pain was also significantly relieved, and even her family said that she looked more energetic.