
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

author:Longnan Kang County released

Since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the county party committee and the county government, and under the careful guidance of the organization department of the county party committee, Anmen Town has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China by learning and Xi implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and taking the "three grasping and three promoting" action as the starting point, strengthening the leadership of party building, comprehensively deepening the 1234 working method of Longnan Civil Straight Talk, and efficiently promoting the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization, the development of characteristic industries, and grassroots social governance. The creation of rural customs and civilization and other key tasks, with high-quality party building to lead the town's economic and social high-quality development.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

Strengthen organizational leadership and highlight political leadership. The Party Committee of Anmen Town has continuously strengthened its sense of responsibility, organized and listed the tasks of party building, focused on the key points of grassroots party building work in the town, and further consolidated the "four-party responsibility" of section-level cadres, party building instructors, first secretaries, and branch secretaries by holding party committee meetings to further consolidate the "four-party responsibility" of section-level cadres, party building instructors, first secretaries, and branch secretaries, and compacted the responsibility system of "one post and two responsibilities" of the leadership team, so as to ensure that the majority of party members and cadres firmly establish the sense of political responsibility for grassroots party building.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

Strengthen the Xi of theory and build a solid ideological foundation. Strengthen the study of political theory Xi as an important measure to strengthen the political ideals and beliefs of party members and cadres, and always take the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech as the "first topic". Innovative learning and Xi methods, with the "six learnings" (spirit of the meeting, laws and regulations, three rural policies, traditional culture, leadership speeches, business knowledge) as the index, with the party committee theoretical Xi central group, cadres and workers regular meeting, "three meetings and one lesson" as the carrier, to further promote the party members and cadres to learn the Xi of the new normal and effective, and actively organize and carry out the special rotation training class for cadres at the two levels of the town and village at the shore gate to study Xi and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and continuously improve the ability of town and village cadres to perform their duties.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

Grasp the construction of branches and build strong fighting fortresses. Each party branch pays attention to the development of party members from outstanding youth, veterans, wealthy leaders and other groups, comprehensively enriches the reserve force, leads party members to take the lead, set an example, and be a pioneer in rural revitalization and serving the masses, and provides new ideas, injects fresh blood, and adds new vitality to the high-quality economic and social development of the town, and develops 10 party members and accepts 10 probationary party members throughout the year. At the same time, we will continue to standardize the organizational life systems such as "three meetings and one lesson", organizational life meetings, theme party days, and democratic evaluation of party members, comprehensively improve the level of standardization and standardization of grassroots party organizations, build a strong grassroots fighting fortress, and vigorously promote the comprehensive progress and comprehensive excellence of grassroots party organizations.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

Improve business capabilities and optimize team building. Pay close attention to the goal of "two strong and two modernizations" of the village cadre team, insist on taking a good source, broaden the horizon, and select and strengthen the team of village party organization secretaries. We will continue to promote the improvement of academic qualifications, innovate education and training methods, build a platform to help them pair, continuously improve the performance ability and work level of town and village cadres, and conduct a total of 4 training courses to improve business ability. At the same time, the town Commission for Discipline Inspection took the lead in setting up a "three grasping and three promoting" action supervision group, taking the discovery of problems as the starting point and solving the problem as the foothold, establishing the "54321" working mechanism, and supervising the work through data access, open and secret visits, public exposure, on-site assignment, tracking and questioning, etc., so as to provide a solid organizational guarantee for high-quality development.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

Develop industries that enrich the people and empower rural revitalization. We will vigorously enhance and consolidate the development of the "1149" industry in the town, and actively build a mechanism of "extending the chain, strengthening the chain and supplementing the chain" around the four major industries of health tourism, edible fungi, characteristic forest fruit planting, and characteristic breeding. Innovate the model of "village party branch + company (base) + cooperative + capable people + masses", coordinate the planting, sales, processing, sightseeing and tourism of the kiwifruit industry, and make every effort to build a "52 ecological farm", further accelerate the quality and efficiency of the industry, and promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The development of characteristic industries of "one village, one industry" and "one village, one scene" has played a "song of enriching the people" of increasing agricultural efficiency and farmers' income.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

Activate governance efficiency and help build safety. Give full play to the leading role of grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members and the masses in grass-roots governance, improve and improve the grid management mechanism, take the opportunity of the full implementation of the "1234" work method of Longnan civil direct talk, and take the "grid + police" service management as the support, timely eliminate and prevent risks and hidden dangers, smooth the channels for the expression of mass demands, resolve contradictions and disputes in a diversified manner, conscientiously practice the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and realize the transformation from "passive stability maintenance" to "active stability". At the same time, it is closely integrated with various tasks such as the party-mass activity day and the extension of CPPCC consultations to the grassroots level, and constantly promotes the level of rural social governance to achieve new results. Up to now, a total of 89 contradictions and disputes have been investigated in the town, and all of them have been resolved, with a mediation rate of 100%.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

Improve the service system and advocate a new style of civilization. Combine the creation of a national civilized city with the practice of civilization in the new era, constantly review and summarize work experience, continue to innovate work methods, actively practice work measures, create 1 civilized practice institute, 20 practice stations, and 3 practice bases, take volunteer service activities as the starting point, and explore the formation of "12345" (one platform, two links, three-level grid, four-level position, Five Practices) work model, the creation of "Home for the Elderly", "Ganyu with the car" public welfare bazaar, "one hour a week", "weekend desk", "red volunteer service team under the willow tree", "beautiful courtyard" and other volunteer service brands, relying on the new era of civilization practice stations in each village to continue to promote positive social energy, establish a new trend of civilization, and gather a strong synergy for the development of high-quality shore gates.

【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together
【Township Dynamics】Anmen Town: Party building leads a strong foundation and cohesion and forges ahead together

(Source: Anmen Town Party Committee)